NGL I'm too fucking autistic to answer that breakfast question correctly despite being white. I rarely have "breakfast" in the first traditional sense so wouldn't answer with either "hungry" or the meme response.
Well the original point wasn't "only blacks are like this" but "blacks are so overwhelmingly low IQ that they all fail this test." So you might need to think about yourself buddy.
JK, love you. But its also just a meme question to begin with from a guy on 4chan. Useful in the general sense but not really applicable in a "objective" sense because of problems like you point out.
The BQ tests your grasp of hypotheticals, so the answer in your case would be "I would feel fine" or "I'd feel normal like always." There is no getting away from the BQ.
You at least understand the different answers though. To be fair to people whose initial answer is “but I did eat breakfast” or something else, most people asking you in real life how you’d feel if you didn’t eat breakfast probably are asking if you did eat breakfast. The most frequent context of a question like that is someone asking you if you did eat breakfast or want to or something, not some out of context hypothetical, which is weird if you’re casually being asked that during another completely different conversation on something like Twitter.
Because the rats panicked at having even a single lux of sunlight pointed at them and blew the story up more than it ever would have managed otherwise. Barbara Streisand would be proud were the concept not about her own stupidity in the first place.
Feels like the Simpsons' Aurora Borealis meme could be used here while the reporter remembers just what is on those HDDs and decides not to let anyone see it.
And then we discovered that a significant portion of the societal elites are all satanic pedophiles being controlled by shadowy intelligence organizations and international cabals.
One big factor to the press reaction was the claim of misogyny and harassment. Didn't it start pretty close to when 'rape culture' was somewhat trendy talking point?
It’s hilarious that it’s gotten to the point that, like accusing people of racism, people like me no longer give a flying fuck or care. The anti-racist and sexist movement single handedly brought back racism and sexism because demand outstripped the supply and caused a mass, worldwide number of people to start doing some noticing.
Yes. They overused the accusations, and threw words around like "fascist, misogynist, racist, sexist, pedo, Nazi, white supremacist, etc.etc." so much that they lost all meaning. The constant vitriol and labeling at people on the Right who disagreed with literally anything retarded has made me and many others completely numb to it.
Nah, "rape culture" had been a thing since the 70s when Feminists first started writing about it. It escaped containment to talk about the problem with prison (aka about men in a real sense) and then got taken back over by internet feminists in the early 00s.
By the time of GG it had actually fallen out of favor, along with a lot of more radical Tumblr Feminism in exchange for Intersectional Language.
No, I'm going to argue that Guns are the most successful battleground in the culture war (at least in the US), and possibly abortion.
For guns, the one hundred year long effort to criminalize firearms ownership starting at the Cruikshank decision reached it's absolute peak with the Assault Weapons Ban during the Clinton administration, that proceeded to die after "sun-setting"; but every secondary attack the Left have made has been basically rebuked and now momentum is rolling in the opposite direction. There are major efforts at re-legalizing open carry, ending the National Firearms Act, and re-introducing Constitutional Carry. Thanks to all the terrorism (Leftwing or otherwise) and distrust of institutions, there has been no popular movement towards gun control, not really even on the Left, this despite their desperate effort to claim that all crime in their hive cities, and all school shootings, are entirely the result of the existence of firearms. When it comes to guns, we are regressing towards the 1960's, at least in America. Internationally, while the Anglosphere hasn't moved, the non-Anglosphere (particularly in South America) is recognizing that firearms ownership seems to actually alleviate crime. They are intentionally loosening firearm restrictions in even Socialist countries to get some of the rampaging crime under control, as well as limiting prosecutions against victims retaliating against their attackers. In some cases, this might be still limited to off-duty police, or people with the police's approval, but it's a damn sight better than what they've ever had.
