Let me get this right...to protect Jews, the government just made it illegal to claim the government is controlled by Jews.
Also, denying or questioning the exact telling of history. Current history. Since it's changed a few times already.
Or of accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel than "their own countries." I mean...what if they say openly that that's the case, and they're more loyal to Israel than where they are living? Is that still illegal? Can I not accuse Ben Shapiro, for example, of being more loyal to Israel than the US? He's said as much.
Also, since when does "the right to self-determination" come with a guarantee of an ethno-state...and how do I get in on that grift? Would certainly make things simple, if ethnostates were a yuman right.
And, uh...Jews did kill Jesus.
It's all so tiresome. But tell me again about the wonders of Judeo-Christian values. Also, the absolute arrogance (and, admittedly, massive power move, so props; impressive, if nothing else) that they managed to make it so other religions also have to acknowledge them as the Chosen Ones. I don't care if your own religion says you're chosen by God. That's pretty standard fare. But I don't have to believe it, and it's not hateful of me to refuse to state that you're better and more holy than I, because of your race. Absolutely ridiculous.
Even the rules here also technically bans the bible. The bible specifically says jews killed Jesus, but the rules here say that we can't collectively blame an identity group for something even though that's exactly what the bible does.
we can't collectively blame an identity group for something even though that's exactly what the bible does.
I guess the problem is blaming all jews for what #notalljews did. On the one hand, it wasn't like every single jew was hunting down Jesus for "heresy." Some, perhaps many, sought him out for wisdom or healing. On the other hand, the argument could be made that any group of jews would have demanded Jesus be crucified in a similar setting. The issue is taking in the symbolism of the scene versus the explicit text. That is, it is not explicitly stated that the whole jewish population did or would have done this (he had his disciples y'know).
Name good jewish billionaires fighting against what the genocidal jewish billionaires are doing.
If you can't do that, name any good jewish people fighting against what the genocidal jewish people are doing.
Are any of them fighting for white human rights? Are any of them fighting against jewish supremacy? Are any of them fighting to debunk the myth of institutionalized white supremacy?
Name good jewish billionaires fighting against what the genocidal jewish billionaires are doing.
There might be some; nothing springs to mind, but I also don't keep close track on all that. It definitely seems stilted toward the 'pro-genocide' side, though, I'll give you that. And those fuckers are evil, no question.
If you can't do that, name any good jewish people fighting against what the genocidal jewish people are doing.
This one is nowhere near as cut and dry, though. There are definitely some Jews who are totally on-point on this. Plenty of Jews are anti-Zionist, and not all of them are even of the raging lunatic leftist variety. There are libertarian Jews, who are pro-freedom, pro-America, and staunchly anti-war, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-genocide. I have some names in mind, but I don't really want to bring specific individuals into this; but there are absolutely Jews who get this at least 80% correct. And who are pushing the message and doing really good work.
There are Jews who (ridiculously) get labeled as antisemites and Nazis, for speaking out against the atrocities of The Jewish State of Israel™.
I think part of the issue on this is merely perception. Leftist Jews are largely assholes...but so are non-Jewish leftists. Rightwing Jews are often, well, traitors to the American right, frankly, because they're Israel first Zionists in it for their own ends. Not always, but there are a ton of them. But, again, a bunch of non-Jews are also neocon Zionist assholes. The uniparty is the uniparty, and there are Jews on both sides, being assholes. But there are also non-Jews on both sides, being assholes. Kind of how the whole thing works.
I have plenty of concerns, but to act like no Jews are legitimately anti-Zionist simply isn't true.
I don't care if your own religion says you're chosen by God. That's pretty standard fare
Actually this was rescinded because God let them know that they were whores who kept whoring themselves out to other gods (the entire book of Hosea is about Israel being nothing but whores, which is why God had Hosea marry a whore so he would know what it felt like); they broke the Covenant he made with them COUNTLESS times. Even though he kept giving them multiple second chances.
Anyway, that was the whole point of Jesus dying on the cross, so everyone could be saved through him because Jews were no longer going to be the only ones to be chosen to inherit God's gifts, and Revelations basically makes it known that they would lose everything and constantly fall under the oppression of their enemies because they couldn't stop being whores (literally and figuratively).
Which I personally have never understood. I grew up in a very anti dispensationalist church, so I never got indoctrination into the Israel thing.
