subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe that. But my money is on the marxists to win because they are just better at infiltrating and subverting.

subbookkeeper 3 points ago +3 / -0

It will never get to communism.

Yes and No. 2 points:

1 - Technically marxists who say "real communism has never been tried" are correct, communism is the utopian perfect state that is the end goal. By definition a utopian society is impossible. So what we have had are marxists states that are aiming to get to a communistic society. I think it's important to split the two because it highlights the religious nature of marxists. To them, communism is Heaven.

2 -

But they're just puppets, & the masters are all Neolib Democrats who are just using the far left as a tool against the Right while the lib elites run the whole show

Yes I agree, but that doesn't mean it will stay that way. Consider this, at a high level, there are roughly 2 forces that are destroying the world. Globalists and marxists. Globalists want a unified state where economic zones replace nations and they get to manage everyone lives 24/7.

Marxists want the same, except they want to destroy everything so everything is finally equal and that there are no differences between anything, we are all a grey sludge.

Currently they are working together and their goals align, but marxism, unlike globalism is a virulent ideology that subverts and takes over existing things. Globalism will probably win, but there is no defence against marxist takeover, and you can see it beginning now in some of the language that globalist organisations use. They are executing marxist plans because they think they will control it. But they are forgetting that the revolution never ends. The dialectic will always continue.

This is why thinks like Antifa and defund the police being shut down aren't the strategic victories people think they are. They are a tool that are deployed as required and put away when they are no longer useful. They still exist, ready to be redeployed. If enemy war planes drop their bombs on you and return to base you haven't "won the air war" they've just finished their sortie. Mao liquidating the red guard after they'd served their purpose didn't mean the red terror was over, it just moved to a different phase.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

IIRC from the leaked documents, they were trying to inoculate bats by giving them human respiratory viruses to reduce bats as a zoonotic reservoir of respiratory diseases.

We don't need to speculate, they wrote project goals. The Ecohealth alliance was the company that was running it.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you have place to go than good luck, South America is a good luck and there's lots of places that aren't Brazil or Venezuela.

subbookkeeper 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't believe this because it's just simply not a very good bioweapon.

It's also not what the article says, the quote from the researcher:

Researcher Chao Shao said during an interview with reporter and activist Jennifer Zeng this week that his fellow lab researchers were given different strains of coronaviruses and asked to determine which is most effective for spreading across various species.

Chao Shao suspected that these actions were unrelated to virology research and suggested that they were potentially involved in spreading the virus.

Bioweapons that persist long enough to return to it's point of origin fail the basic task of any weapon. Don't harm the user.

subbookkeeper 3 points ago +3 / -0


Youtube is a loss leader for alphabet (supposedly) and the more they can count costs the better. It's one of the greatest tools for info harvesting that alphabet has.

subbookkeeper 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's not so much the true believers that are dangerous, it's the atmosphere where it's too dangerous to call them stupid.

subbookkeeper 7 points ago +7 / -0

To be fair once the perp was no longer a threat, he can say whatever he likes because he knows that the Cop isn't going to release him. Being on film "doing a racism" is actually a bigger danger to him in that exact moment.

He's many things, but he's not wrong.

Clown world. This type of sociopathy is what's required to survive. This is what you can look forward too under a marxist totalitarian control state. Denounce or be denounced and gulaged.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many older, pre 1960 office buildings are there in the middle of cities though?


Note the example they use is reality TV show. And most converted commercial spaces are ugly as fuck as they have to use what they have and call it "urban" or "avant garde" which is just code for shit.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's such a completely terrible idea that progressive cities might do it. They can put all the childless single cat ladies in there.

subbookkeeper 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have to completely remodel every single utility as well as the internal space. Even before adding internal apartment walls etc.

Go into a large commercial space and just imagine how you'd turn it into a series of houses. It just cannot be done economically.

subbookkeeper 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dan from Lotus Eaters raised this point as not as easy at it sounds.

Turning a commercial building into residential apartments is basically impossible as it requires a total internal fit out. It will probably be cheaper to demolish and rebuild if you wanted too.

Edit: Someone did a basic calculation of the numbers and it's not great: https://cre.moodysanalytics.com/insights/cre-trends/office-to-apartment-conversions/

Maybe if the price of commercial real estate crashed, but if that happened the overall economy would most likely be affected so who knows what the costs would be. Spoiler, they reckon about 3% of NY's commercial office space would be good candidates for conversion.

subbookkeeper 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was stated that it's federal service for 2 years in which you can't vote and can quit anytime, in order to show that you are willing to undergo dangerous/tedious work to put the collective above yourself through your actions.

subbookkeeper 6 points ago +6 / -0

Are these records stored electronically? if they are it's trivially easy for a government agency to get them.

A raid isn't necessary unless they are physical forms.

subbookkeeper 6 points ago +6 / -0

Anarcho tyranny in action.

Reminder. There are already laws in place to stop these climate protesters, they're just not enforced.

These new laws will not be enforced either. Well they will but just against you.

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