DefinitelyNotIGN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Complaining that they merely exist is a common Leftist trait. They recoil from fanservice or traditionally attractive women like they're Judge Claude Frollo or something.

DefinitelyNotIGN 14 points ago +15 / -1

I don't think I've met a single person, even the stormfags on here, who hate Jews "for their ethnicity". For the atrocities some have committed in Gaza? Sure, plenty, that's the "in" thing in universities nowadays it seems. For then forcing those they attacked into being refugees into other countries when Isreal should have been the closest safe harbor? Yup, lots of people mention that one. For their in-group biases? Of course I've seen a couple complain about it in this very thread.

But I don't think I've ever in my life seen someone who hates a Jew just because of their weakness to sickle-cell anemia, or any other basic racial trait. It's pretty reliably always been something they've done, either individually or as a general stereotypical case, and not something they simply are in basic physical traits.

DefinitelyNotIGN 15 points ago +15 / -0

Vandalism, harassment, public nuisance, sexual misconduct, disturbing the peace, basically what you'd expect someone humping a statue of a female war victim would get.

DefinitelyNotIGN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Restrict the size of the image, because otherwise it simply gives advantage to those with more tokens/processingpower/time. (or simply, max 1024x1024). I don't think the size needs to be more restrictive than that, personally. If you ask for a 3/4s shot of a 1girl, most people are going to default to 1:1, 2:3, 3:4, or 1:2.

I'd say to avoid "artstyle" in your categories, simply because that results in things looking very samey. On the one hand, things looking samey means its easier to determine a "winner", but on the other hand, it's more boring. Give an idea, and let people go wild. They want to run a pastel oil LORA or an Instagram LORA or a thin-line pencil sketch LORA? Go wild! More fun results that way.

To avoid this looking like you just ran out of tokens and are asking competent people who can run A1111 to make your own gens for you, I'd say the prompt would need to be either fairly vague but gaming-oriented, or otherwise be voted on by the community, or decided not by you, but by the judges.

Personal opinion: It should be handled a bit like a cooking competition show: Each judge gets to ask one component of the gen (be it a mandatory prompt, a mandatory LORA at a specific strength, a theme, or just a "feeling" they want in the gen), and then freestyle beyond that, to see what abominations people can whip up.

DefinitelyNotIGN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. But in the EU's case, they're going to torture the sheep for voting against the wolves on dining choice just for merely disagreeing, before starting their meal.

DefinitelyNotIGN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could imagine worse. There could be three of them!

I can imagine plenty of decent games that could have a millennial girl writer as a main character. A horror game, as either victim or killer protagonist might work, where on the one side they learn the harm and hardship they cause others throughout the game, while on the other they're just a villain protagonist while "marks" could be much more sympathetic and well-written characters.

Alternatively, some kind of otome-game dating sim, where once again, the core flow of the narrative is breaking away from the baseline beginning state character and becoming a better person. As long as you don't abandon the principle that the MC needs to undergo a heroes' journey of some sort, develop, learn from their naive or mistaken past, and come back wiser and better, you can work with pretty much any raw material in character narrative.

And even the most brainrotted of GAlpha slashfic guys penning their first fanfics understand that, so it shouldn't be a high bar to demand from any writing.

DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Canada needs another Luis Riel, otherwise, it might end up being led by people like Luis Riel.

DefinitelyNotIGN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Toronto has one of the largest buildings in the world by footprint, the "PATH". It's an underground labrynth of shops and food courts, almost a mall, that stretches a huge chunk of the city, several miles at least. I looked it up, it's 85 acres large. One building. All underground. in the form of a thin spiderweb, so those acres aren't a nice square to take space, they're hallways upon hallways. People don't like admitting the PATH is a singular building for some reason, but you can walk for 30 minutes in one direction in it, and never see the light of day, only artificial glow. Which to me says its one fuckin' building.

It also links to, like, 6 subways stations, three surface-transit hubs, several grocery stores, and three other ACTUAL malls. It's that large. Wild take, but Toronto sidewalks don't actually need to be cleared all that much. Just... walk on the PATH. I know, it's hard to tell where you're going because it's all endless rows of shops, but it links directly, no outside exposure, has stairwells and elevators, to a whole massive chunk of the skyscrapers in the city, too.

In summary... They don't need to clear the snow! Toronto can petty much just go underground whenever it gets chilly. Walking too slow for you? Take one of those six subway stations!

DefinitelyNotIGN 6 points ago +6 / -0

So, like a vaccine, we need to give little bits of antisemitism to everyone, so their systems get used to it.

DefinitelyNotIGN 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Everyone is talking about this" -> The video better be about the local weather, or it's just clickbait.

DefinitelyNotIGN 6 points ago +6 / -0

He was leftist in the same sense that many of us were: We believed uncritically when we were lied to.

DefinitelyNotIGN 7 points ago +8 / -1

Darnn nazis and their (checks notes) freedom of speech and association!

DefinitelyNotIGN 4 points ago +4 / -0

And Neuro was "fed" raw 4chan threads and twitch chat records in her training data. So while it isn't quite the same thing, it does rhyme.

DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Instead of Phase 1, it really should be called Patient 0.

DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +3 / -0

It has ALWAYS been the worst time, for them. The worst time YET, at least, for it is a never-ending descent into worseness.

DefinitelyNotIGN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Meanwhile, the enlightened Christians decided to just make a compilation of their Book Of x entries, much more efficient.

DefinitelyNotIGN 8 points ago +8 / -0

Who pissed in your soykaf, chummer?

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