None of these men can change a tire on an automobile.
It's low key hilarious that if you run into another civ and it has a black female leader, you know goddamn well you're going to have a problem and will probably end up wiping them out. Tubman has spies/saboteurs making her untrustable and Amina is Sparta so war nonstop. Their character intros are always condescending and nasty. It's very difficult to take them seriously.
Wear it under a dress shirt and tie so you can unveil it dramatically at the perfect time, like a Superman outfit.
I'm not saying conservatives don't use social media, but a conservative posting on Reddit is a waste of time. They've made it crystal clear that they don't want to hear from us, and you're likely to be banned by one of their mods as soon as you infer that you're anything short of anarcho-communist. It's a little different in real life as most of them don't have the courage to rant to your face, but going straight to the hive mind is just bad judgment and futile.
You are not. I ended up buying both but I felt Ronin was a bit of a disappointment. Team Ninja is good at some things but not good at others. There were some shit textures, bad map design, janky combat, and just general game clunkiness that I hadn't seen since the PS3 era or earlier. Wukong felt good to play, was absolutely beautiful, and difficulty never felt cheap.
Everything from 22-24 was pure cope. The echo chamber behind Biden was convinced he really was the Dark Brandon meme and that his weakness was simply a series of low key power moves from a master strategist who also happened to have a speech impediment. His cabinet was hand selected to make excuses for him. Celebrities stood up for him. Agencies misdirected events around him. And while he was being praised as being "full of life" and "sharp as a tack" and "fit for duty" anyone with brains saw him slipping into dementia in real time.
A lot of other forums are still swearing that the leaks about this game are false and encouraging people to pick the game up. Once release hits and facts get out, this game is going to die. I wish there was a way to see percentage numbers on Steam refunds.
I've said it before: their whole world view hinges on everything they care about having a villain, and them being both victims of it and warriors allied against it.
I wonder what it is they think they 'won'? In 2020 an inept candidate from their half of the spectrum was installed and somehow they interpreted his lack of attention as silent consent. They were pleased to be led around by the nose on any issue so long as they were considered proper little heroes, like the Ukraine situation that had them spamming flags on their social media. Even the stuff that did affect their base like student loan forgiveness turned out to be bullshit.
They're willing to proliferate horseshit because they want it to be true. Their whole world view hinges on everything they care about having a villain, and them being both victims of it and warriors allied against it.
The rise of Facebook blocking browser extensions wasn't just a statement thing. They're still essential equipment. It's weird realizing it's been nearly twenty years and this still hasn't changed.
Considering the source, this reeks of one of those "everyone try this and let me know how it works out" type of ideas from someone who has too much to lose by trying it themselves.
Did they all have separate brooms and fly in formation like a flock of geese or did they all get on one big one?
I like that he signed the EO and handed it to someone and directed them to "get this over there right now."
Not tomorrow, not 'in due time', but right fucking now. Get them out immediately. As it should be.
'The sanitary conditions are deteriorating day after day and the teams are facing this situation alone,' it said
Christ it must stink in there. I've seen stories where these people use elevator shafts as infinite trash/piss receptacles and others where they'll break through the floors to use the dirt below as a human litter box.
I hope the crash and burn of Ubisoft, who were one of the strongest standalone brands at one point, scares the absolute living shit out of every studio and publisher out there. They need our approval more than we need them in business at all.
Since they admitted that the Yasuke decision was made because of George Floyd, I wonder if it just stops there or if they were stupid enough to go further into it like having him bound and suffocating before being brought before Nobunaga, or if some wealthy white European merchant is somehow seeking to detain him, or something equally cringey is there that Ubisoft is running from. They know they are marching this game out to die but I wonder if there's something truly insane and damning to the company's future folded in there aside from the simple misfit protagonist they chose.
Unless you can pirate it or it's still available on Steam, good luck getting a copy. It was delisted from PSN and Xbox marketplaces and hard copies online have gone through the roof because of the last movie.
They wish it was ignorance, which would imply that they have some kind of elevated knowledge or awareness. It's that smug tittilation they get from referring to anything which makes them feel superior; a cornerstone of the liberal ego.
You'd think, but they don't work it that way. There are Teslas on the road that are on their 3rd motor in less than 100k miles. Apparently they're built to be swapped out like modules, with the batteries being more robust. One guy is on his 14th motor and 4th battery, though he's the current record holder for sheer mileage on the car. It seems like it depends a lot on the type of driving you're doing.
Anyone excited for an Adam Sandler project after the past few decades of him churning out box office shovelware should drink some rotten milk and shit their life out.
Came to post this. It was a sloppy, rushed ending because they got the cancelation notice 3 episodes from the end but it could have been an amazing third season if they'd had the chance.
Ultron/Lore 2028!
They tried to set this up in No Time to Die and it was fucking insufferable. After all the drama, the release delays, and the awful writing in that movie, they obviously see the writing on the wall and figure the only direction Hollywood is willing to take the franchise is straight down.
I honestly hope he's apoplectic over this and it kills any optimism he had about his legacy after the pardon came through.