I used to go along with the whole pronoun thing, cause I know a tranny or two, but I can't do it anymore. I cannot keep feeding the delusion; it's like encouraging a bulemic girl to diet.
I have yet to see any good come from someone "identifying" as anything.
It's not made up so much as "stolen" cis- means "this side of" and is used to refer to isomers in chemistry. Trans means "other side of" and is used for the same purpose. Cis and trans isomers are opposites.
Some tranny figured that out and started using cis to mean "normal" because "normal" made them feel bad.
Are there different pronouns used to refer to the sex of members of nonhuman fantasy races? There are plenty of references in Tolkien to "elf women" and "dwarf women." Why not a Hylian man?
I believe like how a male donkey is a Jack and a female donkey is a Jenny, or a Cow and a Bull for cattle, elves have the same duality. It's bussy for male elves, and slav for female elves.
After all, there exists countless pictures of female elves captioned "Elf slav, what do?", and male elves constantly are referenced with "bussy".
I suppose the distinction is sentience. Humans are the only conscious, self-aware species that we're aware of in the real world, and so we use different language to refer to sex in species that are not self-aware, but by convention when dealing with fictional races of humanoid sentients in sci-fi or fantasy, which are usually also sexually dimorphic, there is a convention of using the same pronouns we use for humans.
Realistically, they're only cosmetically different from other races.
The Hylians, Gorons, Zora etc may have some significant physical differences but they operate under basic assumptions like hierarchy, communal living, and concern for each other. They even speak the same language.
I think it's fairly easy to classify them all as people, as opposed to something like a hive-mind which possessed sentience as a group but not individually, or something even further from our experience.
Don't let them take even so much as a centimeter. They target the seemingly unimportant aspects of culture to demoralize the populace so that they can move on to even greater aspects. Stop them at the inch. Link is a heterosexual male hero who fights for what he believes is right.
Also, the entirety of pop culture is actually dominated by pro-homosexual, woke, Marxist propaganda and globalist talking points. Everything is positively saturated with it now. Everything.
We are denigrated and mocked and demeaned at every turn.
That’s the entire reason us “straighty waities” are reaching the end limits of our tolerance. One by one you’re slamming the door shut on all the things that have kept us entertained and distracted and calm and docile.
But yeah whatever, keep pushing us. Keep it right up 👍
Link has to be a man. In every game, he gets knocked down and fucked up, and what does he do?
He shuts his god damned mouth and gets to work sharpening his blade so he can murder Ganon. Not once does Link seek for someone to validate his feelings or even express sadness. He doesn’t try to reform or make friends with ganon; he goes on an uncontested murder spree across the land with anyone who stands in his way.
No, it's a term from chemistry. I think it applies to molecular isomers. Never use it when discussing necromorphs, especially when arguing with or about them.
His kids?
My protagonist, my rules. No Means No.
LGBT are as greedy and desperate about claiming fictional characters as blacks are about claiming historical figures.
Yeah, and now they have monkeypox. Which is of course completely unrelated to anything, bigot.
I'm quickly reaching the point where I think active persecution of these people is a moral good.
School bullies were doing society a favor.
New idea, 80s/90s period piece where the "asshole jock" villain turns out to be the hero because he time traveled to this awful future.
Turns out that every society from 50000 BC to 1964 AD may have been on to something.
You haven't reached it yet?
I used to go along with the whole pronoun thing, cause I know a tranny or two, but I can't do it anymore. I cannot keep feeding the delusion; it's like encouraging a bulemic girl to diet.
I have yet to see any good come from someone "identifying" as anything.
What about those that identify in Christ?
I've always been against pedophiles
It's not made up so much as "stolen" cis- means "this side of" and is used to refer to isomers in chemistry. Trans means "other side of" and is used for the same purpose. Cis and trans isomers are opposites.
Some tranny figured that out and started using cis to mean "normal" because "normal" made them feel bad.
Including Zelda.
