What's wrong with a south african freak messing with your government documents? If a Kenyan could do 3 times as a president and a bunch of israellis could do it for decades, what's wrong with someone from RSA?
Suddenly these freaks are American patriots lol, it's like the Cucknadians, endless comedy.
If a Kenyanretarded Indonesian could do 32 times as a presidentteleprompter reading figurehead
FTFY. That gay retard wasn't smart enough to be in charge of anything more important than picking out the walnut sauce for his imported hot dogs. Ever see what happens when his teleprompter malfunctions?
Dude, you put on a dress from Goodwill and think you're a woman. Don't throw shade about IQ. And as far as dumb Presidents go, Bath House Barry and Slow Joe exist.
High IQ doesn't always mean correct. A leftard can be high IQ but if they only read reddit or use captured MSM outlets to understand the world they are simply further down the wrong path than most
High IQ doesn't always mean benevolent, either. Science™ worshipers believe high IQ people are some kind of Ubermensch destined to guide humanity to the stars, when in reality they're neurotic sociopaths that will treat you like cattle at best.
Higher IQs have huge correlation with neuroticism.
As in, most of them are crippled with mental illness and various emotional disturbances to a point where their IQ is basically the only thing that keeps them useful in society, and often times not even that.
In the same way the lowest IQs are usually superhumanly strong and good at simple labor (if they aren't also physically deformed), nature has a way of balancing us all down to equals generally.
I mean, he's both. He's a vicious little shit with daddy issues and a mean streak a mile wide, raised by a raging narcissistic mom who was a coalburning commie. But he's also maybe in the low triple digits for IQ, with an inflated ego from years of people praising him for not being as retarded as most of his "fellow" blacks.
Oh, now they have a problem with "foreigners" in govt? Even though Musk is a US citizen? Illegal aliens holding state or city positions is fine, though.
eh, it you don't pay attention, you could be forgiven for missing it. even before gender confusion became fashionable, i'd seen women who looked about like that... granted older women, but still.
There are a shit ton of Teslas in King county. Do you know what there isn't a ton of there though? Republicans. These idiots are celebrating friendly fire incidents. I'm sure all of those Tesla driving Democrats are just thrilled with their "allies" over this.
Oh no they'll totally realize the error of their ways and accept that they shouldn't have bought a car from a FASCIST. Struggle session terrorism is for the good of us all.
I mean.. half the dealerships on the shitty used car strip by my house now have all their Tesla stock right at the front of the lot, and in some cases outside the gate.
I'm a freak. I'm smell conspiracy everywhere. Never trust authority.
Also I assume most people who drive those retard buckets are liberal anyways. And how the burning of an owners car is meant to intimidate the CEO is actually beyond me.
So.. I see the possible power transfer attempt.. and I'm salty. Sorry. This is all just rapid fire bullshit.
The irony of the left deciding they don't like one specific South African. How bout illegal Mexicans? Indian / Muslim migrants? Or just Blacks in general?
It's going to be really, really nasty this summer with mass riots in major cities and lone wolf attacks/assassinations pretty much anywhere. Some places are going to be as bad or worse than the Floyd Riots.
What's wrong with a south african freak messing with your government documents? If a Kenyan could do 3 times as a president and a bunch of israellis could do it for decades, what's wrong with someone from RSA?
Suddenly these freaks are American patriots lol, it's like the Cucknadians, endless comedy.
In Florida, when we see another rocket go up, we say "God Bless that African American."
FTFY. That gay retard wasn't smart enough to be in charge of anything more important than picking out the walnut sauce for his imported hot dogs. Ever see what happens when his teleprompter malfunctions?
Behold this eloquence...
You know damn well why.
He's white.
I'm Korean and even I can see that.
A troon demanding other people commit terrorism because it's mad.
Must be a day ending in Y.
Chromosome ending in Y, too.
Well that's going in my lexicon.
Same here lmao. This is peak poetry.
Toppest kek
You just birthed an adage into my day to day lexicon.
But it's such a great wig. You can barely tell that Melvin is wearing one.
Is that what that is, I thought a carnivorous mop was attacking that poor man's head.
I thought that was an elderly lady
Dude, you put on a dress from Goodwill and think you're a woman. Don't throw shade about IQ. And as far as dumb Presidents go, Bath House Barry and Slow Joe exist.
