anybody who has actually read the manga or even watched the anime knows that one of the central plot points is that Akane isn't actually that good, and is probably the weakest of the main cast. It's an important plot point because her father wants a strong martial artists to inherit the school, thus the arranged marriage. She spends the whole show looking to improve enough to overcome Ranma and others but is never really able to.
Wanna make a bet in a remake she will be the god-queen of martial arts?
Trump is pro business and trade. He likes everybody who has money to spend--which includes Israel. He is significantly less friendly to war and conflict because it interrupts business. I guess this is really difficult for a lot of people to understand. The man seems to really just want people to trade with each other.
The population pyramid that was last published is about as bad as it could be without the country being totally depopulated.
Ukraine will never replenish their manpower. They aren't having babies, nearly all of their young women fled to the west and their young men are dead or lonely or in hiding. The Demographic crisis that Ukraine is facing is a catastrophe.
Eh, there were tribes in the area when the Dutch rolled up. The bushpeople and the Xhosa were kickin' around across the region. The thing that matters is that the population density was very low until the Dutch do what the dutch and farmed a metric fuck-tonne of food on terrain that isn't supposed to be farmable.
Ocean in the way? The Dutch can farm it.
Desert? The Dutch can farm on that too.
No Atmosphere? Send the Dutch.
eat shit