I’ve tried twice to play ff7. I don’t like it.
Ff7r is fun though. I’ve beaten and enjoyed 2, 3, 4, 5 (fan sub), and 6 on snes. Then I haven’t liked a final fantasy game since FF15, then 7R. 16 is dogshit with way too much gay.
Kanji isn’t magic. There are 2000 or so commonly used characters, and kanji are the word markers in Japanese sentences instead of spaces, except where some adverbs, adjectives, and particles are used. Foreign loan words are common and written phonetically in katakana, so you know most of those already. Just say “drink” or “cola” or “internet” with what you believe to be an extreme Japanese accent. That’s actually just how they say the word.
You can find the best materials on the high seas or even for free, and learning a language gives you something to do to keep your brain active.
Globohomo runs on excuses and whining, and it can be filibustered endlessly with malicious compliance.
“Before addressing why we didn’t stop the tractors, we’re going to have an all-ideas-welcome collaborative feelings session where we can start to begin to understand how we might adjust our expectations and feelings in the future. A guest speaker of color will lead our session with a diverse viewpoint, but they xirxem isn’t available until next Tuesday.”
He may be smarter than you think. Barricading the road takes time and is for sure a CYA measure.
“I did all I could, boss!”
If the police just sit on the barricade and watch tractors go around, you know they really don’t care to stop the tractors.
Everyone knows the aqueducts and the coliseum. Few know the reality of the Roman legion.
Perhaps humanity needs a boot to keep the worms from eating us alive.