For abortion, there can be no doubt that this is the one issue where the right seems most organized and well-funded on, yet has only had middling success. It seems to be the absolute biggest theater for conflict. Strangely enough, the success of overturning Roe v. Wade has come only after the power of the Evangelical movement died. For the right, there is a huge problem of their institutions are just as distrusted as even the mainstream institutions by their own members, but culturally there seems to be a religiosity increase. People are seeing the value in (and making competent philosophical and social arguments for) religion. This seems to be causing a genuine push against abortion, now that the Left has finally declared the "Safe, Legal, and Rare" compromise from the 90's consensus to be dead. I'm still amazed at how incompetent the right are at reading ballot proposals, but if it weren't for the Left's excellent ability to lie, and the right's inability to read, there wouldn't be the kind of blowback we actually saw. Although the Left did get headway with multiple pro-abortion efforts (pro-choice is basically a dead concept), anti-abortion is also gaining a lot more ground politically. It really does seem like "Heart Beat Bills" are basically popular everywhere, but the Left needs to spin wild lies in order to keep pro-abortion laws on the books. Their control over information is strong, but I think there's a real popular anti-abortion sentiment taking root. I do believe that America is leaning towards a Fourth Great Awakening, but it hasn't hit it yet.
By contrast, video games probably have the strongest reactionary popular sentiment, and are still in general populated by 'Left Libertarian' youngsters. They are all the "Live and Let Live" types that they've always kind of been. But despite a full and total conquest of every major gaming institution, almost on Earth, that audience hasn't really budged in 10 years. Progress against those institutions, on the other had, have been mixed. Yes, YouTubers defeated Access Journalism. YouTubers are now being displaced by Twitch streamers. And YouTubers themselves are still very much part of Access Media, but they happen to be more competent and open with their biases than journalists ever were. We've really not made progress in the way of changing the gaming development scene either, despite the fact that AA and Indie development is stronger by orders of magnitude than it was during GamerGate. There is no reactionary game developers. All we've got is a partially based audience who can't take SJWs seriously, and some based modders, and that's about it.
I became a Christian theocratic monarchist who is married with a child because some dumb whore fucked a bunch of fags for reviews. It really is funny when you think about it
Had journos and the rest of the establishment not reacted, Gamergate wouldn't have even gotten the name "Gamergate" and been over in 2 to 4 weeks. Instead, it lead to one of the largest wake-up calls for otherwise normal people to start to pay attention.
It probably would have happened anyway. People would have slowly started to say "what the fuck is going on", but GG in my opinion was a nice kick to get people to really see how fucked things are.
I'd never have given a shit or come to a place like this if mootykins didn't get pressured by his tumblr girlfriend to start censoring 4chan of all places over it.
Because if not for that, it was things I already knew and thought everyone else who didn't know it was too stupid to interact with.
I'd never have given a shit or come to a place like this if mootykins didn't get pressured by his tumblr girlfriend to start censoring 4chan of all places over it.
Same thing here.
I never even spent any time on 4chan other than reading some particularly absurd threads for entertainment value.
But the thing that really got my attention in regards to GG was, "wait, they're censoring 4chan? Seriously?"
For me it was /b/ specifically getting censored. Places like /v/ were for loser virgins and I enjoyed mods fucking with them. It even showed me Katawa Shoujo back in the day because /ksv/ got run off the board and settled into /ksb/ for a long time.
But when their little FiveGuys nonsense started getting threads on /b/ deleted, that aroused my suspicion.
They didn't last long after he left, if not before that. Last I heard about him he was suspected as being one of the sources of a huge Google leak.
But he always wanted to disappear from being a front facing figure after years of being a Devil of the Internet, so I think most people just let him fade into history. With his coding skills he will never really be at a loss for work.
The last thing they wanted was for people to realize that games journalists are paid liars because from there it’s only a short step to knowing ALL journalists are paid liars.
It might have failed but it was essentially eye-opening moment in general how often mainstream media lies and slanders the opposition while completely sheltering the other side branding it the right side of the history. It made me realise this mentality goes way further.
It didn't fail. Games journalism is now completely dead, corporate journalism almost dead, and the fact that the world is being choked by an international criminal cabal is now even on normie lips.
It took YEARS for game journalism to die by the time when the game industry is already infiltrated by far-left fucksticks and big Japanese companies that got subverted and Japanese game industry doing bad as whole, China and Korea are taking over (which I actually hate seeing). I don't know what you call this other than failure. If I'm being generous, pyrrhic victory. Pretending otherwise in my opinion is a cope. Pretending gamergate won is almost like Canada is salvageable now because Justin Trudeau resigned from his position.
