True story, and the reason why wasps are probably the most diverse insect group there is because so many of them parasitise other things.
It's like rule 34, except rather than "there will be porn of it", it's "there will be a parasitoid wasp for it".
The only real advantage locusts have is they are like goats and will eat absolutely everything possible.
Yield wise holometabolic larvae are better as they are literal eating machines with the sole purpose of building energy reserves to then change into an adult form, which is sometimes aphagous in the case of some moths so what the caterpillar eats is the only energy intake that insect will ever accomplish.
Larvae mean fewer unpalatable body parts like wings, legs, and at times significant carapace developments, but it's still not something many in the world, notably in the West, want to consume as historically animal protein has come from domestic farm animals such as cattle, goats/sheep, swine, and fowl.
Worth noting that it's always cattle and swine herds that these arguments are against while ignoring fowl despite their broader range of consumables as well as utility options based around their plumage.
Obviously there's the actual animal to consume but there are also eggs which can either be consumed directly or used as ingredients for more complex foods. Fowl being smaller than cattle are not only faster to reach maturity but also easier to raise by comparison in terms of both feed requirements and ranging location. Sure cattle can "only" need grass but that requires having the grass in the first place both in terms of quality and quantity. Fowl however can happily live in woodland areas living off anything small enough for them to swallow.
Yet eco-warriors never bother to champion fowl as a possible alternative to cattle, most likely because it's not about one or the other, it's about control.
Don't forget the editorial fuck up where Amass names the wrong character.
Cover page character in gold is Tempo, a mutant with time powers. The blurb page even names her twice,
Yet later on Amass names Tempus, a different mutant with time powers.
Probably to bfw expected with characters of similar powers and monikers, it's certainly a mix up I've made before but then I'm just a comic reader and not an editor working for Marvel comics. 🙄
One that might almost make someone have to question their assumptions about who and/or why downvotes were happening.
Not really since quite a few people have outright admitted to down voting him as well as explained why. The answers are repeatedly dismissed though despite how often they might get posted because it's less interesting than a grand conspiracy that "the Man Wxmxn" is out to get Imp1 which isn't very interesting to start with.
I once watched a video of someone doing a wheelie into oncoming traffic before getting taken out by a car. The cyclist was fine but was still stupid enough to complain about having just been hit as if something else was going to happen.
As in on the actual road? Isn't that going to suffer general wear and tear from traffic regardless of any additional activities? 🤔
Also if this is the case then it's been shown doing this causes the following problems:
It fucks with car sensors because they aren't calibrated for colour
It spooks horses on the roads
I would hope so since it was 2 days ago
It's the current product to consoom and normies with no meaning in their lives want to feel part of something so all watch what they are told to then repeat the same ~~ NPC coding~~ talking points to each other that are similarly given to them.
Greenland looks like a war zone.
Greenland is a desolate artic waste and only has a population of 56.6k. 6 homicides would be enough to earn it the second highest rating.
They should have made 10-20 a light orange, or made 20+ Black.
They should have posted the actual numbers as this is where the concept of "lies, damned lies, and statistics" comes in play. As mentioned in the case of Greenland only 6 homicides are needed to earn the second top rating. Only 12 would be needed for the top. Meanwhile the USA would need over 33'200 homicides to quality for the second top rating and over 66'400 for the top one.
Going from 33'200 to 33'206 would probably be considered a rounding error and even if it weren't it wouldn't really matter when the population involved is a third of a billion. Going from 6 to 12 however when your population is only that of a dial up modem is not only a 100% increase in homicides but also enough to change your rating on that second map despite the fact the increase in both countries would be the same number.
Not that the first map is any better seeing as how it is measuring "guns per 100 people" and the USA has the largest military in the world 🙄
Gamers 2 is the best of the trilogy and if anyone wants to watch just one of them then Dorkness Rising should always be that choice. There's a slight reference to something from the first one but apart from that it's very standalone and is best summed up as "a role-playing movie made by role-players for role-players".
Similar to the first movie It pokes fun at a lot of the stereotypes in DND but with a better budget and slightly better acting. The recurring jokes about the Paladin and his "lawful stupid" alignment are particularly good, as is everything involving the Bard.
Who do in fact suck as mentioned elsewhere.
the Portland subreddit is coping by all claiming they shop elsewhere so it doesn't affect them
They'll need extra strength copium when other companies start following suit now that Walmart is establishing a precedent.
Pet culls happened in 1939 as well and it turned out to be unnecessary. Many who went through with it unsurprisingly expressed regret.
From a few other places I've seen this discussed a lot of the comments have been "I'd kill anyone who killed my cat" without appearing to read the whole thing where the policy would have required the cat owners to be the ones culling their pets. While I am not the biggest fan of cats the sheer gall of the UK gov considering making the owners carry out the policy is unreal. As odd as it would seem given other liberties that have been stomped on this would have likely resulted in riots.
He'd be out a job otherwise.