As laughable as it is, you're quite right. This is very obviously a man who's life went very wrong - probably not at a definable moment in time, but slowly, over the course of years, a decade, or more, you can just tell that this is a guy who has spent a lot of time feeling horribly, cripplingly alone.
Maybe he lost his job and his wife. Maybe never found a girl at all (probably this, considering the autogynephilic red nails). Maybe he's gay, and never found a man who wanted anything more than casual sex. Maybe he married young and got stuck with a leftist woman who didn't want kids, and this is his outlet.
Whatever it is, you just know that this guy feels like the whole world is against him. He's a man who very clearly given up on self improvement (if he ever attempted it at all), who is simply living his life buying toys and consooming, waiting to die.
This isn't any more cringe than Witches in actual reality. Maybe its my area of the world but I am surrounded by them (and other equally cringe Pagans like "Jedi" and "Norse" twinks with beards), and they are always either the only trannies I meet in real life, or actual tumblr girls incarnate.
Even if witchcraft is bullshit, it's based on nature's idea of balence. There is a god and a goddess that is respected and worshipped. Wicca perverted nature and is followed by housewives and people who are terrified to get their hands dirty.
It's basically run by TwoX. 97 of the top 100 subs by engagement have a TwoX mod in their team. The only ones that don't/didn't back when I was on reddit : r/FortniteBR, r/CallOfDuty and r/gonewild.
And TwoX basically being a tranny subreddit. If you basically ban actual female feminists (radfem? Is that what they were called), the trannies take over.
That was a never proven conspiracy theory from a banned sub. They just wanted to start shit with Reddit to try and get their vile cult out from under the banhammer.
This cannot not be satire. If it is not intended satire by the people who post it, it is intended as satire by a God or wanton boy who runs this simulation, to provide us with at least some entertainment.
Am I the only one who feels pity?
I don't know, when I look at it, I see a broken man crying out for help from his peers that's being dug into a bigger hole by women for their own fun.
If I was still on reddit, I'd DM this person with one simple message.
Women aren't your allies.
As laughable as it is, you're quite right. This is very obviously a man who's life went very wrong - probably not at a definable moment in time, but slowly, over the course of years, a decade, or more, you can just tell that this is a guy who has spent a lot of time feeling horribly, cripplingly alone.
Maybe he lost his job and his wife. Maybe never found a girl at all (probably this, considering the autogynephilic red nails). Maybe he's gay, and never found a man who wanted anything more than casual sex. Maybe he married young and got stuck with a leftist woman who didn't want kids, and this is his outlet.
Whatever it is, you just know that this guy feels like the whole world is against him. He's a man who very clearly given up on self improvement (if he ever attempted it at all), who is simply living his life buying toys and consooming, waiting to die.
I feel pity and disgust at this pathetic creature.
probably a victim of child molestation
Please help the rabbit.
Too late it's going into the witches' brew.
Getting in some practice deleting things now I suppose. Statistically speaking, it can expect to delete itself from the world at some point.
This isn't any more cringe than Witches in actual reality. Maybe its my area of the world but I am surrounded by them (and other equally cringe Pagans like "Jedi" and "Norse" twinks with beards), and they are always either the only trannies I meet in real life, or actual tumblr girls incarnate.
You really need to move. Sounds like you live in an area destined for a meteor impact.
He lives in the internet, lol
I am in the US, not West Coast, but west of the Mississippi. That's all I'll give out.
Its the middle of nowhere too, which makes it more hilarious.
That poor rabbit.
Wow, it’s that guy from the Warcraft episode of South Park. What are the odds that he hasn’t fucked that rabbit?
Very feminine arms.
You should have seen the Mechwarror5 Reddit they posted something for Pride day that was cringe.
Trannies are the most toxically masculine things in existence. Theyre literally toxic.
That bunny’s seen some shit. Can see it in the eyes
Wicca must die.
Even if witchcraft is bullshit, it's based on nature's idea of balence. There is a god and a goddess that is respected and worshipped. Wicca perverted nature and is followed by housewives and people who are terrified to get their hands dirty.
Reddit was bought by the ccp.
delete yourself, that'll solve the whole problem.
Witches are capable of convincing themselves they can do magic. Believe this person is a woman is probably easy for them.
Are those spots on the creep's arms drug related?
It’s over, even the NFL sub is infested with constant vaccination propaganda
You just describe modern western civilization to a T.
We have a month celebrating sodomy.
Great tragedies usually get a long remembrance period.
In Canada we have 3...Now.
But in all seriousness, it's been interesting watching blm slowly steal pride month from the gays over the last few years.
It's basically run by TwoX. 97 of the top 100 subs by engagement have a TwoX mod in their team. The only ones that don't/didn't back when I was on reddit : r/FortniteBR, r/CallOfDuty and r/gonewild.
And TwoX basically being a tranny subreddit. If you basically ban actual female feminists (radfem? Is that what they were called), the trannies take over.
Honestly, feminist subs being taken over by men will never not be hilarious to me.
I found a class of people I dislike more than radical feminists. That's impressive.
That was a never proven conspiracy theory from a banned sub. They just wanted to start shit with Reddit to try and get their vile cult out from under the banhammer.
What? TwoX actually banned posting radfem ideology.
All the mods are female. The conspiracy theory is that Reddit allowed a man onto the team to "censor" GC's constant calls for mass murder.
In reality, they got censored by their own side for being too open about feminist desires.
Mostly Eurotrash and robots at this point with the rest being deranged unhinged trannies from around the globe.
This cannot not be satire. If it is not intended satire by the people who post it, it is intended as satire by a God or wanton boy who runs this simulation, to provide us with at least some entertainment.
We live in a satire world now
That's how you know it's satire.
Wh... what?
Its fucking hilarious. These people are top tier south park come to life