His predecessor, former Gov. and current Sen. Rick (Voldemort) Scott already cancelled global warming and sea level rise.
Not quite grasping the concept of what's happening, like typical, poorly educated leftits. He's not canceling it, so much as piling rocks on top of it, waiting for the tide to roll in. It's a gradual but clearly defined process with a realistic goal.
These are the top comments on preddit:
Not quite grasping the concept of what's happening, like typical, poorly educated leftits. He's not canceling it, so much as piling rocks on top of it, waiting for the tide to roll in. It's a gradual but clearly defined process with a realistic goal.
Haha sorry, we don't care about being hypocrites anymore.
Just like you can't be racist towards whites, you can't cancel anything leftist. They need to check their privilege.