And from the summer all sites must have robust age verification systems to prevent children accessing a range of content.
Being "safe for kids" is no longer an exemption and it was never just for "adult content".
ETA: First known casualty of the new law, browser based MMO Urban Dead closed on the 14th citing the Online Safety Act's requirements for moderation unviable and unworkable.
go for it. Let's see how that works out for y'all
I fear it could play out with other places accommodating them and using it as an excuse to implement that shit for everyone else. This is the thin end of the wedge. Oh let's all point and laugh at the UK for implementing something dumb...and then wonder why it's suddenly getting implemented for the rest of us. This is the sort of shit that politicians should be deathly afraid of even proposing, much less implementing.
I'm sure it'll easily follow suit in the EU after, but I think it can also be the wedge that divides us from them harder and helps detangle that codependency with them that drags us down.
That's probably too optimistic though, because it would require a Trump level president for the next election or two to make sure we don't cuck out before they implode.
Many such cases, unfortunately
Probably the usual EU and Canada fags
You think it could blow up in their faces?
I don't know if only that first proposed step would cause enough of a problem for Keir Stamer, but I think if they just flat out ban the internet in favor of having everyone be stuck on legacy TV and streaming services, then there would be so many people upset that I think it would result in backlash.
Bear in mind the BBC would love a national Intranet and subsequently is biased toward that outcome. As it would restore them as the primary media outlet in the UK without American competition.
Someone in Chyna who just wants to view the BBC page will have break out of his own network and break into the uks
I don't know. The Brits really haven't done anything about rape gangs. They'll probably just die with a whimper.
Keir doesn't care, he's just another puppet in a long line of puppets following a script. If things get "bad" enough for him theyll just install someone else no one voted for like they did with Sunak replacing Truss. Or they'll hold another election to give the other party a chance (who'll implement the same agenda no one voted for) to give the people the illusion of change
A backlash in the UK doesn't matter. The Government will simply arrest anyone who so much as posts a snarky meme about it.