Just to give you an idea of how far behind this everyone is. Marxists put the point at which they took over American teaching colleges (the colleges that train and credential teachers) at a particular year. Try to think what the year is before reading down.
The year was 1992
I don't know how to do spoiler tags.
Just to well and truly put the idea of "woke messaging is ok if it's tasteful" to bed once and for all. It's propaganda, and propaganda works whether you know it's propaganda or not. To simplify the woke spread, it was first people were forced to start it, then the university educated woke vanguard entered companies so companies had to pretend to be woke. Now they've pretended for so long they are woke.
Your beliefs change to fit your habits. If you get up each morning and say trans are hecking valedirino, even if you don't believe it, you are doing it and your T will drop accordingly.
Are you sure it's just not overloaded? I get that error when the whole site is down via ddos.
Police not security services.
I would imagine security services could get into telegram but wouldn't share it with national police forces.
Even if they couldn't directly get into the data stream somehow, which it all travels on undersea cables in the end. You use Telegram on a phone which is far less secure than the app itself.
you can do it privately but (where I live at least) it's hundreds of dollars for the Psychologists time. I looked into it a while back and decided against it.
How many people posting have sat an IQ test? I only saw 1 comment that listed an actual concrete number.
You pay a psychologist who administers the tests to do it, it takes hours to do properly.
Untrue. Southpark the Stick of Truth used comments like this as a micro aggression that you could trigger a bonus attack with.
My email is now 1000 unread emails due to substack.
There's actually nothing wrong with having woke in films, it matters how it's portrayed
There is because it's an admission that the messaging is ok as long as it's entertaining.
That recent rom com with two white leads that did really well. Anyone but you or something. I saw about 5 minutes of it as I walked through a room . The background characters were walking progressive billboards.
Speaking of Deadpool, in the sequel the pedofile bad guy (very non diverse henchmen btw) in the ending confrontation's first phrase was "they will not replace us" something which was so obviously a progressive phrase referencing Charlottesville despite making no sense in context or the movie or other characters even reacting to it. Then immediately after Deadpool overtly fellates another Man but that's ok because haha woke indoctrination funny.
"Entertainment" is not the deciding factor for woke propaganda, drag shows are not magically ok for children if they're just really entertaining. They're wrong period.
80% genetic isn't it? Primarily from the Mother. And what smart Women are having children these days?
Aluminium is neurotoxic and is the primary adjuvant in vaccines.
There are guidelines for intravenous use of medications that state aluminium is to be limited to 5mg per kg of bodyweight. Then immediately below that say they're fine in vaccines.
We can laugh but Librarians are an important part of cultural guidance and reproduction. They decide what books get removed/added and where they get displayed. The marxists have taken over the schools and universities, this is just the equivalent of mopping up any remnants after you've taken the capital.
I've never heard that, was it from mao's china? sounds like something out of the 4 old's campaign or something similar.
The trouble is that the "good" movies have woke in them, just not much compared to the shit. So it's just another way of advancing the dialectic. It's either a lot of woke or just a little.
Libertarians seem to have a gene that whenever they see a poll at 10% support they have an unavoidable urge to revert to one of two arguments that seems to be a random coinflip in their head . The "But what if the child consents" argument or the "Borders aren't real" position.
It will look at tackling violence against women and girls in the same way as Islamist and far-Right extremism,
A ray of sunshine, it'll be ignored and botched then.
Speaking in the wake of a damning report into the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving Scotland Yard officer
Remember this is all happening because a service police officer took a day off dancing at a pride parade to kill someone.
What was the context and what'd the guy say?
on a crowded train too. I know I was there. And everyone clapped too and made facebook posts about it.
but you will fail unless the majority is with you.
That's because democracy falls afoul of the fallacy that morals are determined by popular vote.
You cannot legislate morality
This is one of those things that sounds smart and deep, but the more you think about it the less it make sense.
I think if people just started calling it population control for degenerates and dysgenics it'd change the conversation.
Even a principled opposition to homicide is a luxury belief That's a great point, I'd just like people to be honest and state when it's ok to kill Babies. If another mouth to feed would threaten the survival of existing Children is a fair answer I think.
Lets be fair now, the 2 far windows could be 1 sun.
Even arcade machines in the 80's were deliberately difficult so you'd have to insert more quarters to get your name in the high score. Arcade machines are literally programmable by prize win %.