Antonio has been trying to trick me into breaking rule 16 in a comment chain because he wants to tattle on me as well. He thinks he is pretty clever. He is actually a fucking idiot.
No, they're invisible to me, all replies to blocked users too. I need to open this post in a private window (logging me out) to see Antonio being a faggot.
The problem here is the admins are the same as the government. A huge web if rules that are waiting for YOU to run into. If they can't hit you with one, they will hit you with another rule. Like they are doing with me. Since when is Rule 16 policed?
Had to actually look that word up, surprisingly. Something about smut.
Rule nine is weird also.
NINE: Do not solicit or engage in transactions that are federally regulated by the US govt.
o_O Yeah, just like the government.
Reminds me a bit of when I tried to find out if it was legal paying me under minimum wage for my vacation hours.
The "legal" language is so vague I couldnt fucking tell one way or the other.
I was making 14.50 a hour working 30 hours a week at a huge canadian courier. Took my vacation days, get my paystub. They paid me out 8$ a hour for the vacation pay. I was doing the work of 3 people as a lead for no one Lmao. faggots. I quit after that, turns out my phosphorous had crashed which is why I prolly lost my shit and walked out.
I dont think it was legal but everyone said it was :Shrugs:.
Rule 4 actually covers not only porn, but scantily clad material or non-consensual material that could still be illegal. Rule 4 is why I removed the Cuties Netflix poster, even though it was condemning it. The Netflix poster was explicit pedo-bait. Reddit also had a huge problem with "upskirting' being uploaded back in the day (which is where the rule on reddit originally comes from). Technically it's not pornography, but it's absolutely not something you want on the site.
Rule 9 is basically something that covers someone coming here and buying and selling weapons, drugs, and things like that.
If they can't hit you with one, they will hit you with another rule.
That's what happens. When you don't violate 'one rule', but you do violate 'another rule', you get hit for violating that 'other rule'. Is your point that you should not be 'hit' unless you are violating all rules simultaneously?
You could also just not violate the rules. I'd be embarrassed if I posted such obviously false claims as your $800 million USAID funding to Tel Aviv University, based on an obviously false screenshot, which I was able to refute within 3 minutes.
Then post a warning for not checking sources, not 3 day bans. The only reason you give out bans (you and AoV are together) is so you can start the clock on a permaban. You think this is my first rodeo?
People seem to have downloaded their NPC script from reddit, and not updated it to see he never had any real power here. Unless you guys have some private communications, which I wouldn't doubt.
You guys have history, so it wouldn't be duplicitous even if it existed, unless clear malpractice was being shown (such was KIA1's super secret Discord they always teased but hid away).
And I've known Antonio long enough to know he is too upfront and enjoys dabbing on people, sometimes to his detriment, to be that subtle.
I remember you saying that you shouldn't have to answer the question of how Jews are both retarded and that they rule the world, because it would get you banned.
If you think I would trust you to act in good faith on anything like this, you really are retarded. I didn't take you up on your "offer" because I couldn't hear it over your hands rubbing together in anticipation of running off to your butt-buddy Dom with it.
I will never be dumb enough to fall for your stupid trick, because I don't want to get banned. It's too much fun being here to piss you off. Now you and Dom can both go fuck yourselves.
If you think I would trust you to act in good faith on anything like this, you really are retarded. I didn't take you up on your "offer" because I couldn't hear it over your hands rubbing together in anticipation of running off to your butt-buddy Dom with it.
HAHA. Wait, you're actually claiming that you'd get banned over DMs?
Dude, just fess up that you can't substantiate your claims. It's OK. Many of us have been there. I've said things that I can't back up. But this? This is just an embarrassment, even for you.
You are such a pathetic little bitch. I'm not going to attack an entire identity group as inferior or conspiring no matter how much you whine about it. If you want us to do such a thing, then bring up removing rule 16 the next time you and Dom get together to ravage each other's assholes.
All this because he can't reconcile his own claims that are both 'retarded' and that they rule the world at the same time. He'll think of a 1000 different excuses.
I'm not going to attack an entire identity group as inferior
Except that you already did. You called Jews 'retarded'. If anyone wanted to get you banned, he'd have reported that. Truth is, no one cares much about you.
If you want us to do such a thing, then bring up removing rule 16
I'm still laughing over how you, desperate to not have to show your claims to be true, claimed that KiA2 sub rules apply to PRIVATE messages.
At least come up with a remotely plausible explanation for why you can't substantiate your claims. "DoM enforces KiA2 rules on DMs" ain't it.
All this because he can't reconcile his own claims that are both 'retarded' and that they rule the world at the same time. He'll think of a 1000 different excuses.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone claim that Jews are retarded. At least not in a literal sense.
All this because he can't reconcile his own claims that are both 'retarded' and that they rule the world at the same time. He'll think of a 1000 different excuses.
They never do. Unironically, they just seethe on the internet because they know they're actually just inferior, and they're cowards who won't ever sack up.
If they all died off, the world iq average would rise by a few points.
Here you go, everyone, an example of someone who reads "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" and thinks it makes perfect sense.
If thetr was any way to get reliable researchers on it, this place is a treasure trove of intelligent people and blindspots.
Like AoV don't recognize how BLATENTLY untrustworthy they are. And how that inverts most "truth swears" when they use them.
Untrustworthy people are utterly facinating in the way that they view reality, they see fact as verification even when it isn't provable, leads to them self-perceiving a high "correct" record without recognizing that every questionable claim, even if true Registers as a lie to observers, since you cant actually prove it.
Distinct from dishonest people who do the opposite and perceive MORE lies than there actually.
Also, I don't expect much critical thinking from someone who labels others as 'kid touching cretins', but if there's anything DoM does it is apply the rules evenly. To a fault, where I'd use more personal judgment.