High IQ doesn't always mean correct. A leftard can be high IQ but if they only read reddit or use captured MSM outlets to understand the world they are simply further down the wrong path than most
High IQ doesn't always mean benevolent, either. Science™ worshipers believe high IQ people are some kind of Ubermensch destined to guide humanity to the stars, when in reality they're neurotic sociopaths that will treat you like cattle at best.
Higher IQs have huge correlation with neuroticism.
As in, most of them are crippled with mental illness and various emotional disturbances to a point where their IQ is basically the only thing that keeps them useful in society, and often times not even that.
In the same way the lowest IQs are usually superhumanly strong and good at simple labor (if they aren't also physically deformed), nature has a way of balancing us all down to equals generally.
it's because it has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with wisdom...
Biden was probably more intelligent 40 years ago, as far as straight up IQ is concerned. His whole presidency was weekend at Bernie’s though.
Barry isn't dumb. He's evil.
I mean, he's both. He's a vicious little shit with daddy issues and a mean streak a mile wide, raised by a raging narcissistic mom who was a coalburning commie. But he's also maybe in the low triple digits for IQ, with an inflated ego from years of people praising him for not being as retarded as most of his "fellow" blacks.
And don't forget Wilson spent over a year of his 2nd term brain damaged after a stroke.
It could be argued that Vegetable Wilson was smarter than normal Wilson. Vegetable Wilson kept his mouth mostly shut, at least.
vegetable wilson let his wife run things.
Oh, now they have a problem with "foreigners" in govt? Even though Musk is a US citizen? Illegal aliens holding state or city positions is fine, though.
I just realized that's a dude.
Took one glance to see the larper.
When I grabbed the picture everything was smaller, so I didn't get a good look. That's my excuse.
eh, it you don't pay attention, you could be forgiven for missing it. even before gender confusion became fashionable, i'd seen women who looked about like that... granted older women, but still.
I assume that is not a real person, looks way to goofy to be real.
Looks like your average government bureaucrat.
Looks like a troon with an extra chromosome.
Oops! All Y
extra chromosome, or missing a chromosome?
That's your average speedrunner.
There are a shit ton of Teslas in King county. Do you know what there isn't a ton of there though? Republicans. These idiots are celebrating friendly fire incidents. I'm sure all of those Tesla driving Democrats are just thrilled with their "allies" over this.
Oh no they'll totally realize the error of their ways and accept that they shouldn't have bought a car from a FASCIST. Struggle session terrorism is for the good of us all.
One twitter post.
? I was talking about burning people's cars as political intimidation not the twitter post. I don't think this is from twitter anyway.
I mean.. half the dealerships on the shitty used car strip by my house now have all their Tesla stock right at the front of the lot, and in some cases outside the gate.
I'm a freak. I'm smell conspiracy everywhere. Never trust authority.
Also I assume most people who drive those retard buckets are liberal anyways. And how the burning of an owners car is meant to intimidate the CEO is actually beyond me.
So.. I see the possible power transfer attempt.. and I'm salty. Sorry. This is all just rapid fire bullshit.
They did the same during the riots. They are punishing themselves and angry that it's happening to them.
Wonder what AWFUL he scalped to get that wig. Probably his own sister.
The irony of the left deciding they don't like one specific South African. How bout illegal Mexicans? Indian / Muslim migrants? Or just Blacks in general?
They tend to go instant "DIE NIGGER!" when a black man criticizes the democrat party/looters during the BLM riots.
"Uncle Tom" "You hate your own race, Uncle Ruckus"
Same with Republican supporting Hispanics. “Haha, enjoy getting deported spic.”, open minded Leftist redditors.
The thing that upsets them the most is they can no longer pretend they aren't misfits and aberrations
It's going to be really, really nasty this summer with mass riots in major cities and lone wolf attacks/assassinations pretty much anywhere. Some places are going to be as bad or worse than the Floyd Riots.
That's why I moved to Florida. My family needs to be safe. This is hard to watch from any distance though.
That describes, like, half the British government and nobody's allowed to complain about that.
Biden already lost all your "documents" to the Chinese, you dumbass
Oh, NOW they don't like it when a foreigner meddles in American politics!
This is the dumbest take i've read all year
Are they aware he has an American Citizenship? Since when are they against naturalization?
They were okay with a Kenyan born doing it
My advice to elon is to disable the car drm and mass refund anyone who payed for it.
People will refuse to defend his company because of that.
Days of temper tantrums.