Also nice to see leftist STILL dismissing black on black crime..
I think the NAACP coming to her defense even though the victim was another black girl is very telling. They're afraid of how this makes black communities look, and they're more than willing to run cover rather than let the truth be exposed for all to see.
I do think I know the one you're talking about, but I was just making a joke.
Race hustlers never miss an opportunity to turn something racial, or to blame white supremacy, even if it's intraracial, and no white people were involved.
How are the victim and her family reacting? Are they calling for more severe charges to be pressed or are they on the side of fellow blacks making it blackity black issue? That will determine how much I care. Very much like the men in women's sports issue. When the women forfeit games and publicly denounce troons I support them. If the women stand on a pedestal with the man in drag, I applaud their teeth getting knocked the fuck out Randy Savage style.
Alaila's father, Genoa Everett, said the incident was accidental and that Tucker came too close to his daughter when coming around the curve, causing Alaila to lose balance.
Tucker's mother told ABC News, however, that she doesn't believe the incident was an accident.
“To see that they kept running and she not stop and check on my daughter, that was the part where I was like, it couldn’t have been an accident,” said Kaelen's mother, Tamarro Tucker.
From the 13newsnow article
So at least the victim's mother is calling out the BS so far.
In fairness he didn't intend to slice his throat. He DID fully intend to act like a chimp and flail himself, skates out into the guy to knock him over. Irresponsible ignorant nig behavior that killed a guy.
This isn’t even “two movies, one screen”. It’s just industrial scale gaslighting on behalf of the belligerent black demographic. And as usual, it’s another black person paying the price.
You know who benefits most from throwing black criminals in prison where they belong? Innocent, civic-minded black people.
Seems like a case of the 15 minute nig theory - she can't even conceive that she did the deed because she lacks a normal ability of object permanence. Even after watching herself on video she can't comprehend that was her doing what she did. She is "here right now" so that must have been somebody else.
The absolutely most hilarious part was the interview she did at her home and the chirp showed up in the first 30 seconds
There were several chirping smoke detectors during the full interview :
Bonus lulz : '' Charges of assault and battery have been filed.''
Well those batteries are obviously not charged.
I posted this already, but if you missed it, this is Devon Tracy's response to that interview, which adds to the hilarity:
She sounds entitled enough not only to do this but also think she SHOULD get away with it.
Also nice to see leftist STILL dismissing black on black crime..
I think the NAACP coming to her defense even though the victim was another black girl is very telling. They're afraid of how this makes black communities look, and they're more than willing to run cover rather than let the truth be exposed for all to see.
Entitled, yes. But also just so fucking stupid and unaware she can't even realize why people might be upset with her.
Why upset? She dindu nuffin!
It's indelible in her hippocampus that she wouldn't have those intentions!
She teleported in just after some other nigress did something bad. It wasn't her!
At this point I dismiss black on black crime, and black crime in general. It's like Asians and math.
I thought I couldn't despise this bitch any more than I already did.
How do you make one black athlete losing their shit and assaulting another black athlete into a racial/BLM event?!
How is this fucking psycho the victim?! The girl she concussed is the victim...and even then it's still not a racial issue.
Remember they tried hard to make those black cops beating that black guy to death into some racist white supremacist event
Which time?
In 23 I think. The incident in Memphis
I do think I know the one you're talking about, but I was just making a joke.
Race hustlers never miss an opportunity to turn something racial, or to blame white supremacy, even if it's intraracial, and no white people were involved.
Oh. Gotcha. You are right and when all else fails blame slavery of colonialism.
Generational Trauma™ strikes again!
I think I hate that term more than I hate “colonialism”
The black cops dressed in sweatshirts for some reason who IIRC laid a beatdown on a jogger perp who kept running away.
The activists just reconn the motive. The black cops were obviously “white supremacists.” Just like how Larry Elder was labeled a white supremacist.
How are the victim and her family reacting? Are they calling for more severe charges to be pressed or are they on the side of fellow blacks making it blackity black issue? That will determine how much I care. Very much like the men in women's sports issue. When the women forfeit games and publicly denounce troons I support them. If the women stand on a pedestal with the man in drag, I applaud their teeth getting knocked the fuck out Randy Savage style.
No clue, since all the focus is on this psycho bitch.
I know there's a lawsuit, but other than that I don't know. Psycho bitch whined about her victim blocking her on social media, too.
So, yeah, the other family clearly isn't on the same page, thankfully, but I haven't seen much else from them.
So, this isn't some 'sure my daughter was raped and murdered trucks' shit, at least.
From the 13newsnow article
So at least the victim's mother is calling out the BS so far.
wypipo bad n sheeit
%100 this was an accident.
She accidently got caught.
Like how that one black hockey player 'accidentally' kicked another player in the throat with the blade of his skate.
Except the victim that died was a white American IIRC that time.
The victim, a White guy, died. And the NFL and home team tried to act like it was an "accident", and rallied behind the black murderer.
In fairness he didn't intend to slice his throat. He DID fully intend to act like a chimp and flail himself, skates out into the guy to knock him over. Irresponsible ignorant nig behavior that killed a guy.
This isn’t even “two movies, one screen”. It’s just industrial scale gaslighting on behalf of the belligerent black demographic. And as usual, it’s another black person paying the price.
You know who benefits most from throwing black criminals in prison where they belong? Innocent, civic-minded black people.
The ones who either do nothing or male excuses for savages like this one?
Those who do say something get shouted down to the point that they just don’t bother anymore.
Man she went full ape with a strong head-bashing.
Seems like a case of the 15 minute nig theory - she can't even conceive that she did the deed because she lacks a normal ability of object permanence. Even after watching herself on video she can't comprehend that was her doing what she did. She is "here right now" so that must have been somebody else.
In current year it's a "accident". Except if you're anyone else then it'll be assault.
Damn, I have been hearing about it on the radio but didn't know it was that obvious
Nig on Nig.
Don’t care.
After watching that, the only "accident" was making a very poor choice during the heat of the moment.
The equivalent of throwing shit at each other
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) Prefrontal Cortex and Impulsive Decision Making - PMC
Accident my jiggaboo black ass.
Not surprised.
Archive of the linked 13newsnow article
bullshit that was an accident. you can clearly see her reach across, breaking the rhythm of her run.
Remove the gibs and the bioweapon species will consume themselves.