I've criticized Israel many times and have not gotten a single bother from the mods. maybe if you would actually source your claims and stop jpeg posting, you wouldn't be bothered either.
You posted a claim that was, at best, unsupported by the image, and at worst, completely false. The point of a site like this is news aggregation, you should not be allowed to openly lie.
Well they're not doing a very good job, considering that on any given day between 15 and 50% of the posts on this pop culture and gaming forum consist of bitching about about Jews and Israel.
For some reason, criticism of exactly one demographic is always framed as completely unreasonable and irrational. All other such criticism by race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc., develops naturally as an inevitable result of pattern recognition, but criticism of just these particular individuals must always be explained as having fallen out of the sky for no reason at all.
And that attitude, more than anything else, is what radicalizes people against them.
Pshaw, that janny banned me for criticizing islam and their followers, going with some whining about "waaah criticize islam not muslims". I would not be surprised if he really did turn out to be a camel-raping sandnigger welfare leech.
The current western control grid is so ubiquitous and pervasive that one may only criticize this specific demographic within the deepest ghettos of the internet.
You are spending a large amount of your time in one such ghetto, and you have noticed that it is moderately populated by content that is exclusive to such domains.
You are disparaging this as a “pattern” when it is really just an inevitable byproduct of widespread censorship and coercion.
Except you have a board for you faggots, and this board isn't about your delusional gay race communism variant - the entire existence and purpose of this board is anti idpol, you goblin. Die mad about it.
criticism of exactly one demographic is always framed as completely unreasonable and irrational.
Or maybe because 80% of those posts are the same two guys posting something new every hour they saw on Twitter and they have shown time and time again they are in fact irrational people who hide behind "you are trying to censor me from talking about it!" to deflect any criticism of them just being annoying retards.
It seems to be really hard for people to grasp a basic concept like "the topic is fine, you are not." And then they hide behind guys like you who think that its the topic people have issue with (despite some of us getting banned for talking about it ourselves prior).
And that attitude, more than anything else, is what radicalizes people against them in return.
I don't think I've ever seen them post about anything that would make me think they belong here culturally. No vidya or adjacent cultural observations, just naked agenda pushing.
Hey now, one of them posted that he knew nothing about Assassin's Creed and wanted to know its history, and then days later started spamming posts about how it was always woke and a bunch about how ugly the asian girl is.
Either way, culture or not, plenty of people here have an agenda or not too much care for vidya. Mine is anti-woman, obviously.
But magically, we can criticize and call them out for it when they are wrong or being spergs. Only this one specific group is it suddenly a conspiracy and a problem if we dare call them out, as they recoil crying that they are being censored (and you are "one of them" out to stop them).
The irony of them being literally identical to the Jews themselves in this regard should not be lost on anyone.
I'm not debating the rationality of it, at least not here. Merely pointing out the disproportionate saturation of posts and comments about that one demographic. Some of you are just fucking obsessed, and it's annoying.
And before I'm accused of being in on the aforementioned "conspiracy," I never report posts on this forum unless they're pajeet pedo posts
I don't think anyone honestly believes you're part of a "conspiracy." The fixation on Jews may seem disproportionate because, as CH implied, they're extended a special social untouchability that no other demographic ever seems to enjoy (at least to the same extent).
If the 100 richest people in the US (with a combined net worth higher than the poorest 50%) were all named Chang, Ping and Wong you'd better believe we'd be talking about it.
This example is perfect because retarded boomers actually are blaming China despite Jewish dominance of global finance, western politics, and western culture.
It would never get to that point, it would be an untenable situation. The only reason our current regime is possible is because hotties like Natalie Portman seem white to everyone.
And also human gasbags like George Soros, but Natalie is a funner example
I don't see a dozen posts a day on here bitching about blacks, Muslims, jeets or even women now that Imp is gone. The fixation on Jews is disproportionate, and I do believe that some of the users pushing it are not honest actors
And like I just repeated, that's because those other demographics don't enjoy anywhere near the same social influence, power, or freedom from criticism.
Edit: TikTok was largely banned due to pro-Palestinian (anti-Jewish) content. Have you heard of something like that taking place for women, blacks, gays, trannies, or any other special intersectional demographic?
You can criticize all of those groups comparatively freely in many spaces. Criticism of the Jewish demographic is still wildly out of bounds in the west. Of course forums that permit any noticing will be inundated with a disproportionate amount of noticing. That’s just how reality works. I don’t have to come here to talk about feminists, trannies, commies, blacks, any demographic save one, and that’s like 90% of the problem.
It is an ethnicity. The blatant denial of this obvious reality is how those awful shapeshifter stereotypes keep popping up. I wish those would go away. Don’t you?
See my reply to ghost. You are frustrated with a Darwinian reality. You are frustrated with the inescapable effect of an easily identified cause. Because you are stupid, dishonest, or both.
I'm just sick of not being able to have almost any conversation on here without somebody telling me I'm wrong if I don't make it about the Jews. There are other forums on this board where the Jews and your obsession with them is pretty much the only topic of conversation, so your use of the "I don't have anywhere else to discuss this" excuse makes you the dishonest one.
Just like the OP of this thread, you just want to whine about the fact that people on this forum actually call you out on your efforts to derail every conversation with your obsession, you want to bitch about not being allowed to turn this place into just another echo chamber for your ideas, and you want to play the victim. All of your arguments that I've seen are just deflection and projection to obscure that fundamental reality. You are the thing you rail against.
See my other comments in this thread. This is a small online space of fewer than, what, 50 commenters? And criticism/analysis of the pertinent demographic is permitted in probably fewer than 1% of all online spaces? In what reality would this place not feature a “disproportionate” amount of such content? It’s not remotely “disproportionate” when you consider the broader landscape (which is enforced).
