I know meta-posts accomplish nothing, but I hope he'll be allowed to stay. He's a staple.
I don't agree with him, but he amuses me and, as said, he's a staple. And he often gets banned for bullshit reasons. I think last time he was banned for simply saying "worse halves."
That really shouldn't be considered an "identify attack" or whatever. Then again, nothing should.
Like, seriously, how gay is that? (Answer: Super-duper gay. Like, mega-homosexual.)
Dom, stop banning Imp. He's great. Again, I don't agree with him generally, but he really livens up the place.
Likewise, stop banning gopower, now that you finally caught on that he's actually a hilarious troll. He's the only actually funny troll we have.
I've lost all my patience for Imp. He's an idiot who's convinced that the useful idiots are the ringleaders. And he refuses to comprehend that for all their faults, every single woman is not an evil man-hating harpy.
I oppose his being banned on principle, but I really don't shed any tears that it happens, and I don't relish his return.
Isn't he great at destroying his own position with being an idiot? That's what's great about free discussion, we are able to discern for ourselves what is right.
Hey, no argument here. As I've said, he's a retard, but he's our retard, traditionally.
Same but, again, from purely a what is right perspective, he should often have never have been banned, so in that sense I do appreciate his return, even if I think a lot of his takes are either stupid, or taken to absurd extremes.
I'll take Imps sperging out about women over all the faggot pedos that have been flooding the site anyday.
Handhakes posting retardation every day: mod sleep
Imp says something not pozzed: TIME TO DIE
"I'm a retarded pedo who wants to rape sluts to death, hahahaha" : Mods will ban you in a week or so, when they get around to it.
"Imp is back from his twenty year ban" : Oh, you said you don't like women? Hahaha, get banned for forty years this time.
"Learn to behave."
Imp needs to be banned more, not because I agree with the rules, but for his own sake.
Because until he can fathom the thought that people disagree with him not for his beliefs but because he is an annoying, hypocritical sperg, then he isn't just his own worst enemy. He is an active hindrance and setback against any work done against women and anti-feminism.
I've spent plural decades working that angle, guys like him come and go constantly. You can only give them so much rope to "grow into" and realize saying "RAPE WOMEN MARRIAGE BAD" like an edgelord is pathetic and anti-helpful. After that, you kick them to the curb like the garbage they are.
This has nothing to do with this forum particularly. But as someone actually aligned with him more than most, he deserves worse.
I think hes banned not because he dislikes women. He is banned for derailing every thread by making it about disliking women.
*white women
Question is, though...is that against the rules?
I've had my disagreements with Imp, for sure.
But R16 says "Do not attack entire identity groups as inferior or conspiring," (hah, gaaaaaay!), not "Don't derail threads."
In fairness, Imp doesn't think that women are inferior. He thinks they are literally evil.
That the base, most essential nature of women will cause them to selfishly drive society towards decadence, decline and eventual implosion.
After the last century or so of women's gradual liberation in action... is he wrong? From observation, it would seem that the natural inclinations of the majority of women are simply incompatible with a stable and prosperous civilization. To be fair I also think most people are easily programmable NPCs who shouldn't be trusted to decide what color to paint their house much less governmental policy, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
Women can be taught to take accountability, to self-reflect on their internal (emotional) state and to not think with their feelings. It just takes enormous social pressure to do this.
Feminism has been fantastically successful at removing all responsibility and accountability from women, while increasing the accountability and responsibility for men.
Society of the past has recognized that women are infantile and selfish and has demanded that men take care of them accordingly, in return women birth and care for the next generation. Now that social contract is irredeemably broken and it will lead directly to the end of entire cultures (Korea, Italy, Japan, etc) in the near future. The situation will be irreversible (even with breeding camps) in about 20 years.
This has been a textbook example of Tragedy of the Commons. The selfish desires of women have literally doomed entire cultures.
Things are going to get very much worse before women decide to let men make changes. Cultures that do not empower women's choices will become dominant specifically because they do not empower women's choices.
So, no. He isn't wrong.
Its probably seen as spam.
If it's not, it should be. Thread crapping should be against the rules. I don't hate Imp for being a misogynist, even if I think his takes are retarded. I hate Imp because he derails 90% of the threads that he comments in.
Seriously, he got banned for that??
Here's the link.
196 days for, quoting our dear mod..."Worse Half" is an identity attack as it morally slanders women, or men.
Remember, though; we're a Free Speech site!
Identity attack rule is ridiculous. What is and isn't okay to even say derogatory things about? Like what about a furry? Are generalizations, patterns, and similarity that people share not things?
No argument here!
I've always said that censorious shit is terrible. Again, I don't even agree with Imp; he's close to correct on some things, but then goes off the rails and thinks there's a global conspiracy of Dread Females out to murder us all. He always takes it too far, because he's a mega-autist.
But nothing he says or thinks should be against the rules, or ban-worthy. Outside of when he really spazzes out and says that all women should be murdered or some insane shit like that. But even then, legally speaking, that's hardly actionable. Obnoxious? Yes. Wrong? Yes. An actionable or illegal threat? Nope.
People should be allowed to say that all Whites, Blacks, Jews, Women, Men, Gays, Straights, Whatevers, are all terrible and immoral creatures. I don't give a fuck. Let 'em speak.
"Do not attack entire identity groups" is gay bullshit.
