Here's a video on it but heard it on SideScrollers with the other note that 31st of March is their financial report deadline so seems like they KNOW this is going to bomb and are trying to delay the explosion as long as possible.
Who's got 2025 as the year Ubisoft collapses or bought out as I heard the family owning it is the only reason Tencent don't have it yet.
Since they admitted that the Yasuke decision was made because of George Floyd, I wonder if it just stops there or if they were stupid enough to go further into it like having him bound and suffocating before being brought before Nobunaga, or if some wealthy white European merchant is somehow seeking to detain him, or something equally cringey is there that Ubisoft is running from. They know they are marching this game out to die but I wonder if there's something truly insane and damning to the company's future folded in there aside from the simple misfit protagonist they chose.