You’re basically complaining that a high end car lot in Italy has way too many Ferraris compared to the average dealership, and that anyone who thinks about buying a Ferrari must be obsessed with them to an unhealthy degree. Only in this case, the catalyst for the comparative rarity of such content is widespread censorship and coercion. And then you have the audacity to mock the content as insanely outlier when your policy preferences are what enforced such rarity in the first place.
And criticism/analysis of the pertinent demographic is permitted in probably fewer than 1% of all online spaces?
I guess you should be showing some introspection about why you get kicked out of 109 forums. I guess it's the fault of those 109 forums.
But you're not even correct here. There's a ton of anti-Semitism on Twitter. And criticism of Israel? Basically everywhere. Hell, nearly all the Substackers I subscribe to "criticize Israel". Of course, these people want to pretend that "the Holocaust didn't happen but it should have" (actual AgnosticTemplar quote) is just 'criticziing Israel'.
and that anyone who thinks about buying a Ferrari must be obsessed with them to an unhealthy degree.
If these people engaged in, or were even capable of, intelligent discourse, you'd be right. There are some people here who are not fond of Jews, but who I'd say fit in that category. They also happen to be actual GG'ers rather than people coming in.
But no, it's always very low-grade attacks on Jews.
In what reality would this place not feature a “disproportionate” amount of such content?
No one asked for that. This is a Gamergate sub, not a racial hatred sub.
Also, with black and women, it's criticizing particular blacks. It's not "blacks are devious and they poison wells", or weird, bizarre stuff like that.
Troonery is an action so not really comparable to racial hatred, don't you think?
Bruh, there are posts here talking about how women infiltrate and undermine institutions and how basically all media sucks because of that. Allowed patterns again.
Are you saying jews are a race? Are you implying it's ok to hate on troons as a group 🤔
Most of those 'memes' as you say are completely benign. Why shouldn't one criticize the summer of love? I've not seen 13th and am unfamiliar with the smoke detectors, but none of them are saying that blacks as a group are pure evil as people here assert about the Jews.
Bruh, there are posts here talking about how women infiltrate and undermine institutions and how basically all media sucks because of that. Allowed patterns again.
Infiltrate? Nah. People just say that letting women in ruins organizations, not that there is a grand conspiracy because women are pure evil, at least, not from non-Imps.
Are you saying jews are a race?
An ethnicity, and the Nazis certainly hate on that basis.
Are you implying it's ok to hate on troons as a group 🤔
You avoided mentioning the 13% meme. And you don't know what the jogger meme implies? It's connected to the dindu meme, I guess it's ok as long as we use euphemisms, what about people of banking?
Gotcha, it's ok to say a certain group of people is allowed to run institutions as long as isn't ascribed to evil.
Nahtzees also hated blacks and troons, you have a lot in common. Guess it's ok to be a stormfag as long you don't hate joos?
What about gays tho? Sucking dick and sticking it in the pooper is an action
Because the people who ruined gaming and entertainment with woke shit have that very inconvenient thing in common with the fake news journos pushing negrolatry and attacking White countries (who also called us racist, sexist, misogynist incels for stating the facts that they wouldn't).
Which also, cohencidentally relates them to the people running the Fed, most major corporations, and the dual citizens in Congress voting to send billions of our dollars to Israel annually despite the latter being nowhere close to an "ally."
You thought imp was funny because he was part of your defense force. He called every other commenter a stormfag. Of course you guys were besties. He was also very defensive of trannies, which is directly adjacent to your obvious homosexuality.
The two guys whose arguing spanned dozens of threads across multiple topics (sometimes multiple in the same thread) to a point where most of us had to beg them to stop cluttering up everything with nonsensical bickering are part of a "defense force?"
You guys really just say anything to attack people you don't like without any actual thought.
Imp wore out his welcome to be perfectly honest. He just got more and more schizo as time went on to the point where he was an active detriment to the sub because a good 25% of all comments on the sub were just him screaming at everyone who didn't want to facilitate global extinction of all human life.
My biggest problem with Imp was his inability to grasp the concept of a gradient of opinion. To him, you had to agree with him 100.00% on absolutely every one of this ideas on women, and to the same extreme as him, or he'd immediately cast you out as a feminist. You could tell him he's 99% correct about 99% of the things he believes, and to him you're just as bad as JK Rowling or Gloria Steinem because of that last 1%.
But can you see the funny in that? I mean, if you take him seriously, but he's a comic figure. I mean, he talks about a Nazi gender. What can be funnier?
What I find most impressive about him is how he can be absolutely nuts while also completely keeping his spaghetti in his pockets on non-women subjects. It's almost as if he can compartmentalize his crazy, and that is why I sometimes suspected him of being a troll - though I think he is not.
He's fine in small doses but he was saturating every single thread with his unhinged sperging. It was effectively information jamming. Made the forum borderline unusable on some days.
Well, shit. I didn't think you'd actually violate that rule again, but you clearly did.
You posted an explicitly false statement that was false according to your own source. You made shit up, and you're making shit up now too.
"Conspiring together"
I banned you for making up shit from whole cloth. Something you are doing again. I even told you that I didn't have to look into what AoV was pointing out because your conduct was either negligent or deliberate. So you're stating something that is, again, the complete opposite of true, and you are aware of it.
"Twitter Account is routinely featured here"
Literally doesn't mean anything. The issue is what you made up in addition to the fabrication from your source. I explicitly allow people to post shit that they mistakenly believe to be true. I know you don't believe this shit is true, because you are saying the opposite of your own source and making up shit from whole cloth.
"ban anyone who criticizes Israel"
Again, an explicit lie. You can see the number of posts screaming about jews every day by Telia.
Couple more bans and it's permanent"
Besides Brigands, Trolls, and Spammers, the only person who's ever managed to get a permanent ban is Imp because he chose to continue to get banned until I could no longer lengthen it. You are a specific problem, however. Now that you've established you have no intention of telling the truth, even biased truth, or even things you mistakenly believe to be the truth, what choice do I have but to see you as an explicit Brigand. How are you any different from out Pedo Pajeet when he's impersonating a White Nationalist?
