Tattoo artists are a special kind of delusional egotist. So many of them think they're too good to use a stencil or trace a portrait, so they end up mutilating hundreds of poor people in the pursuit of their "art". For years I've wondered why there aren't CNC tattoo machines that could copy any image you want onto your skin. That's what most clients want - an image on their skin - they don't give a fuck about the craft.
Tattoo artists are a special kind of delusional egotist. So many of them think they're too good to use a stencil or trace a portrait, so they end up mutilating hundreds of poor people in the pursuit of their "art". For years I've wondered why there aren't CNC tattoo machines that could copy any image you want onto your skin. That's what most clients want - an image on their skin - they don't give a fuck about the craft.
Elaborate kanji
"It means 'Strength'"
I know two or three different Kanji that can have that sort of meaning, and it wouldn't be any of them.
Lol really, strength? There are a handful of potentials but 力 or 強 would be the most obvious and they certainly aren’t elaborate.
A two line tattoo that looks like a weird H would be a silly one though.