CatoTheElder 10 points ago +10 / -0

No. It comes from "Levinson, B. M. (1957). The intelligence of applicants for admission to Jewish day schools."

In that study, the jewish "scientist" measured the IQ of incoming kindergarteners to 16 NY private jewish day schools, and then used that pre-selected sample to claim that jews have an average IQ of 118. That methodology could be used to show that even blacks have a high average IQ, as the selection criteria already rule out the stupid ones.

CatoTheElder 6 points ago +7 / -1

That's why they are called lizard people. They change their colors as frequently as a chameleon.

CatoTheElder 8 points ago +8 / -0

BF 1942 and the original Bard's Tale were good. But one of those is 22 years old and the other is 39. I'm sure there are some other pre 2010 EA games that were fun, I just don't remember them

Looking up the list, I can add the Ultima Series, Command and Conquer, Dungeon Keeper, Mirror's Edge, Might and Magic, and Black and White.

Looking through the lists, it seems they stopped making good games sometime around 2007-9.

2007 was when John Riccitiello took over, so it's pretty likely that he is responsible for its downfall. He is one of those nomadic CEOs that jumps from megacorp to megacorp.

CatoTheElder 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is Castalia House. They publish some of the normie right Sci-fi and fantasy, like John C. Wright, Jerry Pournelle, and Vox Day.

CatoTheElder 20 points ago +20 / -0

Brad Torgerson, whose wife is black, was called a racist; and I, whose father in law is Jewish, was called an anti-Semite. Sarah Hoyt, a Portuguese woman, was denounced as a white supremacist male chauvinist. She and Larry Correia routinely have minority characters or homosexuals are major characters in their stories, portrayed in a favorable light, and so they were both called fascist homophobes.

He hasn't internalized what he is preaching. He still thinks like a liberal, and thus is still playing their game.

He is right about the divide being deeper than mere ideology. It is a problem of fundamental foundational philosophy.

At the core are the Non Aggression Principle and the Tabula Rasa. Those two principles lead inevitably to the socialist/communist left.

CatoTheElder 4 points ago +4 / -0

Natural Selection did not stop with the invention of the steam engine. Either practice eugenics or allow nature to make dumber faster breeding people.

Mandatory sterilization for all browns, all sub 90 IQs, and all people on any sort of welfare.

CatoTheElder 11 points ago +11 / -0

Nah, we don't want him. Let him be outcast from everything.

CatoTheElder 6 points ago +7 / -1

The answer isn't to get rid of the automation, the answer is to delete the browns and jews. Stop making more stupid people. Start sterilizing anyone left under 100 IQ.

CatoTheElder 4 points ago +5 / -1

There is no such thing as gender. You have already accepted the leftist foundations. Thus you have already accepted y chromosomes in women's bathrooms. Thus you are part of the enemy.

CatoTheElder 6 points ago +6 / -0

You are missing the fact that you have implicitly accepted the existence of trannies. Thus you have started from a liberal position which can only result in liberal outcomes.

CatoTheElder 2 points ago +6 / -4

You can take the mods out of reddit, but you can't take the reddit out of the mods.

Also all moderators are faggots, no exceptions.

CatoTheElder 39 points ago +41 / -2

I present to you the so-called "good jews", everyone. You know, the ones that we are, for some reason, supposed to wish that all jews were like him or Eric Weinstein. Between their inability to allow whites to live in peace, and their genetic compulsion to cheat everyone, even their god, there is just no way that they can be allowed to continue living in western nations.

There are so many other things that could be said: One day for no reason at all...,Yes, all jews, etc, but the thing that really stands out is that jews aren't only anti-eugenics, but are actively promoting dysgenics. This is just one goal that jews need to accomplish before they can have their dream dystopia, a world with the jews on top, with an Asian technical class to maintain everything, a brown underclass to exploit and enslave, and whites wiped out.

CatoTheElder 19 points ago +20 / -1

Jews gonna jew.

CatoTheElder 50 points ago +50 / -0

Just a conquered nation sending tribute to it's overlord.

CatoTheElder 28 points ago +29 / -1

Yeah, but all the semitophiles always claim that Israel definitely "helped" us with Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course that help was merely pointing the US military at Israel's enemies. I'm really sick of their pilpul.

CatoTheElder 41 points ago +42 / -1

Did Israel ever help us in Korea? What about Vietnam? In fact, name one conflict they have helped us in outside of the middle east and Africa. They certainly aren't helping us with our borders, instead they use their NGO proxies to import even more shitskins. Their NGO's even work to stop us from securing our borders when we try to avoid the federal government. With allies like Israel, who needs enemies?

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +8 / -5

Controlled op is controlled op. They will never silence a mockingbird.

CatoTheElder 5 points ago +6 / -1

No, he's beyond low. He literally had to have per-capita explained to him.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can typically change their mind with the application of high velocity lead.

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