I mean, this is just a classic discussion from 4chan. The old "Buck Angel vs Bailey Jay heterosexuality test."
Which, prior to the trans invasion was an interesting thought at least. Which if it was the balls on the dick that made it gay, or the masculine appearance, or what.
I can give her credit for going the full transition (sans losing the vag) long before it was trendy to do so, and that's probably why she is very out of step with the current crop of transtrenders and their narratives.
I still give no trannies a pass regardless of how "based" their opinions might be, for their very existence is a sin.
I mean, this is just a classic discussion from 4chan. The old "Buck Angel vs Bailey Jay heterosexuality test."
Which, prior to the trans invasion was an interesting thought at least. Which if it was the balls on the dick that made it gay, or the masculine appearance, or what.
If you have to question it though, it always is.
Seeing Buck Angel called transphobic today is hilarious to me. Well worth following him on FB for the comments he posts.
It's a she. Just because she took hormone pills and got surgery doesn't make her a dude.
Let's not subject ourselves to accepting their distortion of reality.
I can give her credit for going the full transition (sans losing the vag) long before it was trendy to do so, and that's probably why she is very out of step with the current crop of transtrenders and their narratives.
I still give no trannies a pass regardless of how "based" their opinions might be, for their very existence is a sin.