DT990P 4 points ago +5 / -1

Perhaps they would. But masturbating to the thought of a couple women from your village is different than jerking it to images of 100’s of different women via high speed Internet porn. Look up the Coolidge effect. What it is is that your brain gets bored with the same stimuli, in your example it’s those same village whores you've thought about a dozen times. Now with internet porn you can see hundreds of different super models in an hour and each new woman is extremely exciting to your brain. It’s the same physiological response one has to something like cocaine or sugary foods. Over time it’s addictive and can damage your brain.

DT990P 6 points ago +6 / -0

Porn and masturbation is not the same as sex with another human.

DT990P 10 points ago +12 / -2

Are you really so confused about the fact that leftists have been brainwashed into becoming activists hyper focused on the “crimes of colonialism” and the “oppression of brown people?” Now over the years the focus of these leftists has been on the west and our governments have bent the knee for these people and we’ve seen society change before our eyes according to their demands. Now I ask you this, is the establishment bending its knee for these anti-zionist/anti-israeli/anti-semitic activists ? No I don’t think so. The establishment remains steadfast in its support of israel.

DT990P 3 points ago +5 / -2

Ironic considering leftists use nazi as a pejorative to keep people in line. You’re a hypocrite, you call for the west to be freed (even implying violence be used) and you insult others who want the same.

DT990P 8 points ago +10 / -2

I think if you’ve been “following along” for the past few years you would understand that their propaganda is incredibly powerful.

DT990P 4 points ago +4 / -0

Umm acktually you mean currency. Money is real.

by Lethn
DT990P 4 points ago +4 / -0

if they are still alive

It’s worth mentioning Usenet. With the right service provider you can still download files uploaded back in 2008-2009.

DT990P 3 points ago +3 / -0

One benefit to disabling the TPM is that Windows will stop bugging you to update to Windows 11

DT990P 9 points ago +10 / -1

For me it was all the black npcs

DT990P 18 points ago +18 / -0

"It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?” -Norm MacDonald

DT990P 3 points ago +3 / -0

You contradict yourself. Blacks in South Africa are at war with the Boer. The midnight raids on farms with murder and rapes, and the new Apartheid laws being passed giving blacks preference over whites are proof of that. It’s revenge right? That’s how they see it. Like the jews killing their oppressors or the indians killing theirs, you said you would have no objections. I don’t recall the comments you’ve made about the ANC but it seems like you’re not being consistent here.

Leftists say a lot of things most of which are bullshit and nobody should take what they say at face value. That quote from Jesus is a lesson that needs no historical context. It’s saying we should give up violence. A wholesome lesson that would improve society today, yesterday, or tomorrow, if taken to heart.

My argument isn’t that the historical context of a statement or song or verse w/e should be ignored obviously it is important. But you cannot isolate it to that context. People read or hear things and they seek to understand it within the context of their lives. If one reads that “the tribe murdered it’s enemies and it was just” doesn’t the reader take to heart the lesson that “killing your enemies (whites) is right?”

DT990P 3 points ago +3 / -0

So you have no objections to blacks in South Africa killing whites because of Apartheid? Or you don’t have any objections to jews killing whites because of the holocaust? You really don’t see how whites may have a problem with this? Your argument is that the religious teaching is completely isolated to thousands of years ago but that’s rubbish. Religious teachings are almost always studied within modern context. Otherwise people wouldn’t care about the lessons. Those in the jewish community are studying the talmud while having the victim mentality hammered into them.

DT990P 25 points ago +25 / -0

Every time we talk about our hopes and fears they call us conspiracy theorists and Nazis.

DT990P 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dude this isn’t the first time GN has called out LTT on their bullshit.

DT990P 7 points ago +7 / -0

Do you understand that large financial firms are offering pretty juicy discounts on loans to corporations based on set “diversity” and “green” goals? Such as “make a certain percentage of your new hires “diverse” over the next x number of years” and in return the borrower gets a discount of 1% on their billion dollar loan. ESG isn’t just going to go away overnight.

DT990P 8 points ago +8 / -0

So let’s give it views? Huh?

DT990P 2 points ago +4 / -2

The religion sets the moral framework of the culture.

DT990P 6 points ago +6 / -0

The model doesn’t understand weapons like guns very well so you could surmise that the dataset didn’t include very many gun related images.

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