Being unable to grasp what its for, and only being capable of two comparisons, they have made their complex calculation. Since it doesnt look like Harry Potter it is obviously Russias equivalent of the swastika. Also some are saying its related to Q as in Qanon.
The conspiracy theories about Qanon are weirder than the actual Qanon beliefs.
Q anon has got nothing on Blue Anon
I'm sort of worried looking that up will show me blue waffles.
That would be a better use of your time, and more informative, too.
Qanon has got nothing period. Dunno why people go apeshit over it, on either side.
"Any day now"
"It's happening"
"Session.. no wait Barr... no wait, Durrham about to make his move"
"Tick Tock"
Makes the libs go mad though I guess.
Qanon is literally just hopium for boomers. The whole conspiracy of it is that there's someone embedded in the deep state trying to fight from the inside.
Yeah, it's about even.
Oh please. Q Anon can at least tell a good story. Blue Anon is just plain Jane insane.
I was recently told there were Q Anon in Texas waiting for JFK to rise from the grassy knoll. I don't even know where to start on that.
And then reinstall Trump to preside of over ThE MiLiTArY TriBuNaLs!!
That's at least a fun conspiracy. Blue Anon can't even make up anything interesting. They're just batshit insane.
See that's the problem. I've only heard about this from Blue Anons.
Which is a statement
i've only ever heard lefties talk about q anon.
Just another Boogeyman I guess.
Well, you're lucky your favorite forum hasn't been invaded by Qanon, then. They are real, and they suck.
So are we canceling the letter Z? If only would cancel the letter X, no more LatinX and WomXn
Shades of The Chrysalids.
"It's "Sealand", silly, it must be. There's no letter for z."
That weirdness has stuck with me for all these decades. Don't even remember much else about it except for there being two mutant kids of some sort, so it gets mixed up with Witch Mountain in my head.
Which one? Escape to Witch Mountain? Return to Witch Mountain? Beyond Witch Mountain? Disney's Escape to Witch Mountain? Race to Witch Mountain?
Whichever one(s) had Tim Conway in.
Good luck all those “zurs” out there! Womxn is next!
Find out next time on LatinZ WomZn Z.
Zelensky's name starts with a Z. Conspiracy confirmed.
Hmph. If those "terminally ill cancer kids" were out shilling for BLM, they wouldn't be "terminally ill cancer kids" "forced" to do such virtue-signalling (if that's what's going on here.)
There's so much fucking gaslighting going on on every side now, no one dare light a fucking cigarette, you'll blow us all to kingdom come.
Christ, being a dung beetle would be better than this human bullshit. At least when you're a dung beetle, everyone having a mouth full of bullshit is a good thing. and the following tweet about BLM as people being played through identity politics.
What now?
Is the "Z" not simply "a letter the Ukranians won't have painted on all of their vehicles when the invasion started"?
I mean, are we supposed to assign some great cultural significance to the IFF panels Western forces used in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Perhaps, but it seems to have taken on greater significance based on its use in other contexts. Still, nothing particularly sinister about the Russian equivalent of "V for victory" in itself.
"IFF panels Western forces used in Iraq and Afghanistan" weren't celebrated in home countries as weird ass new national symbols. See the thread.
An obscure reference, the Z tactical markings on vechicles remind me of the Zaibatsu cars in
Grand Theft Auto 2
Someone let me know when these retards get upset about Ukraine's equivalent of the swastika.
The Azov Battalion has openly neo Nazi origins.
They even have the Nazi Wolfangel and Black Sun symbols on their emblem.
But those are OK, they are the good guys.
I didn't know what the Wolfangel was so I image searched and curiously found this amongst the results.
Buzzfeed article from November 2020 kvetching about Azov on facebook. I didn't realize it but they were spelling it Kyiv back then too.
Yup, they are openly neo Nazi, and an offshoot of the racist "nationalist" C14 Svoboda.
It is not just the Azov, they are financed by and do the dirty paramilitary work for the Ukrainian government:
Neo Nazis in high Ukrainian Government positions
Ukrainian neo-Nazi C14, known for racist and homophobic attacks, gets public funding for ‘patriotic education’
Neo-Nazi C14 vigilantes appear to work with Kyiv police in latest ‘purge’ of Roma
U.S. Considers C14 And National Corps Nationalist Hate Groups
But yay, they are the new heroes of the woke left.
I know, it's pretty weird times, since the nazis are the bad guys this time and the Russians are the good guys, unlike back in the 1930s/40s when it was the other way around.
Is their main symbol supposed to be a stylized fasces?
The Soviet red star?
I love how all of you guys who once wouldnt shut up about the Holodomor and the Bolsheviks now suddenly ceased doing it.
The Holodomor was an absolute atrocity and the scum Soviet Union remains responsible for it.
Who here refuses to admit that?
One can be against the globalists, the Zelensky and his allied Azov Battalion Banderites and Putin at the same time.
The MSM currently wants everyone to see Putin as an absolute monster and Zelensky and NATO as the innocent good guys.
That framing is nothing but propaganda. There is no real good guy in this conflict.
This conflict is a result of terrible decision making from every party involved.
