Very similar article from Ticker guy two days before too:
Most likely not because governments can kill it at any time by either:
A) adopting it. Thus defeating the purpose and making it gay.
B) outlawing it. Just because they can't physically stop it, doesn't mean it's not going to kill it. Cocaine is not a currency because it is illegal. It is a wonderful investment because it satisfies all the criteria for valuable things. But a brick of cocaine is a poor choice because criminals will kill you for it and you can't exactly go to the police about it. Bitcoin will end up the same way.
All of the theoretical reasons for Bitcoin that enthusiasts like to state are still all true, but the government gets a vote in the matter too. That seems to have been forgotten.
Ironically enough, old 2010 reddit posts are the first useful information I normally find.
Because that's the "way" to make it on youtube, human expressions in the thumbnails CAPS in titles, no normal lulls in conversation to give the sense of urgency when listening. etc etc. It's like ending a price in .99c instead of a whole number.
It works so everyone does it and experimenting with something else just isn't worth the risk. In hindsight it was always going to end up like this. It's like asking why people start 90% of chess games with D4 or E4.
I think they just have charisma and the targets are cucks.
You also don't know the number of dates that these Girls go on that don't lead anywhere.
Amazing that the Tories are the oldest political party in the western world are have been overtaken overnight by getting rid of that moron richard thiess.
Have they reinstated the candidates that got hope not hated away?
Probably in Lord of the Rings. King Theoden comes to mind, as well as Elrond.
Starship Troopers 1997, Lt Jean Razak.
Purity spiralling is the "rights" version of virtue signalling for the left.
The only time you will have "your guy" is when the Man in the mirror runs for office.
That's obviously a decision to prevent armies going rogue. If a division is self sufficient than that general can easily coup the government. No doubt that's how it was sold at first anyway.
No Women are fit to serve, her fitness is only one side of the coin.
If you can sprint in any direction it's not a sprint then.
I wonder if that's how these series will die, each ban just makes the population smaller and smaller each game.
Risking assault in what is probably california
Gym name prominently displayed in video
Posted originally by a major combat sports account
Absolutely. Thank God it wasn't Dom Mazetti that did it or that kid could have been killed.
If a real country did this, I would actually consider it rather based.
International streaming services are a major factor in globohomo. This is essentially a tarriff on foreign goods. But unlike cars or washing machines, where the economic argument is dicey, there is a much greater argument that the cultural impact is far more dangerous. 5% is actually not enough for what amounts to the dumbing down and mind melt that is bingeing on streaming services.
funded by taxing other woke nonsense. Ironic.
the revolution must progress.
The Unz review has a good history of the Birch Society (still around btw)
Essentially when it was formed the jewish question was so obvious they had to make a decision whether to directly answer it and take on the mantle of anti semite they knew they would get, or just leave it open and obvious without directly referring to it.
If I saw that 18 second clip without the title I wouldn't even have realised it was in space let alone from star wars.
Maybe it's just because I've watched them so much, but I don't think you could take ANY 18 second clip from the Star Wars trilogy, or even the prequels and not recognise it as Star Wars.
When's the memorial march down martin luther king bvd?
It's so bizarre that, here in Aus at least, people treat murdoch as some evil far right guy that sits atop a sprawling empire of russian disinformation. I think it's purely because their programming tells them that they should have a guy in that position in their mental model and we don't have one in Aus so they squish murdoch into it.
Honestly if Alex Jones ended his life as a martyr in a scarface style shootout with federal agents that would just seem normal at this point.
One of the overlooked lessons of this debacle will be how long it took the mainstream to catch up with what everyone already knew.
A society, like a tree has good healthy wood and deadwood.
You burn deadwood, and kill the tree if you burn healthy wood.
You absolutely can go too far, but I don't think it's there yet.