Also nice to see leftist STILL dismissing black on black crime..
I think the NAACP coming to her defense even though the victim was another black girl is very telling. They're afraid of how this makes black communities look, and they're more than willing to run cover rather than let the truth be exposed for all to see.
She sounds entitled enough not only to do this but also think she SHOULD get away with it.
Also nice to see leftist STILL dismissing black on black crime..
I think the NAACP coming to her defense even though the victim was another black girl is very telling. They're afraid of how this makes black communities look, and they're more than willing to run cover rather than let the truth be exposed for all to see.
Entitled, yes. But also just so fucking stupid and unaware she can't even realize why people might be upset with her.
Why upset? She dindu nuffin!
It's indelible in her hippocampus that she wouldn't have those intentions!
She teleported in just after some other nigress did something bad. It wasn't her!
At this point I dismiss black on black crime, and black crime in general. It's like Asians and math.