tobeornotto2 7 points ago +7 / -0

How is this different from every other celebrity who's a lefty?

tobeornotto2 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's to remove evidence of underperformance, to not blaspheme against blank slate theory, the most sacred core of the religion of modern marxism.

tobeornotto2 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's not hyperbolic. Half of blacks have IQs under 85, these are not capable of abstract thinking.

It's probably much worse, not only because the average IQ is closer to 80 than 85, but also because more than 15% of whites struggle with algebra. It's possible that 2/3 of blacks lack the intelligence to learn abstract concepts. And this includes the 100+ IQ African immigration demographics who skew the average up, so among the non-immigrant blacks it's even worse still.

Especially when you account for cultural self segregation, where intelligent black people tend to distance themselves geographically and culturally, and now you're looking at a reality where among the usual suspects (in terms of fashion, language, cultural belonging, behavior) that number is, what, above 80%?

No wonder profiling works so incredibly well. You think if you stopped and frisked every Chinese looking person you'd cut crime dramatically? No crime would go up, because you're clearly wasting your limited time and resources on a practice that has no statistical foundation.

tobeornotto2 1 point ago +1 / -0

32 million is not a lot of money. It's enough to live well for a couple of generations, but it's not 'buy elections' levels of wealth. A senate seat challenge probably costs $20m-$30m. You need a net worth of 300m+ to comfortably play.

tobeornotto2 3 points ago +3 / -0

They first removed every comment, then they removed the post. It reeks of fear and insecurity.

Pretty sure it's controlled by some officials or NGOs as others suggested.

They are extremely sensitive I'm sure because they can sense the sentiments are changing and they are panicking trying to stop the tide.

I got banned from that sub just days ago for the most centrist critique suggesting that there may be some negatives with mass immigration.

I find it very amusing though, because I think a part of why the tide is turning is because of social media censorship. They think they can stop people moving right by removing information, but their propaganda doesn't work if it doesn't start from a position that people occupy. If I want to convince an alcoholic not to drink, I have to start by talking about booze, or at least by recognizing that alcoholism exists.

Also they've made it so that any normal person is repulsed by them. If you remove everyone from one side, but leave even the crazies from the other, they will jump the shark and that's what you're seeing. With reddit they haven't created a censorship problem for the right, rather they've created a PR nightmare for the left.

They're losing and they're too brainslugged to understand why.

tobeornotto2 6 points ago +6 / -0

If they make enough profit they will afford to make new and bigger games.

Eventually if there was return in catering to the right, you'd end up with AAA's appealing to you.

In general if you want to actually compete in the culture war you have to support your own side.

tobeornotto2 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, if you push them they will eventually admit that an individual can better their circumstances through their own efforts.

"Well of course if you allow for total freedom some people will achieve success, but then they will use that success to keep others down."

It's there at the last bit where they are wrong. The entirety of leftism rests on the wrong presumption of blank slate theory.

In reality it's not other people's success that is holding some people down, rather it's their inferior genetic makeup and the inferior genetic makeup of their neglectful / abusive / counterproductive / incompetent parents. I should say epigenetic, since food plays a role, as does abuse.

No amount of redistribution or dismantlement of society, or of enlightenment structures, is going to fix this.

You can give monkeybrains thousands a month and they will still find ways to fail and suffer, and to make others suffer.

But the leftist's entire world rests on this principle of fundamental biological equality, they can never entertain a challenge to this core, not even for a second. The mental dissonance would be too intense. They fly into a rage if the idea is even brought up, it's like poking a finger in the pain center of their brain. This is called ideological capture, and is why people can't be argued out of the leftist position. And since we all are brought up in this ideology, it's up to every individual to find their own way out. Most never do.

So they will keep taking increasingly draconian steps, and as their efforts keep failing and equity remains a distant dream, they will turn increasingly vicious, starting to drag down the competent instead. And when even that fails, they will turn to totalitarianism.

Say what you will of the Hunger Games, but it gets parts of our future right. A diverse upper class of hedonists living meaningless lives revolved around consuming propaganda, speaking and thinking in slogans, embracing a trans aesthetic to signal belonging to the rainbow reich, with everyone else living in squalor.

What it got wrong was that the districts were allowed to keep familiar bonds and live with some level of self governance. In our future they can not be allowed to arrange their own microsocieties. Community is reactionary. And any sense of belonging or loyalty besides to the state will be very strictly and mercilessly engineered away.

I remember a study celebrating and advocating for a new method of teaching math to achieve greater equity, but when you dug down into its body you found that it hadn't improved the performance of the low achievers, rather it had dramatically reduced the performance of the high and normal achievers. Their method essentially consisted of teaching subjects out of order. Their brilliant method was to cause confusion.