Also, equal enforcement is an issue. I know I've said worse or edgier shit than "worse halves." I've never been banned. I've been warned a few times, but never banned. A bunch of the shit Imp has been banned for is mild in comparison to some of what I've said. He's more extreme and retarded overall, but he's also selectively enforced, often for really lame and absurd reasons.
Look, are you carrying water for sexist bigots?! You can't just say shit like 'worse halves' in this society!
This makes my username slightly less relevant. But I’m sure after a few weeks it will probably ring true again.
I don't get it. How are feminists an identity group? They made themselves feminists, and therefore they chose to be wrong about reality. It's like picking on fat acceptance people. Nothing wrong there.
Gopower isn't funny, he's either a fed forum slider or a wehraboo playing a strawman, again to act as a forum slider. Both types have the same goal, turn the forum into another dead branch of conpro filled with autistic, retarded da joos posting, to kill off yet another right wing gathering space and prevent anything useful coming from here.
Imp is the local loony and is fine. Actual forum slider shills deserve the metaphorical rope.
Or he's just a jew or a zionist (jew lover), Ockham's Razor and all that
He is way too much of a blatant strawman, the thigs he says are exaggerated parodies of what israel shilling neocons actually say and lean into shitty naziboo faggot memes.
Whoever is behind that account is genuinely the lowest form of subversive faggot, if it is a wehraboo they are doing what many of them do best - acting exactly like the lizard-jew-manipulator they claim to hate.
None of us like pretending to be faggots, Only time you'd see it is obvious trolling, IE me pretending to be a stereotypical Funko fan on the games Steam forum, not this shit, asides other then Dom and Antonio we like it here lol
I'll be honest, I'd rather have him around occasionally sperging out than the current handshakes constantly making new accounts to show dead women's bodies and the likes.
Just like with the illegals flooding the west, the native misogynists are more cultured and civilised than the third world ones.
He's a demented retard and he needs to fuck off for good. That's all there is to it.
I wonder what the IMp feels about this news :
and comments on reddit that say :
Imp is wrong. alot. but imp did nothing wrong. #FreeImp
Give me 10x Imps over the weirdo pedos we seem to have now.
Same, same.
I tried to stop banning him. He's the only one that several of you have explicitly spoken out to try and get unbanned. He refuses to even modify his comments after removal so they can be re-instated.
At the end of the day, it is his choice how he wishes to interact.
I get it. Mostly.
But, still, look at what you banned him for last time.
Are you actually saying that was an "identity attack?" Which, again, I don't even think should be against the rules, but I accept that we're just going to agree to disagree on that topic.
Saying one sex is the "Worse Half" should not be bannable. You said it "morally slanders women, or men." So? Who cares?
It is funny. He's just high profile. I've said time and again, I don't agree with Imp. I think he's pretty dang autistic, and takes anything I might agree with him on way too far, to the point I can no longer agree with him.
I don't defend him, per se. I just wish people would stop being banned. Most of them don't need it. Again, a point I know we're just going to have to agree to disagree on.
I kinda miss BlueStorm
I don't.
I for one celebrate the removal of that tumor.
I'm a pretty big believer in free speech, so I'd rather not see anyone get banned unless they're posting something illegal.
The worst trolls just end up circumventing the bans with alt accounts anyway. This site is mostly protected through obscurity.
Agreed. A free discussion is paramount to this board and censorship will kill engagement, see reddit. Idk why dom wants to make us reddit-like in that regard. Ip Bans should be reserved for blatantly illegal/terrorist shit/pedo stuff etc.
You often come across as pretty spergy.
You attribute every downvote you get to “conpro bot networks.”
Imp is a tard. I extend the olive branch because I don't like people being banned unless they are saying straight illegal shit like pedos/murdering people.
We have sixteen rules?
Seems a bit much. Jordan Peterson only needed twelve.
To be fair, most of them are generic stuff that could go without saying like "don't post porn" and "don't spam" if people weren't committed to ODD pushing everything just because they get told not to.
I think only like 4-5 every come into actual play in these discussions.
Rule 4 is still spelled wrong in the report tab!
But nah that's actually embarrassing. I know like 1-13 were basically copy-pasted when this place was made, but a quick spellcheck should always be run.
Comment Reported for: Bringing a typo in rule 4, "slacious"[sic] to your attention.
son of a bitch
Edit - okay, I fixed it.
That just makes him all the more endearing. He's a retard, but he's our retard.
Imp's banning also don't generally get a lot of attention, to be fair. I just happened to notice because someone else mentioned him, so I looked it up. I've also gone on record calling out other bannings that didn't get a lot of attention.
But, yeah, if you want me on the record again: I condemn the other bannings too. They're all retarded.
Speak for yourself. He might be a resident retard, but I don't think of him as endearing, I think of him as a nuisance to be ignored.
I think it's about giving dom power to ban a user because they are fucking annoying/not politically correct. Imp is his own worst enemy because the more he talks the less I want to agree with him/mgtow.
I haven't heard it mentioned in ages. It's been six months since he was banned. It might pop up occasionally, but it's not like a constant thing. Telia, bbtw, Cato, Yoisi, and more have been banned recently. I've called out some of those bannings in the past, some others are too recent to compare to Imp but, again, I condemn all of them.
And, uh, to say the least, there's...certainly a trend. Huh.
Ya I've had a few accounts banned for random stuff mostly on p.win so I just made a new one. It's very arbitrary.
This place is a refreshing break from censorship, usually.