Black Kid
Grew up in Shitago with Sister, Mother and Stepfather
These jokes write themselves.
Oh look, yet another fatass pedo that totally doesn't want to groom kids is covering up for groomers.
"I'm from the government and i'm here to help!.....eventually.....after enough of you have suffered and died so I can take advantage of it."
What the fuck are you even saying.
If I was a modern 'journalist' I could totally take that 2nd picture out of context to call that soyboy a sexist pig and write a 20 page word salad of bullshit.
Are we talking about ducks still or illegals?
Oh I've seen this one before! The next part is 'The FBI knew about them and did nothing'.
Make any comments/profiles/pages/etc that mentions trans-shit have a 41% chance to instantly delete itself.
The only time i've worn pants in the past ~9 years or so was going to some families wedding, other than that its year-round shorts because damn they comfy.
Alternatively just make it so all the leeches (such as welfare moms that just pump out kids for gov money) can't vote.
They are also part of the 41%.
They can't make anything, be it functional societies, functional adults, or just about anything that is expected to actually work and contribute.
Would be absolute shame if some poor migrant-building-in-progress was struck by lightning and caught fire which produced smoke that would drive away the mosquitos.
You're surrounded by fucking idiots, and you realize all the bad stuff going on.
You don't even need to be smart to see this stuff is the sad part, just being able to think for yourself is a miracle these days and just doing that leads to seeing just how much of modern 'reality' is a complete farce.
I can see why many people just turn off their brains and go with the programming vs having to actually deal with real life issues in a meaningful way.
Lefty Conclusion: "All white people are racist!".
As long as we can call them flying faggots they got my vote.
fortunately, it's mostly spreading among gay men.
Soon as the money stops coming in or isn't enough to keep up with new (ie, bad) spending habits I bet that onlyfans is going to go up real damn fast.
Given her history its more like a burrito at this point.
In general? The usual lefty bullshit, 'this isn't diverse enough so you need to add more blacks' or some variation of the usual retarded-ness. Then they got told to basically pound sand and started throwing temper tantrums all over social media.
Clearly the answer is to make them a Black Monkey.....wait....
Who cares?
Imp gets banned constantly but dipshit dom lets the handshake pedo run rampant, justice is dead.