To completely sidestep gender identity laws, why not have bathroom facilities based upon dick or no dick?
Have a dick? You must use this room to piss or change.
Do not have a dick? You must use this room to piss or change.
100% just boil it down to cock or no cock. I expect having it based upon anatomical reality of one specific organ can't be construed as denying gender identity. It's just cut and dry anatomy standards.
You are missing the fact that you have implicitly accepted the existence of trannies. Thus you have started from a liberal position which can only result in liberal outcomes.
But they do exist. Problem is when people deny biology and say sex doesn't exist. Women need their safe spaces and therefore the transition of a man to a transwoman must be fully complete. Otherwise you just open the door for predators.
There is no such thing as gender. You have already accepted the leftist foundations. Thus you have already accepted y chromosomes in women's bathrooms. Thus you are part of the enemy.
That's too black and white thinking. I'm not an enemy lol