See, here's the problem. Making a post about a user is a violation of Rule 3, which is what you did to AoV. I allow posts complaining about enforcement which use me in the title, because I think it's good practice to allow people to complain. But on top of that, you are explicitly lying about AoV, lying about the enforcement action, lying about how bans work, lying about the relevance of your source. How are you not explicitly a Brigand here to troll and start flame wars?
i've no idea who the guy is that's complaining about being banned, and i don't care about him
what i do care about is that yet again the mods are being a bunch of cunts, first happened on kia1 and now on kia2, when we migrated over to win we should never have brought over the shit rules from reddit
Wait, how am I involved in this? Is it because I pointed out that what you posted was a blatant lie? That you claimed that an 'exemption from income tax' form showing $800 million in income was actually a USAID grant for $800 million?
If people were 'conspiring' against you, you'd have been permabanned for the combination of naming yourself after Hitler and being the rabid neo-Nazi that you are...
Thats coming, a few more "fake news" violations and we will get there. You certainly can't hit me with Rule 16. You JIDF operatives sound EXACTLY like leftist. Fitting considering you created them..
You literally presented information in a misleading manner. And are now screeching angrily that people have pointed it out.
Your entire post was just completely and utterly wrong. This is literally like the "fake news" that MSM shoves out on the daily, just against a different target.
A) If you truly believe in what you are posting, stop letting your hatred blind you to the point that you are willing to jump at shadows in order to strike at your hated enemy.
B) If you don't believe in what you are posting, but are instead doing this to further your hatred of your most hated enemy, then stop trying to use your hatred to blind others. You want to hate them? Sure, be my guest, but if you want to post stuff then FFS post actual, factual information.
what's telling is when you realize conpro was one of the hottest communities on the site up until a year or two(i don't have an exact timeline, this is all from memory) ago. it was essentially thedonald, GAW, and then conpro and I2P in a tug-of-war for third in terms of top posts.
I use the "all" tab on the trending tab, because I the want unfiltered overview of the site, and there were days when conpro basically owned the first page or so of results. Not really shocking that a site started by trump supporters would have a majority protrump stance, but conpro was more than allowed to engage in whatever circlejerking they wanted in their own forum.
then other communities arrived and started competing for the top spots, and later scored opened up the site to people making their own communities, not just acting as a lifeboat to reddit, and the competition for those top spots increased.
memory's hazy, but I'm pretty sure it was right around this time suddenly "fedposting" and 'muh juu' posts started ramping up in other forums. there'd always been a sprinkling of that here and there, and obviously funny has more or less always been anything goes, in spite of the first two rules about being actually funny, but if you were paying attention, it was impossible not to notice an increase in the number of posts and comments talking about 'little hat people' and ((double parenthesis)) constantly.
draw your own conclusions, but it's hard for me not to suspect the motivation behind this stuff.
Well, yeah. You claim that you were framed for an infraction to permaban you. So if there is such a desire to permaban you, why weren't you permabanned upon seeing your name?
Also, you still haven't explained what I have to do with it.
Antonio has been trying to trick me into breaking rule 16 in a comment chain because he wants to tattle on me as well. He thinks he is pretty clever. He is actually a fucking idiot.
Just block him, he's a faggot who offers nothing to the conversation.
You definitely aren't wrong. I just have so much fun winding him up and watching him go that I tolerate his faggotry.
Blocking people only makes their posts disappear from the front page; their comments still show up for you.
No, they're invisible to me, all replies to blocked users too. I need to open this post in a private window (logging me out) to see Antonio being a faggot.
Only if you're using the .win url. Blocking works through scored.
I'm using .win and blocking works fine for me.
Its the jews
The problem here is the admins are the same as the government. A huge web if rules that are waiting for YOU to run into. If they can't hit you with one, they will hit you with another rule. Like they are doing with me. Since when is Rule 16 policed?
Yeah rule 4 had me scratching my head.
FOUR: Do not post involuntary Salacious Material.
Had to actually look that word up, surprisingly. Something about smut.
Rule nine is weird also.
NINE: Do not solicit or engage in transactions that are federally regulated by the US govt.
o_O Yeah, just like the government.
Reminds me a bit of when I tried to find out if it was legal paying me under minimum wage for my vacation hours.
The "legal" language is so vague I couldnt fucking tell one way or the other.
I was making 14.50 a hour working 30 hours a week at a huge canadian courier. Took my vacation days, get my paystub. They paid me out 8$ a hour for the vacation pay. I was doing the work of 3 people as a lead for no one Lmao. faggots. I quit after that, turns out my phosphorous had crashed which is why I prolly lost my shit and walked out.
I dont think it was legal but everyone said it was :Shrugs:.
Rule 4 actually covers not only porn, but scantily clad material or non-consensual material that could still be illegal. Rule 4 is why I removed the Cuties Netflix poster, even though it was condemning it. The Netflix poster was explicit pedo-bait. Reddit also had a huge problem with "upskirting' being uploaded back in the day (which is where the rule on reddit originally comes from). Technically it's not pornography, but it's absolutely not something you want on the site.
Rule 9 is basically something that covers someone coming here and buying and selling weapons, drugs, and things like that.
That's what happens. When you don't violate 'one rule', but you do violate 'another rule', you get hit for violating that 'other rule'. Is your point that you should not be 'hit' unless you are violating all rules simultaneously?
You could also just not violate the rules. I'd be embarrassed if I posted such obviously false claims as your $800 million USAID funding to Tel Aviv University, based on an obviously false screenshot, which I was able to refute within 3 minutes.
Then post a warning for not checking sources, not 3 day bans. The only reason you give out bans (you and AoV are together) is so you can start the clock on a permaban. You think this is my first rodeo?
