yamez 2 points ago +3 / -1

excuse me? The roller coaster of death? The bear and eagle in a cage? Where the hell did you go to school?

yamez 11 points ago +11 / -0

The college of doctors and vets have made it nearly impossible to become certified and artificially lowered the number of practitioners. I have a cousin who is trying to become a vet and the entry requirements for veterinary school are strangely even harder than for a doctor, PLUS they have a gate on the absolute number of candidates they accept per semester. There is never more than a certain number of students allowed in a year.

by XBX_X
yamez 0 points ago +1 / -1


yamez 18 points ago +18 / -0

that's fine, pass it into law. Go ahead. They'll discover immediately that they can't get loans lol.

yamez 2 points ago +3 / -1

The common denominator in those experiences was you, not the poles. Perhaps it was you who was the jew all along.

yamez 8 points ago +9 / -1

uncircumcised, catholic jews who are constantly getting into diplomatic disputes with isreal. Jews that expelled their remnant jewish population in the 70's and revoked their citizenship. Yup, that tracks.

yamez 4 points ago +4 / -0

The story of David hides the details in plain sight: He was a shepherd in ancient Mesopotamia. You'd be hard pressed to find a tougher man on the planet than a Mesopotamian Shepherd. Huge endurance, strong body, and an inbuilt capacity to fight from constantly taking on the lions and wolves who still inhabited the area. It'd be like trying to protect a platter of cheeseburgers in an obesity clinic.

yamez 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm neither. Greek roots, actually.

yamez 3 points ago +7 / -4

sokolowski is not jewish at all. It's clean polish, and is marked with "ski" as meaning "of sokolowo" which indicates that it is attached to a town called sokolowo.

yamez 5 points ago +5 / -0

More like "Stopping the military effort because the opponent is morally depraved enough to use children as a deterrent makes it impossible to achieve our aims, impossible to be victorious and gives incredible power to an enemy"

You are not obligated to obey criminals, and allowing the morally bankrupt to dictate the terms of engagement is ceding the ability to fight.

yamez 2 points ago +2 / -0

there are already reports that 10k ukrainians were cut off, with an unknown number captured.

yamez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are they aware he has an American Citizenship? Since when are they against naturalization?

yamez 6 points ago +7 / -1

Immaterial. I would forbid that man from ever seeing my child again if he failed the basic obligation of defending her in that way. Weakness is no excuse for the failure to try. My parents are obligated to protect and fight for my children, and the failure to discharge that duty is a clear sign that I cannot ever trust them to look after my kids again. The woman I can ignore--women are weak and cowardly. The man has no excuse.

yamez 23 points ago +23 / -0

what a weak father. How dare he allow his child to be struck like that.

yamez 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Russians have effectively disarmed the Europeans without ever setting foot inside their borders. Let's not forget that the Europeans have made no meaningful efforts to step up production to meet the demand of war. They will remain disarmed until something forces them to actually build more plants.

yamez 1 point ago +1 / -0

they might pipe the contents of those emails through chatgpt or another large-language model to see if there are any outliers that demand closer attention :) You'd be surprised what sort of things are possible in this brave new world.

yamez 1 point ago +1 / -0

In common-law, the court needs proof that defendant has received the summons and is either present, or has an advocate. I never received a summons since it was sent to the wrong country, and there was no advocate in the proceedings. Just a real shit-show all round. I didn't have any sort of legal advice at all because I was never made aware there was a process until it was finished and sealed and the execution run against me by polish bailiffs. I got competent advice later--the lawyer (Polish) said that they basically railroaded me, and any lawyer could have stopped them in their tracks had I known there was a case and been defended. Unfortunately, summons in Europe, as near as I can see, only need be sent. They don't seem to need proof of receipt.

yamez 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crossborder alimony, from Poland to Austria. I'm pretty sure everybody on the forum can figure out that I'm in Poland by now, so I don't care.

The lack of Habeas Corpus on the continent is so grindingly ridiculous to me--it's manifestly evident that trial in absentia is a miscarriage of justice, but despite the exemplar being present and freely understandble, no continental country has ever said "hey, this is a good idea, we should write it into our laws!"

yamez 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the correction. No Habeus Corprus is a strong indicator of a shit legal system though. I was once tried and sentenced in an alimony case without even knowing there was a case against me :)

yamez 9 points ago +9 / -0

you misunderstand the european courts. Assumption of innocence and the burden of proof are not actually tenants of continental european legal systems. In fact, the defendant has an equal obligation to prove his innocence to the prosecutions obligation to demonstrate guilt in many european courts--and the european unions courts are even worse. They don't have Habeas Corpus, and place the burden of proof nearly entirely on the defendant, especially in speech cases.

yamez 23 points ago +23 / -0

Outing herself as being completely uneducated, I guess. Manufactor = Manus + Facere: Hand + Create. Literally to make something through the effort of your hands. It's from latin, the dead give away is the "or" suffix on the root "fact" which denotes changes it to a title for a person doing the thing. The english equivalent is "er" or "ard".

Fun fact, the female equivalent to the "tor/or" suffis "trix", so a woman who makes things by hand would be a Manufactrix, and this senator would be a Stupifactrix.

Bring back the classics in school so people can stop being retarded through preventable ignorance.

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