British police and a psychologist showed up at this man's home because he had posted on social media "Christians must stand up" after Islamist attack.
'I was put in a police car and taken away.'The father of a Rotherham grooming gang victim tells GB News how he was arrested twice when trying to rescue his daughter from an abuse den.
UK police commissioner threatens to extradite, jail US citizens over online posts: 'We'll come after you'
UK police arrest White Christians for comments posted online whilst gyrating with blacks on public streets
BREAKING: British MPs vote against national inquiry into grooming gangs in 364-111 vote
And they think its funny
Most criminals gang members are Pakistani/South Asian and most victims are White
British police were called to a house after a neighbor heard screams. They found a young girl n*ked & drunk with 7 Pakistani men.They arrested the girl for being drunk & convicted her. They reportedly didn’t even question the men.
2 years in prison for saying he doesn't want his taxes spent on criminal invaders ...
UK justice system. years in prison for posting racist comments online, whilst foreigners raping 12 year olds just get community service and no prison time.
Welcome to when a sizable amount of your population is blackpilled.
I'm serious, talking with my UK mates, there is a level of disenfranchisement that is ridiculously high. It allowed the UK authorities to get this far but at the same time if another country invaded Britain, said we'll kill all the establishment and take over but will leave everyone else to live normally if they don't resist, majority of the country would give them directions to each headquarters.
You can see will military recruitment, there's little to no loyalty to the country anymore and the authority there is getting weaker and weaker to physical force.
10 years ago I had some friends in the UK military, and even then their response was "dude, everyone hates us because we're soldiers"
They had no idea that American women liked their accent. (It was one of those semi-sophisticated accents that Americans put on villains in movies to make them sound smart, not a Cockney 'allo govnah, wut 'ave we 'ere den?' style accent)
The King's English is an S tier accent, while the High American accent is only A tier. Interesting that they didn't know that.
How do the rest of the UK rank?
I would say that the leathery Scottish accent, like the one Critical Drinker has, is also S tier. It's awesome to listen to while still being easily understandable. However, accents like Scouse I would put in C or even D tier (just grating to listen to), accents like Liverpudlian or Manchester are A tier (pleasant enough and very understandable), while Cockney is C or B tier (sometimes quite difficult to understand), and accents like Yorkshire and some Scottish accents are D tier (very difficult to understand; they might as well be a different language, honestly).
If they're speaking Doric it is a different language.
I had to look him up to check this, he's from Fife so I'm not sure how well it's going to go listening to him 😂
I'm trying find a vid he's done I won't despise simply for the context and I think I'm going to go with Starship Troopers.
Eh, there's some weird echo in the vid so watched the Maverick vid instead as that's newer.
Honestly, that's not a great Scots accent. He's got a very slight slur at the end of many sentences where the last word lasts juust a bit too long, and I chose the number of u's there intentionally because it's enough to be longer than it should be and yet still also too short for the expected effect ifb any is intended. Which is ironic imo since the recurring characteristic I've been told about Scots is just how fast we talk. Sure he's possibly speaking slower so that his audience can understand him, since it's a cornerstone of his gig, but I can't help but feel like it misrepresents the general accent and patter I've known all my life from both my own accent and that of every other Scot I've spoken with across all parts of the country.
From my own experiences I've had non Scots lose track of both my own and another Scots conversation after we got faster and faster to the point we could both still understand everything but evidently we're going quite deep into Scots vernacular.
Personally Critical Drinker is not a Scots accent I could listen to for very long, probably in part because of how off it sounds to me due to the above reasons. I understand it works for many given his popularity but I also wonder whether his channel focus may help with that.
It helps that the character is supposed to be drunk, and thus slurring his speech. That's why he's speaking so slowly.
My wife says she can't understand anyone on the shows I watch. I have to tell her it's TV, they're speaking slowly and carefully. It's not like day time talk shows where they need translators and cultural commenters to make sure it wasn't a swear word.
It actually makes it worse. Ironically he's too coherent to sound drunk in any way and the slurring always being the last word is too consistent for such a state.
I prefer Attic myself.
Would Scouse be Eh grade.
It's hccccchhhhhh tier :)
I think that's Canadian.
Is that Liverpool? It sounds like a Jonathan Swift adjective.
It is, and yet Manchester still has it worse.
Yes it is.
Good morning, sir.
Do you speak the language of gentlemen? Or do you speak the language of commoners and rift raft?
I see. Good day to you as well. I'd like to think my language is refined enough.
A tier? More like C tier.
I disagree. High American is one of the most understandable accents in all of English. And it's easy to listen to as well; you can and do listen to it for hours without it becoming grating.
It's very understandable, I'll give you that. But not exactly pleasant.
It could be even more pleasant, true (that's what keeps it from S tier), but it doesn't grate at all. How many American movies are watched around the world, and how many viewers come away distracted by the accent? Not very many.
It's amazing what you can get away with when the government perpetrators don't have to worry about citizens with guns, gardening tools or kitchen knives.
Then you see what is allowed to happen in America.........
No such luck. The ruling class has nuclear weapons, after all.