AoV is not a mod. I'm over here. Is it possible that you're genuinely this inobservant and that you're not a brigand?
People seem to have downloaded their NPC script from reddit, and not updated it to see he never had any real power here. Unless you guys have some private communications, which I wouldn't doubt.
Only in the most rare circumstances. Typically all communication with me is public.
You guys have history, so it wouldn't be duplicitous even if it existed, unless clear malpractice was being shown (such was KIA1's super secret Discord they always teased but hid away).
And I've known Antonio long enough to know he is too upfront and enjoys dabbing on people, sometimes to his detriment, to be that subtle.
Ah the "brigand" accusation. Ive seen bans handed out with that same word. Prepping the hammer are we?
You... Realize you're replying to aov right? Can you at least get the basic facts right?
Spoiler: no, you can't.
wow tony very impressive better make sure to include that on your resume
The point is that it's unimpressive, and that even that was too much for him.
I remember you saying that you shouldn't have to answer the question of how Jews are both retarded and that they rule the world, because it would get you banned.
I offered that you DM me that what supposedly would get you banned, and I'd post it. What an excellent chance to get me banned, right? Then you stopped replying. Of course, that is because you just spout BS, and even a "fucking idiot" can see it.
I repeat the offer here. DM me and I'll post all the magnificent proofs you definitely have right here.
If you think I would trust you to act in good faith on anything like this, you really are retarded. I didn't take you up on your "offer" because I couldn't hear it over your hands rubbing together in anticipation of running off to your butt-buddy Dom with it.
I will never be dumb enough to fall for your stupid trick, because I don't want to get banned. It's too much fun being here to piss you off. Now you and Dom can both go fuck yourselves.
HAHA. Wait, you're actually claiming that you'd get banned over DMs?
Dude, just fess up that you can't substantiate your claims. It's OK. Many of us have been there. I've said things that I can't back up. But this? This is just an embarrassment, even for you.
You are such a pathetic little bitch. I'm not going to attack an entire identity group as inferior or conspiring no matter how much you whine about it. If you want us to do such a thing, then bring up removing rule 16 the next time you and Dom get together to ravage each other's assholes.
All this because he can't reconcile his own claims that are both 'retarded' and that they rule the world at the same time. He'll think of a 1000 different excuses.
Except that you already did. You called Jews 'retarded'. If anyone wanted to get you banned, he'd have reported that. Truth is, no one cares much about you.
I'm still laughing over how you, desperate to not have to show your claims to be true, claimed that KiA2 sub rules apply to PRIVATE messages.
At least come up with a remotely plausible explanation for why you can't substantiate your claims. "DoM enforces KiA2 rules on DMs" ain't it.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone claim that Jews are retarded. At least not in a literal sense.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
I don't see how.
They never do. Unironically, they just seethe on the internet because they know they're actually just inferior, and they're cowards who won't ever sack up.
If they all died off, the world iq average would rise by a few points.
We're just goyims after all.
Because then nobody would ask you about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society anymore?
Here you go, everyone, an example of someone who reads "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" and thinks it makes perfect sense.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - identity attacks
National Socialists are not an identity group
They hate Jews for a good reason. These Aryan pure supermen get their ass kicked by 'subhumans'.
I just sent ModsAreAIDS a DM violating Rule 16... which definitely also applies to private messages.
Well, so long everyone. It's been nice knowing you.
Even if true, nobody has any way of verifying it, so nice disingenuous flex.
If thetr was any way to get reliable researchers on it, this place is a treasure trove of intelligent people and blindspots.
Like AoV don't recognize how BLATENTLY untrustworthy they are. And how that inverts most "truth swears" when they use them.
Untrustworthy people are utterly facinating in the way that they view reality, they see fact as verification even when it isn't provable, leads to them self-perceiving a high "correct" record without recognizing that every questionable claim, even if true Registers as a lie to observers, since you cant actually prove it.
Distinct from dishonest people who do the opposite and perceive MORE lies than there actually.
He probably knows better than expecting the kid touching cretin running this place to apply the rules evenly.
Comment Reported for: Rule 3 - Harassment: Per se defamation: pedophilia accusation
I'm happy to let this slide once, because you're mad, if you're accusing me, and not AoV who is another user like you.
Why are you here then?
Also, I don't expect much critical thinking from someone who labels others as 'kid touching cretins', but if there's anything DoM does it is apply the rules evenly. To a fault, where I'd use more personal judgment.
I've criticized Israel many times and have not gotten a single bother from the mods. maybe if you would actually source your claims and stop jpeg posting, you wouldn't be bothered either.
You posted a claim that was, at best, unsupported by the image, and at worst, completely false. The point of a site like this is news aggregation, you should not be allowed to openly lie.
Well they're not doing a very good job, considering that on any given day between 15 and 50% of the posts on this pop culture and gaming forum consist of bitching about about Jews and Israel.
“We just wanted to play video games.”
“Wait, no, not like that!”
For some reason, criticism of exactly one demographic is always framed as completely unreasonable and irrational. All other such criticism by race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc., develops naturally as an inevitable result of pattern recognition, but criticism of just these particular individuals must always be explained as having fallen out of the sky for no reason at all.
And that attitude, more than anything else, is what radicalizes people against them.
yeah ive never seen anyone complain about "too many posts critisizing islam"
Pshaw, that janny banned me for criticizing islam and their followers, going with some whining about "waaah criticize islam not muslims". I would not be surprised if he really did turn out to be a camel-raping sandnigger welfare leech.
Yeah, it's almost like we get one every few days.
And then every day there's 20 from you forum sliders seething constantly
If only there was some pattern we could notice there...
The current western control grid is so ubiquitous and pervasive that one may only criticize this specific demographic within the deepest ghettos of the internet.
