2 step shake can be argued as 3rd times the charm rule. Do thing twice then it works the 3rd time, unpatentable as its in most video games, typically for boss fights.
Isn't in that episode the Earth is being destroyed because the sun is going supernova? So its not so much they are blowing it up but at that point in the show no one has every stopped something on that scale before.
I'd say that's a little different.
Reduce CO2 footprint, from eating food grown in labs that are 1000x more energy consuming than farms.
Sure bud.
Considering the last Gundam game was shut down in less than a year, who cares about another future failure from a franchise that's been irrelevant for 2 decades
It is a very childish series. The government agents are buffoons and you have to forget that Wade is a sheriff and would have guns and their 'battlesuits' look like those things Matt Damon wore in Elysium, actually I am 90% certain that they literally just got those off of some lot storage and added some extra lights to them to repurpose them for this show. So you just think, what if Wade pulled out his gun and just shot them.
The show makes everyone act like they are either cartoonishly evil, like Susie's parents are just totally fine with being accessory to multiple felonies or everyone is much less threatening than they should be.
It won't matter what they change it to, unless it's literally just nonsense like, a&(*()JKL:KJ:jn before the R Shop sign and we'll still get an article up about that also still means black people.
So the solution is to return it to Hard R Shop and tell everyone to shut the fuck up about it or erase everything on the wall and make it completely blank
She's distancing herself from the allegations around how she treated her crew members and with Diddy getting in trouble it's likely she was connected somehow and is trying to run away before she gets caught too.
200 Million production budget 200 Million marketing budget for their 100th year anniversary movie Movie needs near a billion dollars to not be a failure.
Now im no jew so I don't fully get all the bs laws they wrote to control everything. But wasn't blackballing made illegal to stop white people from not hiring minorities preemptively. Surely the fact that they go to Ivy League schools for all the connections and now they seemingly wont get them, someones going to sue right?
What I've always heard was that it was a contract issue that when they purchased the rights to distribute the anime, somehow they fucked up and that didn't include any of the script so they weren't allowed to use that to translate it and thus had to create a script all on their own so each day it was whoever came in first dictated how a scene went and they just had to base on something related to ghosts to fit the shows theme
All of these 'legends' returning means nothing if they are just told by executives that they have to write more gay trash. Either that has to become a policy that no more gays in comics for a decade or they aren't going to do enough to actually make sales.
And no, you can't have gays in stories, because then everything has to revolve around them being gay. All conflict in a gay character's book is related to how gay they are. Villain attacks them, it's because they are gay. Can't get groceries, it's because they are gay. Have any sort of drama between them, it's the gay thing again.
That's all it ever becomes.
AI art isn't killing anything, that some fuckhead was able to sell a banana taped to a wall for $120,000 and that was called art is what is killing the industry.
People are seeing that art is a meaningless term, less than meaningless because at least at that point it wouldn't make or cost anything but when I can fling shit on a canvas and people have to say it's art or be 'uncultured' means that art itself has no purpose AI just allows everyone to make something they might like and it cuts out the low skill hacks who realized they won't be making money since they can't even rise above what computer learning can produce
Be me: Using Microsoft word to write up all the different charges Be me: go to save it, instead scroll down to the email tab Be me: open that tab and type in the names of the people it is being emailed to Be me: go over and hit send Be me: whoops I meant to hit save, the little icon at the top of the screen that doesn't require me to open up any menus and that this file had been worked on for days wouldn't require me to save to a file location as it already exists Be me: thinking people are actually stupid enough to believe this sequence of events was ever possible.
For all these countries I keep hearing this movie is banned in, somehow this film is still making money? Either the chink dollars are that strong because they got their 9 Dash Line in the film or someone's dumping a ton of money to fake ticket sales because otherwise they gotta drop Margot Robbie and she probably gives out mad head to directors.
Kike more
There's cuckservative jew worship. Don't do anything, that might be mean and everyone knows when you fight against child raping mass murdering city burning terrorists, if you're mean then people will support the demons who will kill and enslave them all.
Fuck you faggot bitch, if they aren't getting punished for billions of damages every single year, we can do the same but because we aren't fucking room temperature iq niggers we can actually cause more efficient damage.
All it takes is a few mason jars of chloramine gas thrown into crowded buildings and you can bet your ass that they stop this faggot shit.
Fuck you kike fag. Taking a faux moral high ground has never worked, if it did them we wouldnt have fake doctors chopping kids dicks and tits off and bolting rotting flesh cocks to them. Either adopt better tactics or die like a coward. Clearly chimping out like niggers across the country made every cop bend the knee and legislation was passed immediately. We burn down a few cities and we'll get the results we want.
There are some studies that indicate incorporating a physical aspect to learning that allows it to stick in with people who have difficulty just sitting in a desk being lectured at. Which isn't too out there, the best way to learn the rules of a sport is to play it and you can translate a lot of that to most types of learning. Additionally there isn't anything wrong with getting kids to practice basic aerobic exercise so that they can do so in the future without the complaint of. "Well no one taught me how to do a push up or squat."
To hurt the company additionally, next time you are at the store grab a couple of B&J ice cream tubs and walk around the aisles with them but then put them on a non-freezer shelf, if anyone complains just say you decided you didn't want it any more. The further away the better. Spoiled food eventually hurts the companies sales numbers and they order less and less which turns into even fewer sales.
Sure, Macron is right, if people weren't so focused on video games, movies or sportsball then they'd all be paying attention to the sandnigger riots and would have done something about this. But I doubt that Macron would be amenable to making that argument about the entertainment Jew machine
If your government turns you into an untouchable, take full advantage of it. Take whatever you want, they already aren't going to treat you the same.
Go buy with a bucket of tar or something and just pour it over in the night. A substance that is notably horrible for removal and covers it up so everytime they have to send out these crews, eventually it will cost them millions of dollars just to keep it pristine and you can show that they would rather spend that much money on a tiny patch of asphalt rather than fund schools or any other programs.
Make being gay a massive drain on the taxpayers to the point that they refuse to pay taxes when the funds are this misappropriated
Actually yes, they are specificlly banned from doing just that.
You know some jew is kvetching right now that they can't put a price tag on the air itself.
The system gave her free money and free housing and she went on to make millions shaking her ass and making terrible music, in what world was the system against her.