The fact the user needed to make a sock puppet like a coward to upload the mod ... Had they not been a coward and had they used their main account instead...
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Just like you can't be racist towards whites, you can't cancel anything leftist. They need to check their privilege.
Also I remember one of the streets of rage games had a playable female
Blaze. Retired cop. 21. When I went round to my friend's house I always picked her. She was the fastest. Now that would be seen as evidence of some kind of childhood dysphoria but it never done me any harm. I still don't want to be a woman.
Does this balding transage transnationality transwoman playing Gaelic against 16yr olds and beating them have NO SHAME?
I'm sure I'm not the only one here with "liberal" parents. When I was young they were still under the influence of their own conservative parents though, so I was free to be a child.
Is abortion trans genocide now?
I do not recognize a single name. I must be a philistine.
"Peer review" should be by AI only, when they've finally developed the technology.
I have a parallel issue with people who say they "have" something. They "have" depression (more often than not, neuroses). They "have" anxiety. No, "you are [depressed]". It's not an alien inside of you. It's you. Sounds petty, and maybe it is irrelevant, but language is important and that type of language helps take a certain responsibility off of them.
It'll be Elliot Page, starring as Logan Croft. I've never heard of this "Lara Croft." Any games or films that featured "Lara Croft" are offensive and never existed.
We might not be able to live the life of Bond or die in valour like Leonidas, but we can identify as an attack helicopter just like Airwolf.
Must just be force of habit. There aren't many media companies deserving of a click. We're trying to create a parallel economy here...
"Whitey woman" 🤣
No, I was being completely serious. Until I read this:
Andersson came under widespread scrutiny earlier this week after it was revealed he had written an academic article in which he admitted to masturbating to fantasy child sexual abuse material for three months as part of his “research.”
What kind of "research" is that!? And since he is a PhD student, that means he got paid to wank over hentai and then write about it. And not even ordinary hentai.
Do you see things getting better? How long can the political right play the strong, silent type? I'm not advocating for violence myself, but more forcible actions that would probably result in it - first from the state, and then retaliatory. Do buying comic books from Eric July and making small protests at drag queen child catching events constitute a parallel economy and securing families? I don't see much bigger happening. The Republicans controlled the House when the current degeneracy really began accelerating.
Lots of black women on Twitter are screeching that he deserved it because he preferred them white and blonde... But those incels eh? What a cesspool.
The article he wrote was peer reviewed so I don't see what the issue is? I didn't realize that everyone here was anti-science.
It's a race to the bottom in the Anglosphere.
Australia 1990s and earlier seemed like paradise to me, from the other side of the world...
I see more broke, unemployed, fat, balding, pathetic losers with than without girlfriends.
Not under 40 I don't, and I live in the same place.
Christian "forgiveness" and "tolerance" holds a share of the blame for what is happening now in the West.
He literally said we are crazy for believing gay men molested the kids, because the truth is, women specially engineered monkeypox to infect only men.
There's something really funny about his earnestness when saying stuff like that!
He should have his own channel. Welcome To The Real World with TheImpossible1. "You have been lied to. Strap in. It's kind of scary."
He makes a good point that always needs to be constantly and tiresomely repeated that cancelation is about severely restricting a person's access, influence, and perceived prestige, and not a literal vanishing of that person. Leftists love to gaslight about that. I'm sure they would love the literal vanishing (to the gulag) too if it actually happened. And only counter-establishment figures can be cancelled, as leftists have leftist privilege (and can't possibly understand.) But you are right about him complaining now simply because he is a target. If he was truly woken up by their behaviour, he would take a look back in history. That was what I did.