You are spending a large amount of your time in one such ghetto, and you have noticed that it is moderately populated by content that is exclusive to such domains.
You are disparaging this as a “pattern” when it is really just an inevitable byproduct of widespread censorship and coercion.
You are a disingenuous retard.
Except you have a board for you faggots, and this board isn't about your delusional gay race communism variant - the entire existence and purpose of this board is anti idpol, you goblin. Die mad about it.
Or maybe because 80% of those posts are the same two guys posting something new every hour they saw on Twitter and they have shown time and time again they are in fact irrational people who hide behind "you are trying to censor me from talking about it!" to deflect any criticism of them just being annoying retards.
It seems to be really hard for people to grasp a basic concept like "the topic is fine, you are not." And then they hide behind guys like you who think that its the topic people have issue with (despite some of us getting banned for talking about it ourselves prior).
And that attitude, more than anything else, is what radicalizes people against them in return.
I don't think I've ever seen them post about anything that would make me think they belong here culturally. No vidya or adjacent cultural observations, just naked agenda pushing.
Hey now, one of them posted that he knew nothing about Assassin's Creed and wanted to know its history, and then days later started spamming posts about how it was always woke and a bunch about how ugly the asian girl is.
Either way, culture or not, plenty of people here have an agenda or not too much care for vidya. Mine is anti-woman, obviously.
But magically, we can criticize and call them out for it when they are wrong or being spergs. Only this one specific group is it suddenly a conspiracy and a problem if we dare call them out, as they recoil crying that they are being censored (and you are "one of them" out to stop them).
The irony of them being literally identical to the Jews themselves in this regard should not be lost on anyone.
Consider, even for just a moment, that it's not the content itself that some are irritated by, but the sheer endless repeated volume of it.
I'm not debating the rationality of it, at least not here. Merely pointing out the disproportionate saturation of posts and comments about that one demographic. Some of you are just fucking obsessed, and it's annoying.
And before I'm accused of being in on the aforementioned "conspiracy," I never report posts on this forum unless they're pajeet pedo posts
I don't think anyone honestly believes you're part of a "conspiracy." The fixation on Jews may seem disproportionate because, as CH implied, they're extended a special social untouchability that no other demographic ever seems to enjoy (at least to the same extent).
If the 100 richest people in the US (with a combined net worth higher than the poorest 50%) were all named Chang, Ping and Wong you'd better believe we'd be talking about it.
This example is perfect because retarded boomers actually are blaming China despite Jewish dominance of global finance, western politics, and western culture.
Nah, in that case people would be getting silenced for sinophobia. It's like that saying that keeps getting misattributed to Voltare.
It would never get to that point, it would be an untenable situation. The only reason our current regime is possible is because hotties like Natalie Portman seem white to everyone.
And also human gasbags like George Soros, but Natalie is a funner example
Scarlett Johansen is another example.
So what are they all named? Musk?
I don't see a dozen posts a day on here bitching about blacks, Muslims, jeets or even women now that Imp is gone. The fixation on Jews is disproportionate, and I do believe that some of the users pushing it are not honest actors
And like I just repeated, that's because those other demographics don't enjoy anywhere near the same social influence, power, or freedom from criticism.
Edit: TikTok was largely banned due to pro-Palestinian (anti-Jewish) content. Have you heard of something like that taking place for women, blacks, gays, trannies, or any other special intersectional demographic?
You can criticize all of those groups comparatively freely in many spaces. Criticism of the Jewish demographic is still wildly out of bounds in the west. Of course forums that permit any noticing will be inundated with a disproportionate amount of noticing. That’s just how reality works. I don’t have to come here to talk about feminists, trannies, commies, blacks, any demographic save one, and that’s like 90% of the problem.
Also, Muslims are a religion. Like Judaism, but not like 'Jews' who are hated here for their ethnicity.
Is Woody Allen Jewish?
Is Ivanka Trump Jewish?
You know the answers.
It is an ethnicity. The blatant denial of this obvious reality is how those awful shapeshifter stereotypes keep popping up. I wish those would go away. Don’t you?
Are mulatto black? Are coalburners?
Maybe maybe not, but they sure as fuck ain't white.
Buddy, I'm not even arguing it one way or another, merely pointing out that the Nazis here don't hate the Jewish religion, but ethnic Jews as people.
See my reply to ghost. You are frustrated with a Darwinian reality. You are frustrated with the inescapable effect of an easily identified cause. Because you are stupid, dishonest, or both.
I'm just sick of not being able to have almost any conversation on here without somebody telling me I'm wrong if I don't make it about the Jews. There are other forums on this board where the Jews and your obsession with them is pretty much the only topic of conversation, so your use of the "I don't have anywhere else to discuss this" excuse makes you the dishonest one.
Just like the OP of this thread, you just want to whine about the fact that people on this forum actually call you out on your efforts to derail every conversation with your obsession, you want to bitch about not being allowed to turn this place into just another echo chamber for your ideas, and you want to play the victim. All of your arguments that I've seen are just deflection and projection to obscure that fundamental reality. You are the thing you rail against.
Have people actually been derailing your conversations?
You can report me daddy
Let's see, how rational is it to spam a forum that isn't about your racial hatred with 50% posts about 'exactly one demographic'?
Dude, if you guys were as obsessed with furries, or some other unseemly demographic, it'd get the same response.
See my other comments in this thread. This is a small online space of fewer than, what, 50 commenters? And criticism/analysis of the pertinent demographic is permitted in probably fewer than 1% of all online spaces? In what reality would this place not feature a “disproportionate” amount of such content? It’s not remotely “disproportionate” when you consider the broader landscape (which is enforced).
You’re basically complaining that a high end car lot in Italy has way too many Ferraris compared to the average dealership, and that anyone who thinks about buying a Ferrari must be obsessed with them to an unhealthy degree. Only in this case, the catalyst for the comparative rarity of such content is widespread censorship and coercion. And then you have the audacity to mock the content as insanely outlier when your policy preferences are what enforced such rarity in the first place.