Ukranian people are suffering not only due to Putin but also because their own leaders allowed their country to be used as a globalist front against Russia.
If Ukraine was neutral, this conflict could likely have been avoided.
"The people felling the Lenin statues and the people invading to protect and restore the Lenins are equally bad" - the American 'right-wing' state of mind, 2022.
You people can't even destroy your only single Lenin in America. While they kill and die to cleanse themselves of Bolshevism. Literal Bolshevism, not your random insult thrown at people by calling them a Bolshevik.
But don't forget to tell me how they're also (gasp!) Nazis. But also call the killing and dying just a LARP, because your shitposting is the real struggle. And end all this by calling me a liberal.
Just so pathetic.
The people dying in Ukraine are persuaded by their leaders to think they are dying to protect their country yet all they are really dying for sadly is protecting the billions of dollars that the globalists continue to loot using their country.
This is a sad situation all around.
When did I call you a liberal? I think you just bought the MSM narrative. You are behaving like one of their useful idiots.
At least one person obsesses over calling me a liberal.
"Useful idiots" is actually a Bolshevik saying. Lenin's own, even, supposedly. Talking about the clueless Westerners who supported his Russia.
You get called a liberal because the case you are making is liberal minded. It's a lot of moralizing and older Cold War rhetoric.
Just make a "blood and soil" nationalist argument, that you don't want the filthy Ruskies encroaching on you in your Polish homeland. That would be respectable. You're about 75% of the way there with your concerns about afrofuturism and your willingness to dangle Israel and even Jews themselves at us.
B-but, Mein Fuhrer, I'm not a socialist! I suppose I'm really a Nali...
Are you really a liberal? You remain committed to liberalism in the geopolitical sphere, but you veer into racialism quite a bit, as I said. It's not exactly compatible with liberalism's egalitarian mythology. Where does that leave you?
Nazi shit is overrated. It's an aesthetic for maximum edginess more than anything.
I can sperg out about multiple things at once thanks
On that note, what Z actually refers to?
Like, the only time I used to see Z used in normal Russian existence would be as placeholder to mark place for your signature.
Z alone appears to be units from the Eastern military district. Z in a Square is Crimea/Southern MD.
Belarusian units use O, Naval infantry use V, Special forces, recce and airborne use A and Chechens X.
"Z - Western Military District V - Eastern Military District Δ - Southern Military District / – Central Military District V - Equipment came from Belarus Z – equipment came from Russia "
Why do you repeat stupid memes? V is used by the VDV paratroopers and their Chechen allies and others in the north around Kiev. Nothing to do with "naval infantry".
Again, learn at least any basic Russian before repeating memes from twitter. Zapad means West.
Not necessarily.
Not at all.
Also false.
Don't believe randoms on twitter. Yes, I've seen this stupid (German) chart too.
Because it's the facts that you can check yourself (like here an example of a Chechen vehicle and they painted their Vs even on the UA National Guard vehicles they captured in the 4th Brigade base) and you'll see I'm indeed informed. You may then remember my username.
I was modding CombatFootage on Reddit for several years until they banned me for talking about the tranny pedophile admin. Reading about and watching wars for over a quarter century now. Wrote a lot of English Wikipedia military / history content too before they banned me as well, this time over GG. (Chances are you've read my articles, especially since people over here still insist on using Wikipedia despite me always saying to stop doing that. Research topics on Google Books instead.)
A Z O V?
Huh. (I disregard Chechens because they are show-offs).
It means West (Zapad).
Speaking of which,
This is still stupid as fuck (though I guess they did not want natural confusion with 3) but at least it makes sense.
AFAIK "Operation Z" is the codename for the invasion.
Fitting name for operation to bury a country, even if not the intended one.
Of course assuming this is correct source of the meme.
It's literally just IFF.
They are also using V, O, Δ, but only the Z markings look the coolest and most mysterious to laymen.
Russia's propaganda teams have picked up on people's interest and curiosity behind the Z markings and are now pushing it as a symbol to rally behind for a morale boost.
That's all there is to it.
Not helped by media and youtubers referring to them as Strange, Mysterious or I've even seen Sinister.
Russians didn't even have to run this as a psyop, idiots psyop'd themselves with this.
Anyone with half a brain cell knew instantly that it was IFF, just like the orange plates used by the coalition in afghanistan/iraq.
Next they will think the colored tape around soldiers arms and legs means something secret too.
ZOG hunter.
If only
There is Q and there are Anons(from /pol/). That’s it. Two totally different things. “Qanon” is more corporate media newspeak to try to turn people against anonymous message boards and the people who post there. Of all the weird stuff that has come out of 4chan over the years it is laughable that this is the one that has everyone so worked up. Just go over there sometime and read the Hitler and Nazis in space posts! Now that is something to talk about.
You should see the salt when someone marks their tank like that in Warthunder. Gajin removed chat from the game because of all the bullshit. From what I understand, back in 2014 Gajin remove teamdamage because of the crap happening in Ukraine then.
Glad to see some fellow Mask of Zorro fans out there!
send them a t-shirt
World War Z symbol went beyond just a "tactical marking".