While we are on the topic of discussing international cabal, are any of those people that pushed coronavirus pandemic and vaccine mandate going to be punished? I would like to see that happen but I doubt that.
Yes, it turned out that the ideology was being pushed hard by that same cabal, or else we would have won basically overnight. As it is woke company after woke company is failing or struggling, non-woke stuff is doing gangbusters, studios and companies are starting to outright denounce wokeness, the whole world is shifting to the right, and Trump was elected twice.
Gamergate achieved the goals that we set out to achieve. Now it's been folded into the war against the richest and most evil people in the world, which itself is going well. Exposing a second health bar does not mean you are losing.
it was the peak behind the curtain they thought would never happen. it exposed the rabbit hole that eventually taught us that the media is bought and paid for, and it reaches far beyond entertainment. I'm convinced this was the start of the modern culture war for this generation.
The Left wrong about pretty much everything, but they are right about one thing: gamergate did lead to Trump getting elected.
Because game journos couldnt make it as news journos or had no connections to get in. But they behave the same way: they hate their supposed audience, think they are stupid, and only do what they do because they like to sidle up to power.
It is funny to think us just wanting honest reviews for games led to all this a decade later.
We were that small annoying noise they couldn't find to turn off even when they ripped their houses apart just to make it stop.
NGL I'm too fucking autistic to answer that breakfast question correctly despite being white. I rarely have "breakfast" in the first traditional sense so wouldn't answer with either "hungry" or the meme response.
Well the original point wasn't "only blacks are like this" but "blacks are so overwhelmingly low IQ that they all fail this test." So you might need to think about yourself buddy.
JK, love you. But its also just a meme question to begin with from a guy on 4chan. Useful in the general sense but not really applicable in a "objective" sense because of problems like you point out.
My two immediate responses to this are either the Quantum Leap "I'm retarded?" scene, or this one from The Jerk.
I'd upvote you twice if I could just for bringing The Jerk back into my day.
Cross your eyes and it can look like two upvotes! 🤓
Well that and this involve understanding per capita which is the other known Achilles heel of blacks intellectually, so it's a double whammy.
The BQ tests your grasp of hypotheticals, so the answer in your case would be "I would feel fine" or "I'd feel normal like always." There is no getting away from the BQ.
Breakfast comes
at youfor your fast.You at least understand the different answers though. To be fair to people whose initial answer is “but I did eat breakfast” or something else, most people asking you in real life how you’d feel if you didn’t eat breakfast probably are asking if you did eat breakfast. The most frequent context of a question like that is someone asking you if you did eat breakfast or want to or something, not some out of context hypothetical, which is weird if you’re casually being asked that during another completely different conversation on something like Twitter.
If it bothers you that much it's an apocryphal tale. (It never actually happened but the point remains)
The answer can be "I don't usually eat breakfast because I'm not usually hungry in the morning" and you still understand the question.
Saying "but I did eat breakfast" shows a lack of ability to understand the hypothetical.
"The hallway just does that"
lol. What is next? You want honest, efficient government, by the people, for the people? And a free pony?
Why not wish for world peace while you are at it.
Because the rats panicked at having even a single lux of sunlight pointed at them and blew the story up more than it ever would have managed otherwise. Barbara Streisand would be proud were the concept not about her own stupidity in the first place.
Nice use of the term "lux"
Ah, the glorious days of a UN report using as source :
Feels like the Simpsons' Aurora Borealis meme could be used here while the reporter remembers just what is on those HDDs and decides not to let anyone see it.
Ha! I remember that. Some UNC path to the C:\ drive IIRC.
And then we discovered that a significant portion of the societal elites are all satanic pedophiles being controlled by shadowy intelligence organizations and international cabals.
One big factor to the press reaction was the claim of misogyny and harassment. Didn't it start pretty close to when 'rape culture' was somewhat trendy talking point?
Calling criticism of a woman misogyny is always a trendy talking point.
It’s hilarious that it’s gotten to the point that, like accusing people of racism, people like me no longer give a flying fuck or care. The anti-racist and sexist movement single handedly brought back racism and sexism because demand outstripped the supply and caused a mass, worldwide number of people to start doing some noticing.