You’re insufferable.
I guess you should be showing some introspection about why you get kicked out of 109 forums. I guess it's the fault of those 109 forums.
But you're not even correct here. There's a ton of anti-Semitism on Twitter. And criticism of Israel? Basically everywhere. Hell, nearly all the Substackers I subscribe to "criticize Israel". Of course, these people want to pretend that "the Holocaust didn't happen but it should have" (actual AgnosticTemplar quote) is just 'criticziing Israel'.
If these people engaged in, or were even capable of, intelligent discourse, you'd be right. There are some people here who are not fond of Jews, but who I'd say fit in that category. They also happen to be actual GG'ers rather than people coming in.
But no, it's always very low-grade attacks on Jews.
No one asked for that. This is a Gamergate sub, not a racial hatred sub.
You say it as if we don't get as many post bitching about Blacks, women and troons
Not even close.
Also, with black and women, it's criticizing particular blacks. It's not "blacks are devious and they poison wells", or weird, bizarre stuff like that.
Troonery is an action so not really comparable to racial hatred, don't you think?
Accepted memes about blacks here:
-summer of love
-despite making 12% of the population
-we wuz kangz
-abolish the 13
-smoke detectors
Bruh, there are posts here talking about how women infiltrate and undermine institutions and how basically all media sucks because of that. Allowed patterns again.
Are you saying jews are a race? Are you implying it's ok to hate on troons as a group 🤔
Most of those 'memes' as you say are completely benign. Why shouldn't one criticize the summer of love? I've not seen 13th and am unfamiliar with the smoke detectors, but none of them are saying that blacks as a group are pure evil as people here assert about the Jews.
Infiltrate? Nah. People just say that letting women in ruins organizations, not that there is a grand conspiracy because women are pure evil, at least, not from non-Imps.
An ethnicity, and the Nazis certainly hate on that basis.
In my view, absolutely.
You avoided mentioning the 13% meme. And you don't know what the jogger meme implies? It's connected to the dindu meme, I guess it's ok as long as we use euphemisms, what about people of banking?
Gotcha, it's ok to say a certain group of people is allowed to run institutions as long as isn't ascribed to evil.
Nahtzees also hated blacks and troons, you have a lot in common. Guess it's ok to be a stormfag as long you don't hate joos?
What about gays tho? Sucking dick and sticking it in the pooper is an action
Bro get real the word "nigger" is accepted usage to refer to black people around here
"Kike" is accepted for Jews.
Because the people who ruined gaming and entertainment with woke shit have that very inconvenient thing in common with the fake news journos pushing negrolatry and attacking White countries (who also called us racist, sexist, misogynist incels for stating the facts that they wouldn't).
Which also, cohencidentally relates them to the people running the Fed, most major corporations, and the dual citizens in Congress voting to send billions of our dollars to Israel annually despite the latter being nowhere close to an "ally."
Idk how you cant see trump freezing all foreign aid EXCEPT FOR ISRAEL and not at least begin to see the problem
And Egypt, because we pay them off to keep the peace with Israel
Even I'm starting to get tired of it, despite AGREEING with most of the notions.
be the change you want to see. Make your own posts that aren't about jews if you want to see more posts that aren't about jews .
I've tried but the farther I go down the rabbit hole the more the T fades away
You don't belong here.
I can do it, I post game stuff when I can find it, but it gets better traction on the game sub.
this is why we need imp back, he provided an important balance.
He ensured that another 15 to 50% was bitching about women.
At least Imp is funny. I miss his talk about the Nazi gender and how the vaccines were going to kill 90% of the world's population...
You thought imp was funny because he was part of your defense force. He called every other commenter a stormfag. Of course you guys were besties. He was also very defensive of trannies, which is directly adjacent to your obvious homosexuality.
The two guys whose arguing spanned dozens of threads across multiple topics (sometimes multiple in the same thread) to a point where most of us had to beg them to stop cluttering up everything with nonsensical bickering are part of a "defense force?"
You guys really just say anything to attack people you don't like without any actual thought.
I love your projection here. All the neonazi fuckwits end up being exposed as degenerate tranny lovers.
Or are we not allowed to notice that pattern either?
Imp wore out his welcome to be perfectly honest. He just got more and more schizo as time went on to the point where he was an active detriment to the sub because a good 25% of all comments on the sub were just him screaming at everyone who didn't want to facilitate global extinction of all human life.
My biggest problem with Imp was his inability to grasp the concept of a gradient of opinion. To him, you had to agree with him 100.00% on absolutely every one of this ideas on women, and to the same extreme as him, or he'd immediately cast you out as a feminist. You could tell him he's 99% correct about 99% of the things he believes, and to him you're just as bad as JK Rowling or Gloria Steinem because of that last 1%.
But can you see the funny in that? I mean, if you take him seriously, but he's a comic figure. I mean, he talks about a Nazi gender. What can be funnier?
What I find most impressive about him is how he can be absolutely nuts while also completely keeping his spaghetti in his pockets on non-women subjects. It's almost as if he can compartmentalize his crazy, and that is why I sometimes suspected him of being a troll - though I think he is not.
He's fine in small doses but he was saturating every single thread with his unhinged sperging. It was effectively information jamming. Made the forum borderline unusable on some days.
You are a TRAITOR in league with the Enemy Gender.
Indeed, I would in fact like to see the human race continue to exist.
Well I think I am hilarious, so checkmate.
Its funny, I have nothing against jewish, chinese, indian people.
Their governments are about anti human rights as someone can get. America and the Crown is just as bad it seems.
Im not convinced human rights exist in Canada, I sure as hell havent seen them.
In Canada, you have the human right to be run over by a horse.