Their intentions can't really be said to be evil, and that's why they will never see themselves as evil, but they will drive us to destruction and misery, and what should we call that?

tobeornotto2 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're just scratching the surface here unfortunately.

DIE is racing us towards a competency catastrophe.

You think it's annoying that call center reps can't pronounce English, ok, but that's the least of your worries.

Panes are going to start falling from the skies. Infrastructure is going to fail. Power grids will shut. The state systems will turn openly corrupt. Everything everywhere is going to get worse and more dangerous. Your town will increasingly resemble cities south of Sahara.

And you'll have the abandonment of meritocratic standards to thank for it.

I suppose there's a chance AI will advance in time to save us from the worst, but that's assuming the AI doesn't kill us itself. And anyway, woke programming won't allow AI to do anything about the crime, nor stop you from becoming an untouchable caste, so either way you're fucked.

tobeornotto2 3 points ago +3 / -0

You should watch the Canada one.

Canada is bad because they're just not communist enough! There are companies doing business there, and they have police, and don't simp enough for the natives - buuuu Canada.

tobeornotto2 16 points ago +16 / -0

However, members of Poland’s previous ruling party argued that the conservative slant of public media was needed to provide an alternative to Poland’s mostly liberal private media.

My first thought was what a fucking joke, so the previous government just straight up admits it was propaganda.

But then, no actually I respect that. They are honest, and they give their reason - we have to counter the woke indoctrination being thrust on our people from all sides.

That's fucking based. Agree or not it's honest and shows integrity. They could have done the leftist thing and just denied, but they didn't.

Compare that to slimy leftists and their taqiyya. Their constant lies, hypocrisy, and the deliberately misleading games they play. They live in a delusion and everything they do is part of their drive to domination, their every word part of some midwit strategy. To leftists the ends always justify the means.

tobeornotto2 3 points ago +3 / -0

They only propagandize something that they think will have broad appeal.

They don't have unlimited resources, it's not like they can be everywhere always. Stuff still gets made without their involvement. Though rarely popular stuff, they focus their attention on controlling anything with significant cultural relevance.

"They only propagandize ..." is the wrong way to put it. Rather, the things that can have broad appeal naturally attract the lizards, so they flock to where they think they can have the biggest impact.

They're a creepy hivemind. The infected are brainslugged NPCs, they zombily follow where the ideology drives them. The ideology is collectivist not only in its intention, but also in its function.

tobeornotto2 10 points ago +10 / -0

"You know, just for public relations sake, maybe I should have gone and found one Black and one woman artist to include here that didn't measure up to that same historical standard, just to avert this kind of criticism," Wenner said. "Which, I get it. I had a chance to do that. Maybe I'm old-fashioned and I don't give a [expletive] or whatever."

Incredibly based.

tobeornotto2 3 points ago +3 / -0

They were blocking the woke libs from getting to their precious festival, of course the state stepped in. If this was in your neighborhood the police would line up to protect the protestors and make sure you couldn't get to the hospital while laughing in your face.

Besides that, this is tribal police on tribal land. They can actually do their job bc their ethnicity protects them from the wrath of the state. If your local police did this their heads would roll.

tobeornotto2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Diversity hiring is ruining everything, it's just that the results are so much more immediately visible in the arts.

Normies are too brainwashed to stop going to swallow the propaganda. They're still pretending to themselves that race isn't real and that they don't care that the main love interest is some unattractive black. Or that low IQ creative staff and sensitivity readers have made entertainment painfully bad.

*It doesn't change anything about the show". Except it does. And while normies are showing up to watch the blacks, they're also slowly losing any passion for entertainment in general without even understanding why.

The industry will fall, just as diversityfication will destroy all industries, but it will just take a long time to materialize.

tobeornotto2 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean, why do high status people always embrace the empire ideology?

Because the main effect of every empire ideology is to strengthen their position, increase their influence, and elevate their status in the power hierarchy.

tobeornotto2 1 point ago +1 / -0

people do have a natural and genetic attraction to their own race

Is that why porn of black, brown, and asian women is so much more popular than blondes and pale brunettes? Cause 7 out of 8 billion people have a natural attraction to the former?

tobeornotto2 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can hire based on whatever you want, but if you get even a bit successful you'll get sued, because lack of equity is proof of discrimination.

"But your honor, I followed a blind process, and hired just based on basic competence and not being a retard" isn't going to help you.

tobeornotto2 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is still some intra group competition for higher education spots, regardless of any affirmative action.

White women in unis are likely above 100, around 110. Exactly because there is a lot of them comparatively, there's is no need to let in but the smartest. And this fits perfectly with their behavior. They're leftists, redditors, the PMC, they act like knowitall midwits not like retards.

We let in 10x more <90iq women today, simply means that our diversity efforts are 10x what they used to be, which sounds about right, I don't think the diversity push was as intense 10 years ago.

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