Correction: there is no loyalty to the ruling class. All you are doing is waging their unjustified wars of aggression. Why on earth would you risk your life for that?
Pretty much, I have the feeling Britain could EASILY turn into the civil war stage of Libya when Gaddafi open up the arsenals to the people to defeat the rebels, only for everyone to take the guns and use them against the state.
The public there wouldn't even piss on Parliament if it was on fire during a full session, just stop ensure the clock is safe.
Which is why they will never open up the arsenal to the people, only to their paid mercenaries.
They have the money for mercenaries?
It's called the British Army. It's always been a joke. They always relied on their navy. But now they don't even have that. Like Russia is called a gas station with nukes, Britain is an underage girl brothel with nukes.
Your group would be fighting with other immigrant groups and whatever political groups caused the trouble in the first place.
The Kalergi plan.
The perpetrators are in charge of every Western (White) government and institution (media, news, schools, banks, police, justice system, etc.). They hate us (White people) and are intentionally genociding us. Every policy, taxation, action, war, spending bill, law, judgment, it's all meant to achieve that goal.
The Anglos have been a very cucked people for quite a while now. Too much focus on being law abiding and productive, too much materialism.
"Keep calm and carry on".
Stiff upper lip
Mass anti-white brainwashing by the BBC. Coverups by all the media (asians in the government pushing to censor/arrest any journalist who reports the truth like tommy robinson)
grooming gangs received 1% the coverage of george floyd-despite one being local and one the other side of the world
This is what globalists do when they succeed at disarming you.
What's wrong with you? The Rothschilds have owned you for two centuries. That's a big part of the answer.
Well, at least they aren't speaking German.
Coming soon - 51 weeks in prison and unlimited fines for anyone critical of the Government which causes "non-trivial psychological harm" or physical harm. Also, up to 14 years in prison for anyone outside the UK extradited there to face trial for "foreign interference".
And who gets to decide what is "misinformation" and what is truth? The Government does via an unelected and unaccountable body who will be both pro Government and pro diversity. If they say 2+2=5, saying it's 4 will get you fined and jail time.
It's a dystopia for us, and a utopia for them. Nothing affirms a government's power more than to require people to affirm absurdities.
There really aren't enough hours in the day to write out all the answers to such a question.
Correct. It's not called Perfidious Albion for no reason.
I wish I had a good comment except I hope it just crumbles and becomes an official part of the USA. We can say Mum's in the attic or something.
Such is life in third-world shithole run by deranged monsters.
North Korea isn't like this.
I would ask you how you know, but you're the sort of dirty rat that runs away whenever I start really taking apart your arguments.
Also, before you start - north korea also has indentured servitude for those they deem 'subhuman'/'the other'/'enemy'.
No way britain can get out of this with voting... from rigging and ever more foreigners coming in, no chance. Only way is an IRA or bosnia type conflict. If the brish people are to do something, probably so it during trumps admin. Ant other admin will probably bomb the native british.
It's disgusting, and being able to do nothing about it is also a shitty feeling.
Jews. But honestly the English have been primed for being totalitarian dystopian assholes for a millennia. The Irish hate them. the Scots used to but cucked.
UK is what it looks like when the "vampire ball" is ending.
sacrificing their own people to protect the ideology from the dreaded villian known as Reality....
The British crown useless as ever.
All the good and noble British blood was expended during WW1&2 and the only thing left are the decendents of deserters, retards/cripples, and the cowards who hid in the back. I genuinly beleive the white race would only benefit if we nuked the UK and removed their modern genetic marker from our racial propagation efforts.
I've heard this point many times and I don't really believe it. Only 4% at most of the British Armed Forces died. If you look at the postwar leadership, a lot of them served in WWII as well.
You can say that the bravest people died the most and while there is slight truth to that, war is random and armies in WWII were drafted.
Russia took more casualties than anyone else in the Allies, and nobody is complaining about their masculinity.
More likely the postwar First World is a victim of materialism decoupling high class interests from the good of the lower classes. Britain is supposedly very stratified by class.
You make some good points, but if you can't trust 'FartFag5000', then who can you trust?
Also - no women are attracted to the “retards/cripples” left behind.
Women would always have waited for a fighter - even if some other woman married him first.
For marriage sure, but they weren't sitting around celibate either for the entire war. There were plenty of men who had to stay behind to operate essential tasks or just straight dodged/deserted who were banging everyone's "girl" back home.
Heck I wouldn't doubt a significant portion of the White Feather women were literally just trying to get their man out of country so they could do so.
There was a novel (Rat Patrol, maybe) that the US actually censored to take out scenes where soldiers' wives would cheat on them -- bad for morale to talk about that openly.
I don't know if it's true, but according to some Russians, the massive loss of men in WW2 led to a buyer's market for men - even though many were retards/cripples/criminals, and this is why Russian women still do their absolute best for men.
Women never wait.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Honestly, I want to keep this one up for the startling admission.
Ur mother sucks off dogs faggot
You're a White Nationalist advocating for White Genocide.
You don't get to talk.
This is why you screeching and deflecting about Elon's retarded H1B stance when he's condemning child rape is fucking stupid.