Unban Imp1. That way Antonio will be too busy handling his spergouts to worry about getting you banned.
They don't want this lucrative enterprise of theirs shut down by the (((bankers)))
Yet I haven't been banned
Maybe not going hardcore pro Palestinian might be the way to handle this?
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
Well, shit. I didn't think you'd actually violate that rule again, but you clearly did.
You posted an explicitly false statement that was false according to your own source. You made shit up, and you're making shit up now too.
I banned you for making up shit from whole cloth. Something you are doing again. I even told you that I didn't have to look into what AoV was pointing out because your conduct was either negligent or deliberate. So you're stating something that is, again, the complete opposite of true, and you are aware of it.
Literally doesn't mean anything. The issue is what you made up in addition to the fabrication from your source. I explicitly allow people to post shit that they mistakenly believe to be true. I know you don't believe this shit is true, because you are saying the opposite of your own source and making up shit from whole cloth.
Again, an explicit lie. You can see the number of posts screaming about jews every day by Telia.
Besides Brigands, Trolls, and Spammers, the only person who's ever managed to get a permanent ban is Imp because he chose to continue to get banned until I could no longer lengthen it. You are a specific problem, however. Now that you've established you have no intention of telling the truth, even biased truth, or even things you mistakenly believe to be the truth, what choice do I have but to see you as an explicit Brigand. How are you any different from out Pedo Pajeet when he's impersonating a White Nationalist?
See, here's the problem. Making a post about a user is a violation of Rule 3, which is what you did to AoV. I allow posts complaining about enforcement which use me in the title, because I think it's good practice to allow people to complain. But on top of that, you are explicitly lying about AoV, lying about the enforcement action, lying about how bans work, lying about the relevance of your source. How are you not explicitly a Brigand here to troll and start flame wars?
Stop being a fag and fuck off
Oh no, your conpro cocksucking friend got correctly banned.
Seethe more faggot.
Weird how all these accounts that never post come out of the woodwork every time too...
i've no idea who the guy is that's complaining about being banned, and i don't care about him
what i do care about is that yet again the mods are being a bunch of cunts, first happened on kia1 and now on kia2, when we migrated over to win we should never have brought over the shit rules from reddit
Yeah, because things like integrity were never something we cared about. Clearly. Lying and deception was how it all started. Definitely.You midwit.
Take the hint. Fuck off.
Wait, how am I involved in this? Is it because I pointed out that what you posted was a blatant lie? That you claimed that an 'exemption from income tax' form showing $800 million in income was actually a USAID grant for $800 million?
If people were 'conspiring' against you, you'd have been permabanned for the combination of naming yourself after Hitler and being the rabid neo-Nazi that you are...
Thats coming, a few more "fake news" violations and we will get there. You certainly can't hit me with Rule 16. You JIDF operatives sound EXACTLY like leftist. Fitting considering you created them..
R16 is the paradox of tolerance. You can't talk about who's behind most of the concentrated attacks on White Christians without naming them.
It’s not even enforced universally. It exists to protect exactly one group of people. And to fuck over Imp, I guess.
You guess?
So it's not protecting exactly one group of people.
Also, if you were sperging out like Telia is on a daily basis about blacks, you'd be permabanned in no time.
You literally presented information in a misleading manner. And are now screeching angrily that people have pointed it out.
Your entire post was just completely and utterly wrong. This is literally like the "fake news" that MSM shoves out on the daily, just against a different target.
A) If you truly believe in what you are posting, stop letting your hatred blind you to the point that you are willing to jump at shadows in order to strike at your hated enemy.
B) If you don't believe in what you are posting, but are instead doing this to further your hatred of your most hated enemy, then stop trying to use your hatred to blind others. You want to hate them? Sure, be my guest, but if you want to post stuff then FFS post actual, factual information.
So why is it coming, rather than having already come?
Also, what do I have to do with it?
So maybe don't post obviously false claims in the future?
I can't hit you with any rule violations. I'm not a moderator.
You sound like a perfectly sane and rational human being.
what's telling is when you realize conpro was one of the hottest communities on the site up until a year or two(i don't have an exact timeline, this is all from memory) ago. it was essentially thedonald, GAW, and then conpro and I2P in a tug-of-war for third in terms of top posts.
I use the "all" tab on the trending tab, because I the want unfiltered overview of the site, and there were days when conpro basically owned the first page or so of results. Not really shocking that a site started by trump supporters would have a majority protrump stance, but conpro was more than allowed to engage in whatever circlejerking they wanted in their own forum.
then other communities arrived and started competing for the top spots, and later scored opened up the site to people making their own communities, not just acting as a lifeboat to reddit, and the competition for those top spots increased.
memory's hazy, but I'm pretty sure it was right around this time suddenly "fedposting" and 'muh juu' posts started ramping up in other forums. there'd always been a sprinkling of that here and there, and obviously funny has more or less always been anything goes, in spite of the first two rules about being actually funny, but if you were paying attention, it was impossible not to notice an increase in the number of posts and comments talking about 'little hat people' and ((double parenthesis)) constantly.
draw your own conclusions, but it's hard for me not to suspect the motivation behind this stuff.
Correct. The forum sliding leftists invade every effective right wing space, and destroy it.
They don't like you noticing that pattern though.
And now any criticism of this protected demographic is officially just “leftists infiltrating and subverting the always pro-Israel right wing”.
Never change, retard lol
No, it's actually the constant screeching from a bunch of faggots like you that gets old. Go back to conpro and screech all you want.
well, that and not getting enough attention on their home turf.
crickets because user is permabanned and all new accounts are shadowbanned
Well, yeah. You claim that you were framed for an infraction to permaban you. So if there is such a desire to permaban you, why weren't you permabanned upon seeing your name?
Also, you still haven't explained what I have to do with it.
We can only hope you get permabanned. Please, God, if you're listening.