But even just on the face of it. Reading the Bible the entire POINT is that the old testament was largely symbolic version of what was to come. And that once the real things are here the symbols aren't needed. The church is the true Israel, christ the true lamb etc etc.
If you don't believe that I don't really know WHAT you believe the Bible is about. Like all are fallen except the jews they're cool and well be saved by a jew but not THE jews also 1000 years of darkness
Jesus has one "bride", the Christian church. The New Testament says that Israel is no longer a specific ethnic group. Israel is Christianity.
Dispensationalism is heresy and satanic, pushed and funded by jewish subversives for well over 100 years. As an easy example, look into who funded the Scofield Bible, and how a seeming nobody somehow became prominent on the world stage.
I would get behind that stance if they didn't, in a sense, take credit for the whole affair. Bolded and italicized for emphasis.
When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it. ” And all the people answered and said, “His blood be on us and on our children.”
For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men
Also, since when does "the right to self-determination" come with a guarantee of an ethno-state
Since it was invented. That's what that meant. A people's right of self-political determination meant that a government had to be formed which was the full representation of it's nation. This is the concept of a Nation State, which (outside of a Liberal Civic National state), is literally just an Ethno-State. The Left never recognized Religious States as legitimate. The Left reversed course on Nationalism and don't want to admit that most Nationalist movements were done by the political Left for anti-Colonialism at the time. They do want to claim that Nationalism caused wars, but this was in response to the fact that the political Left's concept of Nation States meant that each government would just declare that a member of an ethnic group in a different country meant that their government had a legitimate claim to that land. This caused major population displacement, and fairly arbitrary justifications for land-grabs. They just don't want it to be clear that they were the ones doing it. Hell, the Zionist & Palestinian movements is literally the same concept.
I don't think it's as explicitly simple as the Progressives make it out to be. I think it's not really even a relevant issue so long as a government represents it's citizenry. Worse the Left applies this selectively and choses which groups should be doing this, which shouldn't, and what groups are real groups, and what groups aren't.
It doesn't make sense to me to abolish the UK because Wales isn't a separate country; or worse: that Northern Ireland isn't a separate country. If we run by the actual concept of what the Progressives are saying, the UK should be broken up into dozens of different states. The US should probably be over a thousand different countries.
This is, of course, nonsense. In reality, the Left picks and chooses arbitrarily. This is basically what happened with Germany in the Interwar period. Technically, Germans are made up of dozens of different ethnicities. But, we declare that "German" is the real ethnic group, not Bravarian. Also, Austrian isn't real, and is actually German. But Danish is a separate group from Germans, and the Danes are oppressing Germany, so we can invade.
The whole "self-determination" concept as the Progressives apply it, is just another rhetorical device to conquer, just like everything else they do.
Dude is a boomer. The percentage of based boomers can be counted on one hand. Expecting any boomer leader to step up and criticize the Jews and not be Israel's bitch is foolish.
Imagine if your inability to “be chill” - and not constantly undermine your host nations - was so routine and well documented, and with such predictable consequences, that a bunch of disconnected random dudes throughout history felt compelled to research whether or not such behavior is literally fucking genetic.
Let me get this right...to protect Jews, the government just made it illegal to claim the government is controlled by Jews.
Also, denying or questioning the exact telling of history. Current history. Since it's changed a few times already.
Or of accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel than "their own countries." I mean...what if they say openly that that's the case, and they're more loyal to Israel than where they are living? Is that still illegal? Can I not accuse Ben Shapiro, for example, of being more loyal to Israel than the US? He's said as much.
Also, since when does "the right to self-determination" come with a guarantee of an ethno-state...and how do I get in on that grift? Would certainly make things simple, if ethnostates were a yuman right.
And, uh...Jews did kill Jesus.
It's all so tiresome. But tell me again about the wonders of Judeo-Christian values. Also, the absolute arrogance (and, admittedly, massive power move, so props; impressive, if nothing else) that they managed to make it so other religions also have to acknowledge them as the Chosen Ones. I don't care if your own religion says you're chosen by God. That's pretty standard fare. But I don't have to believe it, and it's not hateful of me to refuse to state that you're better and more holy than I, because of your race. Absolutely ridiculous.
Even the rules here also technically bans the bible. The bible specifically says jews killed Jesus, but the rules here say that we can't collectively blame an identity group for something even though that's exactly what the bible does.