This is the problem that the UK has been going through since 1997. He's the first international voice to point at the the UK and go "Hey! What the fuck?!!"
You don't have to like him, but no one has put any pressure on the UK to change it's behavior. The UK fought to prevent Al-Qaeda operatives from being sent to the US for trial. The US intelligence agencies were the people who came up with the term "Londinistan". It's an open fucking secret, and it needs to stop being a secret.
I haven't even gotten to the part where 2,300 people a year are arrested for tweets.
Fucking Whataboutisim, Gizortnik? Really?
Just because we don't want to be literally replaced in our country by immigrants doesn't mean we support grape gangs.
This is a false dichotomy, and you know it.
You know every now and again you show a deep, nuanced view of a topic, and I forget that you are a cock-sucking faggot.
Tell us again how bad western colonies were. Explain again how anyone doubting the holy number of Jewish dead from A holocaust need to be put into the ovens.
You should do it to a Rage Against The Machine soundtrack while wearing a Pfizer tee shirt for extra shill points.
You can’t dedicate your attention to combatting replacement immigration in America because Pakistanis are raping children in the UK!
It’s especially retarded when you realize that Elon’s preferred breed of wage slave isn’t exactly famous for sexual restraint.
Oh no, the Groyper Faggots and ConPro Retards are so supportive of gang raping white children I seriously wonder if any of them are even Western.
Whether it's the abject retards that claimed Elon pretended to be a White Nationalist for 4 years, and then betrayed MAGA by opposing White Nationalism; or the mental midgets who condemned him for "bringing up a sex scandal from 20 years ago", or any of the other idiots whom I have watched for over a year make excuses for the Pro-Palestine movements and riots in the UK, it is fucking clear to me that it isn't a false dichotomy.
It is that the alt-right is so wrong about the most basic shit regarding Islam that they are one of three options: Feds, Leftists Larpers, or Islamist Larpers.
My problem isn't that they're racist, my problem is that they aren't racist. A white racist would oppose Elon's H1B stance and support Elon's grooming gang stance. He would support Elon's stance on grooming gangs with the same distance that he would support Bernie Sander's stance on H1B's. But they typically don't. The incessant attacks on Elon while he is actively calling out the greatest crime against Britain in it's entire civilization, is an obvious psy-op to try and push as much animosity and division in the right as humanly possible. Yes, they are always okay with raped white girls if it means hurting the populist right in any way imaginable, or seeing a dead jew somewhere.
Hell, one of these faggots told me that the suffering of English children wasn't a concern because they aren't part of the in-group that the nationalist concept is referring to. A white nationalist telling me the English don't count as an in-group for a white nationalist? This is why I get the feeling that only a Qatari funded shill would have the balls to make that argument. Even a Communist larper wouldn't try that.
Correct. But there are some people who claim that Elon is the enemy, because of 1 bad position, when clearly he is not.
shut the fuck up shitlib. Im going to talk shit about Elon Musk all i want. Just because he did the bare minimum of bringing up the child rapes gangs doesn't mean i''m not going to call him out when he promotes pajeet immigration to the United States.
Your previous attempts at deflecting his condemnations are what condemn you, not me. Now you're just trying to catch up to all the shit you didn't care about to gain some legitimacy at the last minute. Otherwise it looks like you're a Qatari shill defending Jihadis, rather than a White Nationalist.
says the jewish shill.
And i have never deflected any condemnation against muslim grooming gangs in Europe you lying piece of shit. .
i speak out against controlled opposition shills that defend jews and tries to claim that legal invasion is somehow any better than illegal invasion, and that upsets you. that's all there is to it.
It really gives away the tiny hats. They are relentless with the false dichotomies. Doesn’t matter if you openly advocate for the total elimination of Islam in the west. You simply cannot oppose Jewish supremacy without them smearing you as an apologist for Muslim barbarity.
You've been doing it for over a week because you need the Populist Right to die.
you hate that i speak against jews and i hold controlled opposition shills accountable. Too bad i'm going to keep doing it whether you like it or not.
You hate what you imagine to be jews, and you ignore the actual problems of whites for the sake of that imagination.
Elon's condemning the consequences of mass immigration out of one side of his mouth, while calling for more immigrants out of the other.
C’mon, Indians and Pakistanis are nothing alike!
He’s doing what “moderate” lefties always do when leftist policy generates huge problems: refusing to acknowledge root causes.
In Canada, almost everybody liked Indians, but almost everybody hated Pakistanis, so there really is a big difference.
Of course... now that there are tons of Indians in Canada, people are starting to hate the Indians too -- but for different reasons.
And the part of his mouth that is condemning the consequences of mass immigration is attacking a censorship regime that is protecting and furthering the consequences of mass immigration, leaving raped children in it's wake with no one held accountable.
I don't care if it's in bad faith. I don't care that J.K. Rowling is calling it out too. Fucking good. I don't care that people I don't like condemn child rape and bring attention to the government wide protection of child rape.
"I don't like him" and "I don't think he's being sincere enough" doesn't mean shit in this situation.