Yes. They overused the accusations, and threw words around like "fascist, misogynist, racist, sexist, pedo, Nazi, white supremacist, etc.etc." so much that they lost all meaning. The constant vitriol and labeling at people on the Right who disagreed with literally anything retarded has made me and many others completely numb to it.
Nah, "rape culture" had been a thing since the 70s when Feminists first started writing about it. It escaped containment to talk about the problem with prison (aka about men in a real sense) and then got taken back over by internet feminists in the early 00s.
By the time of GG it had actually fallen out of favor, along with a lot of more radical Tumblr Feminism in exchange for Intersectional Language.
And video games are still the most successful battleground in the culture war.
No, I'm going to argue that Guns are the most successful battleground in the culture war (at least in the US), and possibly abortion.
For guns, the one hundred year long effort to criminalize firearms ownership starting at the Cruikshank decision reached it's absolute peak with the Assault Weapons Ban during the Clinton administration, that proceeded to die after "sun-setting"; but every secondary attack the Left have made has been basically rebuked and now momentum is rolling in the opposite direction. There are major efforts at re-legalizing open carry, ending the National Firearms Act, and re-introducing Constitutional Carry. Thanks to all the terrorism (Leftwing or otherwise) and distrust of institutions, there has been no popular movement towards gun control, not really even on the Left, this despite their desperate effort to claim that all crime in their hive cities, and all school shootings, are entirely the result of the existence of firearms. When it comes to guns, we are regressing towards the 1960's, at least in America. Internationally, while the Anglosphere hasn't moved, the non-Anglosphere (particularly in South America) is recognizing that firearms ownership seems to actually alleviate crime. They are intentionally loosening firearm restrictions in even Socialist countries to get some of the rampaging crime under control, as well as limiting prosecutions against victims retaliating against their attackers. In some cases, this might be still limited to off-duty police, or people with the police's approval, but it's a damn sight better than what they've ever had.
For abortion, there can be no doubt that this is the one issue where the right seems most organized and well-funded on, yet has only had middling success. It seems to be the absolute biggest theater for conflict. Strangely enough, the success of overturning Roe v. Wade has come only after the power of the Evangelical movement died. For the right, there is a huge problem of their institutions are just as distrusted as even the mainstream institutions by their own members, but culturally there seems to be a religiosity increase. People are seeing the value in (and making competent philosophical and social arguments for) religion. This seems to be causing a genuine push against abortion, now that the Left has finally declared the "Safe, Legal, and Rare" compromise from the 90's consensus to be dead. I'm still amazed at how incompetent the right are at reading ballot proposals, but if it weren't for the Left's excellent ability to lie, and the right's inability to read, there wouldn't be the kind of blowback we actually saw. Although the Left did get headway with multiple pro-abortion efforts (pro-choice is basically a dead concept), anti-abortion is also gaining a lot more ground politically. It really does seem like "Heart Beat Bills" are basically popular everywhere, but the Left needs to spin wild lies in order to keep pro-abortion laws on the books. Their control over information is strong, but I think there's a real popular anti-abortion sentiment taking root. I do believe that America is leaning towards a Fourth Great Awakening, but it hasn't hit it yet.
By contrast, video games probably have the strongest reactionary popular sentiment, and are still in general populated by 'Left Libertarian' youngsters. They are all the "Live and Let Live" types that they've always kind of been. But despite a full and total conquest of every major gaming institution, almost on Earth, that audience hasn't really budged in 10 years. Progress against those institutions, on the other had, have been mixed. Yes, YouTubers defeated Access Journalism. YouTubers are now being displaced by Twitch streamers. And YouTubers themselves are still very much part of Access Media, but they happen to be more competent and open with their biases than journalists ever were. We've really not made progress in the way of changing the gaming development scene either, despite the fact that AA and Indie development is stronger by orders of magnitude than it was during GamerGate. There is no reactionary game developers. All we've got is a partially based audience who can't take SJWs seriously, and some based modders, and that's about it.
I became a Christian theocratic monarchist who is married with a child because some dumb whore fucked a bunch of fags for reviews. It really is funny when you think about it
Repeated positive coverage of her choose your own text adventure* without the journalist disclosing his intimate ties with the ''developper''.