Anyways, this shit isn’t even true. Pop culture went big gay years ago.
there's more canonical evidence of Link being a Christian than there is of him being an alphabet person. https://zelda-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Christianity?file=Christianity.png
Are there different pronouns used to refer to the sex of members of nonhuman fantasy races? There are plenty of references in Tolkien to "elf women" and "dwarf women." Why not a Hylian man?
I believe like how a male donkey is a Jack and a female donkey is a Jenny, or a Cow and a Bull for cattle, elves have the same duality. It's bussy for male elves, and slav for female elves.
After all, there exists countless pictures of female elves captioned "Elf slav, what do?", and male elves constantly are referenced with "bussy".
I suppose the distinction is sentience. Humans are the only conscious, self-aware species that we're aware of in the real world, and so we use different language to refer to sex in species that are not self-aware, but by convention when dealing with fictional races of humanoid sentients in sci-fi or fantasy, which are usually also sexually dimorphic, there is a convention of using the same pronouns we use for humans.
Realistically, they're only cosmetically different from other races.
The Hylians, Gorons, Zora etc may have some significant physical differences but they operate under basic assumptions like hierarchy, communal living, and concern for each other. They even speak the same language.
I think it's fairly easy to classify them all as people, as opposed to something like a hive-mind which possessed sentience as a group but not individually, or something even further from our experience.
That's a great series. Really fun sci-fi romp, I would recommend it to anybody.
Link is a devout Christian, this is confirmed.
yes. i am in fact tired of you ruining everything i like for the sake of your disgusting fetishes.
keep it up and you won't like what happens.
Shut up, trans/queer/homo. Anything can be a slur if you contextually hate the subject.
I think fag is pretty fitting here.
Don't let them take even so much as a centimeter. They target the seemingly unimportant aspects of culture to demoralize the populace so that they can move on to even greater aspects. Stop them at the inch. Link is a heterosexual male hero who fights for what he believes is right.
He was literally going to marry a woman in breath of the wild.
Also, the entirety of pop culture is actually dominated by pro-homosexual, woke, Marxist propaganda and globalist talking points. Everything is positively saturated with it now. Everything.
We are denigrated and mocked and demeaned at every turn.
That’s the entire reason us “straighty waities” are reaching the end limits of our tolerance. One by one you’re slamming the door shut on all the things that have kept us entertained and distracted and calm and docile.
But yeah whatever, keep pushing us. Keep it right up 👍
Link has to be a man. In every game, he gets knocked down and fucked up, and what does he do?
He shuts his god damned mouth and gets to work sharpening his blade so he can murder Ganon. Not once does Link seek for someone to validate his feelings or even express sadness. He doesn’t try to reform or make friends with ganon; he goes on an uncontested murder spree across the land with anyone who stands in his way.
He says nothing and gets his ass to work.
Good grief. We really need to start building and filling up Insane Asylums.
I wish
Imagine thinking that normal people "dominating" is some sort of insult?
Like, yes: everyone loves and respects men and wants to be represented by men in video games.
No one wants to play as a tranny, not even trannies.
No, it's a term from chemistry. I think it applies to molecular isomers. Never use it when discussing necromorphs, especially when arguing with or about them. .
"cis" is not a real thing. Its just normal.
It's a latin prefix meaning "On the near side of" ...
A single LiveJournal user saw that "cis" is the opposite of "trans" in chemistry and ran with it.
Cis to s a bullshit term used to marginalize normal people
Yes, cis is normal, but the term was coined so it could be used as a slur.
Evil cannot create, only corrupt.
Fags reproduce through abuse.
it's why they have to keep going after children in environments where kids are compelled to be there... schools.
strange worlds and the lightyear both failed miserably.
bros failed even worse as it doesn't just push faggotry... it actively endorses hate speech against everyone who isn't queer.
even lefties don't want this shit, proving once again that the alphabet population is much smaller than media portrays it.