I guess the problem is blaming all jews for what #notalljews did. On the one hand, it wasn't like every single jew was hunting down Jesus for "heresy." Some, perhaps many, sought him out for wisdom or healing. On the other hand, the argument could be made that any group of jews would have demanded Jesus be crucified in a similar setting. The issue is taking in the symbolism of the scene versus the explicit text. That is, it is not explicitly stated that the whole jewish population did or would have done this (he had his disciples y'know).
Name good jewish billionaires fighting against what the genocidal jewish billionaires are doing.
If you can't do that, name any good jewish people fighting against what the genocidal jewish people are doing.
Are any of them fighting for white human rights? Are any of them fighting against jewish supremacy? Are any of them fighting to debunk the myth of institutionalized white supremacy?
There might be some; nothing springs to mind, but I also don't keep close track on all that. It definitely seems stilted toward the 'pro-genocide' side, though, I'll give you that. And those fuckers are evil, no question.
This one is nowhere near as cut and dry, though. There are definitely some Jews who are totally on-point on this. Plenty of Jews are anti-Zionist, and not all of them are even of the raging lunatic leftist variety. There are libertarian Jews, who are pro-freedom, pro-America, and staunchly anti-war, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and anti-genocide. I have some names in mind, but I don't really want to bring specific individuals into this; but there are absolutely Jews who get this at least 80% correct. And who are pushing the message and doing really good work.
There are Jews who (ridiculously) get labeled as antisemites and Nazis, for speaking out against the atrocities of The Jewish State of Israel™.
I think part of the issue on this is merely perception. Leftist Jews are largely assholes...but so are non-Jewish leftists. Rightwing Jews are often, well, traitors to the American right, frankly, because they're Israel first Zionists in it for their own ends. Not always, but there are a ton of them. But, again, a bunch of non-Jews are also neocon Zionist assholes. The uniparty is the uniparty, and there are Jews on both sides, being assholes. But there are also non-Jews on both sides, being assholes. Kind of how the whole thing works.
I have plenty of concerns, but to act like no Jews are legitimately anti-Zionist simply isn't true.
Actually this was rescinded because God let them know that they were whores who kept whoring themselves out to other gods (the entire book of Hosea is about Israel being nothing but whores, which is why God had Hosea marry a whore so he would know what it felt like); they broke the Covenant he made with them COUNTLESS times. Even though he kept giving them multiple second chances.
Anyway, that was the whole point of Jesus dying on the cross, so everyone could be saved through him because Jews were no longer going to be the only ones to be chosen to inherit God's gifts, and Revelations basically makes it known that they would lose everything and constantly fall under the oppression of their enemies because they couldn't stop being whores (literally and figuratively).
The chosen status was rescinded when they rejected Jesus. That was their last chance, hence Jesus lamenting Jerusalem.
Don't tell mainstream evangelicals this. They'll have a heart attack.
Which I personally have never understood. I grew up in a very anti dispensationalist church, so I never got indoctrination into the Israel thing.
But even just on the face of it. Reading the Bible the entire POINT is that the old testament was largely symbolic version of what was to come. And that once the real things are here the symbols aren't needed. The church is the true Israel, christ the true lamb etc etc.
If you don't believe that I don't really know WHAT you believe the Bible is about. Like all are fallen except the jews they're cool and well be saved by a jew but not THE jews also 1000 years of darkness
Jesus has one "bride", the Christian church. The New Testament says that Israel is no longer a specific ethnic group. Israel is Christianity.
Dispensationalism is heresy and satanic, pushed and funded by jewish subversives for well over 100 years. As an easy example, look into who funded the Scofield Bible, and how a seeming nobody somehow became prominent on the world stage.
Telling the truth about them puts them at risk. Think about that for a while.
biblically speaking, technically the Jews bullied the Romans into killing Jesus.
I would get behind that stance if they didn't, in a sense, take credit for the whole affair. Bolded and italicized for emphasis.
Matthew 27:24-25 NKJV (context staring verse 15)
indeed, according to a Bible that was assembled by the Romans anyway.
Even ignoring that, its pretty on brand for jews to reject and murder their own prophets
For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men
---1 Thessalonians 2 14-15
Since it was invented. That's what that meant. A people's right of self-political determination meant that a government had to be formed which was the full representation of it's nation. This is the concept of a Nation State, which (outside of a Liberal Civic National state), is literally just an Ethno-State. The Left never recognized Religious States as legitimate. The Left reversed course on Nationalism and don't want to admit that most Nationalist movements were done by the political Left for anti-Colonialism at the time. They do want to claim that Nationalism caused wars, but this was in response to the fact that the political Left's concept of Nation States meant that each government would just declare that a member of an ethnic group in a different country meant that their government had a legitimate claim to that land. This caused major population displacement, and fairly arbitrary justifications for land-grabs. They just don't want it to be clear that they were the ones doing it. Hell, the Zionist & Palestinian movements is literally the same concept.
