AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0


>implying it wasn't already gone to begin with

Pretty sure Kickstarter has been openly pulling this shit for a few years now. Somewhat quietly for longer.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

The problem is that most troons are terminally immature. If they weren't, there's a practical guarantee they wouldn't be troons.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

Two things:

  1. Doubt.jpg

  2. Assuming this is real, I don't care. You're in showbiz. Everyone there gets hate. You're in the public eye, not everyone is going to like you. You think Tom Cruise never gets hate? That Chris Pratt is beloved by all? Get the fuck off your high-horse, you egotistical loser. Not everyone in life is going to like you. The more people that know you, the more people there are to dislike you. It sucks. Very few actively like being disliked by random people, but you have to get over it.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Little longer than that, but yeah.

To be fair, it's not like the Liberals are any better. Barrelling off a cliff and driving the speed limit off a cliff doesn't really change the end result all that much.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Here is my "compromise". Change the age of majority to 21, and in return, every gun law in the books is repealed.

Nah, all gun laws are infringements, including age laws. Gun clubs weren't uncommon in schools not that long ago, where students would regularly bring in their guns to school and shoot on the on-campus shooting range. Maybe the issue isn't guns, but a societal issue with the ever increasing decay of the people themselves. Maybe the issue is that society keeps churning out low value people who can barely make a phonecall, let alone have the capacity to take care of themselves both physically and mentally. Maybe the issue is entirely with the horrors of modernity and how society at large has mangled the human condition to fit systems of control rather than any actual community of human peoples that engage on a voluntary basis.

Maybe the issue is all the fucking collectivism and death of the individual.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a reason why Koreatown was avoided during the 'summer of love', criminals are REALLY afraid of when ordinary people decide that it's better to fight you than be afraid of you.

This is also very true of the individual as much as it is groups. Career criminals have admitted that they're terrified that the targets they pick might be armed more than if a cop is present. Cops have rules and protocols to follow. People defending their own life don't.

This is why the state is so insistent upon disarmament: So that the public is as reliant upon the state as is humanly possible.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +6 / -3

Ah, IdPol in-fighting. Who doesn't love watching a good ol' slap fight?

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

I have to stress that this is an opinion piece and not a reported news piece, but I guarantee you that even with me openly stating this is my opinion, and even with the piece being labeled “opinion” on theGrio, the side of Twitter comprised mostly of people who used to sit in the back of the classroom eating their own boogers and blowing spit bubbles are going to accuse me of defamation and say that I reported false information. advertisement

the side of Twitter comprised mostly of people who used to sit in the back of the classroom eating their own boogers and blowing spit bubbles

are going to accuse me of defamation

This is advanced retardation, even for a journalist.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's almost like the 90s Democrat is still a statist that supports an ever growing state that uses any tragedy (no matter how flimsy) they want as a justification for more and more power.

The issue is fundamental to the idea that the state is capable of, or even exists to, solving the problems that the public face. And that critique is just as applicable to the people who want to wield that power as it is of the very power itself.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone can cosplay. Not everyone can cosplay well, nor should anyone lie to them and say it is a good cosplay. Like yeah, that dress is decent, but it also could just as easily have been store bought considering how popular Chun-Li is as cosplay bait.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

Would you look at that amazingly prompt response to the 2020 lockdowns. Just two years late to do anything about any of it.

Acting after the fact doesn't mean a whole lot for the (at minimum) hundreds of thousands of people who lost their jobs or had their rights infringed upon in the moment.

Statists will still worship the checks and balances as if that wasn't what explicitly enabled this shit to happen, with officials knowing that it would take years before anyone would ever respond to their actions, at which time they could be sitting pretty with their revisionism of the events that most people will buy without a second thought.

AccountWasFree 16 points ago +17 / -1

Well it seems he has taken the vaccine, and is probably boosted to all hell, so I guess that's probably taken care of in a very prolonged way.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah, I don't agree on the drug angle. Seems too much like a Red Herring considering how eagerly it's pushed by the mainstream media in both news and fiction. Something for the masses to focus on to divert attention away from all the documents still classified with more tangible findings.

Think of it from the state's perspective: Better to focus on the dead-ends that mean very little rather than the very real results such studies might have produced. It's sort of like the Conspiracy Conspiracy, where deliberately wacky conspiracies, like Flat Earth or Moon Landing Hoax is heavily focused on to discredit conspiracy theories as a whole, regardless of tangible evidence and/or admissions that it's happening, like Operation Fast and Furious, Operation Sea Spray, Room 641A, Bohemian Grove, and my personal "favourite" Operation Northwoods, among plenty of others.

Even the term Conspiracy Theory was itself popularised thanks to US alphabet agencies (IIRC, it was the FBI, but it could have been the CIA, I can't quite remember at the moment), specifically to discredit people who "crazily believe that people are conspiring against them", despite the fact that that's exactly what happens all the fucking time. Leaks and that are mostly meaningless when everyone thinks the people who talk about these things are all crazy and untrustworthy. "It's just a bunch of conspiracy theories, no reason to take it seriously", and all that jazz.

And as for government becoming more cult-like, don't even need to discuss those elements, just look at the growth and upturn of statism and people that have used politics as a replacement for their lack of greater purpose in life. Once upon a time it was commonplace to suggest all politicians are scum, but now you must preface that with The Other Side first so that people know you don't want your team to be taken down too. Ironically enough, it could be argued that loyalty to the state has changed at an inverse rate to that of general patriotism, which has generally seen a decline over the years. Cults are nothing without their followers, and the governments of the world these days have a lot of devout worshippers.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Any company that would entertain such nonsense aimed at their employees is not a business I want to be employed at. So if this is the case, I will eagerly use such titles as a method of filtering out the companies that don't respect their employees.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

and quite disturbing

That's what makes it so effective as propaganda.