Grayson didn't write a proper review. Just repeated positive coverage, and the media and Wikipedia threw themselves all-in to that technicality.
And for all the lies told by the media about this, Nathan Grayson is thanked in the credits of Depression Quest.
Had journos and the rest of the establishment not reacted, Gamergate wouldn't have even gotten the name "Gamergate" and been over in 2 to 4 weeks. Instead, it lead to one of the largest wake-up calls for otherwise normal people to start to pay attention.
It probably would have happened anyway. People would have slowly started to say "what the fuck is going on", but GG in my opinion was a nice kick to get people to really see how fucked things are.
I'd never have given a shit or come to a place like this if mootykins didn't get pressured by his tumblr girlfriend to start censoring 4chan of all places over it.
Because if not for that, it was things I already knew and thought everyone else who didn't know it was too stupid to interact with.
Same thing here.
I never even spent any time on 4chan other than reading some particularly absurd threads for entertainment value.
But the thing that really got my attention in regards to GG was, "wait, they're censoring 4chan? Seriously?"
For me it was /b/ specifically getting censored. Places like /v/ were for loser virgins and I enjoyed mods fucking with them. It even showed me Katawa Shoujo back in the day because /ksv/ got run off the board and settled into /ksb/ for a long time.
But when their little FiveGuys nonsense started getting threads on /b/ deleted, that aroused my suspicion.
I wonder where he’s at these days. For that matter, I wonder where she is. I’m sure they’re not together
They didn't last long after he left, if not before that. Last I heard about him he was suspected as being one of the sources of a huge Google leak.
But he always wanted to disappear from being a front facing figure after years of being a Devil of the Internet, so I think most people just let him fade into history. With his coding skills he will never really be at a loss for work.
The last thing they wanted was for people to realize that games journalists are paid liars because from there it’s only a short step to knowing ALL journalists are paid liars.
It might have failed but it was essentially eye-opening moment in general how often mainstream media lies and slanders the opposition while completely sheltering the other side branding it the right side of the history. It made me realise this mentality goes way further.
It didn't fail. Games journalism is now completely dead, corporate journalism almost dead, and the fact that the world is being choked by an international criminal cabal is now even on normie lips.
It took YEARS for game journalism to die by the time when the game industry is already infiltrated by far-left fucksticks and big Japanese companies that got subverted and Japanese game industry doing bad as whole, China and Korea are taking over (which I actually hate seeing). I don't know what you call this other than failure. If I'm being generous, pyrrhic victory. Pretending otherwise in my opinion is a cope. Pretending gamergate won is almost like Canada is salvageable now because Justin Trudeau resigned from his position.
While we are on the topic of discussing international cabal, are any of those people that pushed coronavirus pandemic and vaccine mandate going to be punished? I would like to see that happen but I doubt that.
Yes, it turned out that the ideology was being pushed hard by that same cabal, or else we would have won basically overnight. As it is woke company after woke company is failing or struggling, non-woke stuff is doing gangbusters, studios and companies are starting to outright denounce wokeness, the whole world is shifting to the right, and Trump was elected twice.
Gamergate achieved the goals that we set out to achieve. Now it's been folded into the war against the richest and most evil people in the world, which itself is going well. Exposing a second health bar does not mean you are losing.
it was the peak behind the curtain they thought would never happen. it exposed the rabbit hole that eventually taught us that the media is bought and paid for, and it reaches far beyond entertainment. I'm convinced this was the start of the modern culture war for this generation.
The Left wrong about pretty much everything, but they are right about one thing: gamergate did lead to Trump getting elected.
al they had to do was pretend for a couple weeks. couldn't even do that.
And the United Nations.
It ended with Anita Sarkesien and Zoe Quinn speaking to the UN about "violence against women".
It's all about pride. They get told "No" once and suffer a catastrophic reactor meltdown. See Trump's first election also.
Because game journos couldnt make it as news journos or had no connections to get in. But they behave the same way: they hate their supposed audience, think they are stupid, and only do what they do because they like to sidle up to power.
And now, it is their holocaust with accompanying lies and revisions to grift victim points.