Be a Progressive Nationalist.
So you don't believe in a right to self determination then...?
I don't think it's as explicitly simple as the Progressives make it out to be. I think it's not really even a relevant issue so long as a government represents it's citizenry. Worse the Left applies this selectively and choses which groups should be doing this, which shouldn't, and what groups are real groups, and what groups aren't.
It doesn't make sense to me to abolish the UK because Wales isn't a separate country; or worse: that Northern Ireland isn't a separate country. If we run by the actual concept of what the Progressives are saying, the UK should be broken up into dozens of different states. The US should probably be over a thousand different countries.
This is, of course, nonsense. In reality, the Left picks and chooses arbitrarily. This is basically what happened with Germany in the Interwar period. Technically, Germans are made up of dozens of different ethnicities. But, we declare that "German" is the real ethnic group, not Bravarian. Also, Austrian isn't real, and is actually German. But Danish is a separate group from Germans, and the Danes are oppressing Germany, so we can invade.
The whole "self-determination" concept as the Progressives apply it, is just another rhetorical device to conquer, just like everything else they do.
How is this not an easy case for first amendment violation?
Because the first amendment doesn't apply if you're criticizing the jews (anymore.)
It's (J)ust different, you bigot!
It is. Overruling this might be one of the only things this SCOTUS is unanimous about (except maybe Kagan).
Yes it is a violation of the first amendement.
It's also a taunt, insulting our intelligence.
Guess what most judges and lawyers are
Traitors who subvert our laws and our morals?
It is.
Even the Ohio Supreme Court has to basically overturn it.
Even if the Leftists are literally screaming "Gas The Jews!" it literally still is protected speech. This is long settled.
blatantly unconstitutional and should result in public floggings.
Jews: We don't control the government! That's just an antisemitic stereotype!
Also jews: Oy vey! The goyim know! Shut it down!
Tony would like to remind everyone that the Jews invented GPS and you use GPS therefore Jews are good. Imp would like to add this is women’s fault.
Blatant violation of our constitution and thus an enemy action
I'm going to violate the hell out of this.
The hero we need.
Add in Zion Don and it’ll become federal bans. Cool. America’s dead
Trump lied to the Americans that voted him in and is now Israel first. What a shame. The synagogue of Satan continues to deceive people worldwide.
Dude is a boomer. The percentage of based boomers can be counted on one hand. Expecting any boomer leader to step up and criticize the Jews and not be Israel's bitch is foolish.
He's more than a zio boomer. He married his kids to them and his dad had a Rabbi
The minute I saw him go to the wailing wall I woke up. Can’t escape these fucking parasites
Exactly! It really does suck.
Looks like Groypers were right again
^ Actual demoralization efforts by an enemy.
Where's the lie? Trump is a hardcore zionist.
Asserting that America is dead.
If it's dead, fuck off. Leave. Stop asking Melania for feet pics. The rest of us will be fine.
There's nowhere to go. Most other places are worse. Russia is ok but has it's own host of problems.
Russia is not "okay".
Where's better? Honest question. Compare the Moscow Metro to the NYC subway.
NYC you stupid fucking slave.
"Oh, I wish daddy Putin would just let me live in his place where the police can shoot me in the fucking head for dissenting!"
''Stop saying our politicians are controlled by them, that's antisemitic.''
Also, our politicians :
Ban ''ethnic intimidation''.
''Merry Christmass''
''Oy I feel intimidated!''
Long nosed judge :
''Stop genociding Palestinians, bombing other countries, invading other countries, stealing land from other countries.
''Oy I feel intimidated!''
Hmm.. 1A?
To know who controls you find out who you can't criticize
Imagine if your inability to “be chill” - and not constantly undermine your host nations - was so routine and well documented, and with such predictable consequences, that a bunch of disconnected random dudes throughout history felt compelled to research whether or not such behavior is literally fucking genetic.
Where's the ACLU
Probably busy bankrolling this guy's re-election campaign.
Everyone involved should be hanged as a traitor to the nation.