I'm a firm believer that many of those MK Ultra experiments trying to find psychic powers were an abject failure, but gave the state a very, VERY important lesson about how effective fear is at controlling the public at large. It takes someone of rather strong conviction to not falter due to fear. And I don't blame people for that. But it's an astoundingly effective method of control, especially if you claim to offer the solution.

It's the same method many cults also offer, speaking of total destruction unless you go with their specific and unique salvation. Only reason cults don't get mass traction is because they lack the perceived authority that the government has granted itself over the years.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup. Which is why anyone who wants to stand against corporations should be standing against those that seek to monopolise power, AKA the state. Corporations can only exist through the state. Without the state, free trade is possible and businesses of all levels are on the same footing.

And contrary to the squeals from retards about historical examples, like the East India Company, the reality is that such enterprises were first and foremost bankrolled by the state, for the state.

And it's still the case to this day. Look at the companies that have the most leeway in swaying public opinion, namely social media companies, and all the major players are HEAVILY involved with state agents and/or funding. These are not private entities, they're state entities. It's not rich vs poor. Not corporation vs public. It's not even left vs right. It's the state vs the people. And those that object to stating said reality almost always seek to use the state against the innocent for their personal goals. And sure, many of those goals are noble, but at the end of the day, the argument still boils down to whether or not you believe that the ends justify the means. And in my experience, the statist always believes that it does.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

>Standing against terrible logic means standing with those being criticised

Ah, binary thinking.

It's leftist policy that enables and empowers corporations. I will never agree with a post like this because agreeing implicitly requires agreeing with the idea of using the state to control companies as a whole, which ALWAYS fuck over the public and not the company. This is how you get companies that are "too big to fail", because the state will continually bail out these failures, because they need those jobs or want to protect their continually failing investment.

Billionaires and rampant wealth inequality is a result of leftist, statist policy. And what's amazing is that statists of all flavours will still support it without even fucking realising it.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nearly every single idol of leftists is more akin to Smaug than any they vehemently hate upon. Perfect example, take any vocal leftist Hollywood star, and look what they do with their money. Do they personally invest it and get involved with their investments? Or do they just hoard that cash? All the billionaires leftists shit their pants over at least invest their money into businesses and those businesses infrastructure that provide jobs in the first place.

But low value people don't understand that to get a better wage you need to make yourself high value first. If they understood that fundamental point, they wouldn't be low value.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

The dipshits accusation of anti-semetism only works under the premise that what Soros is doing is solely because Soros is Jewish. Some might consider that a Fraudian slip of what he too thinks of Jews.

by folx
AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

They hate homeschooling for the same reason they hate farmers. They hate those that are independent and not reliant upon the state. The more independent you are, the more apparent it is that they too could be independent and successful and wilfully choose not to be.

AccountWasFree 16 points ago +16 / -0

No. It won't. Like haha, this handful will off themselves, but it won't fix the problem, because a handful of troons existing isn't the problem, that's just the symptom. The problem is the grooming. The problem is the doctors. The problem is the pharmaceutical industry re-purposing old drugs for vulnerable and impressionable clients.

The problem is the entire fucking system that propagates this social contagion.

And if I'm honest, I don't want trannies to 41% themselves. I want them to get the actual help they need and not feel like mutilation will fix themselves. I want people to be healthy, well adjusted people, and not a bunch of freaks that look to harm others as well. I want solutions, not answers. Because I already know what the problem is. Now something needs to be done about it.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

I don't think anybody wants "answers", they want you fucking assholes to do something about it.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the thing. It ALWAYS starts with the acceptable target. That's how censorship on Reddit became so commonplace, they targeted the acceptable losses, and then grew and grew and grew.

I'm not losing sleep because loser coomers are having a harder time. But accepting this is accepting the method. I have principles against porn. I also have principles against Digital ID. I'm not going to compromise one for the other, and if you're so ready to compromise your principles, then chances are they aren't principles in the first place.

AccountWasFree 19 points ago +19 / -0

The best way to make people, regardless of whether they're a normie, an SJW, commie, socialist, centrist, whatever-label-you-want, start to realise and see the things around them is to get them to question something that is otherwise taken for granted.

You cannot preach to everyone, for not everyone really cares. But the best way to get through that apathy is for a seed of doubt to exist and grow. Some question to exist that is considered forbidden to ask. Because every time that topic gets brought up in some way, that question will be there too.

And for a lot of people, that question often is "are you against pedophiles". And leftists are routinely saying "no, we're for them", to the point that other leftists are even going "wait, what the fuck?" and having doubts. Not enough to leave the collective, but enough that a seed is being planted that could very well grow.

You cannot preach to people who don't want to be preached to. But cracks can grow, especially with seeds of doubt.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

I just want simple rules, man. You break into my house where my family is sleeping and you forfeit your life. If you happen to leave with it, consider yourself lucky. Simple.

I always hate the people who say "well, you shouldn't try to kill these people, just deter them away with warning shots" and it's just so stupid, because wanna know what was the warning? The locked fucking doors. If you go further, that's your fault. Anything past that point, you forfeit your safety. You were warned, and you went further.

I fucking despite anything that is anti-self defence.

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