smokeypanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's the best lazy opposite? Normie or npc (slang, liable to either be too niche or too diluted), pawn or conformist (edgy teenage philosophy, and too many contexts); blue-pilled (poisoned by the pickup-artist debate); peasantry or pleb (a bit too general), pedestrian (buy your car and be cool unlike those foot-commuters , and conform to communities engineered to be strip-mined by The Man)? Guess I'm relegated to calling folk a bunch of submissives.

smokeypanda 16 points ago +16 / -0

Obama already had a dismal, establishment voting record in the senate. I still hold a grudge against those that flopped from Paul to Obama or Sanders.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crypto production won't ever be directly controlled, since cash is already digital and serves that purpose. Normies have already been conditioned with authoritarian personalities, and newer generations have no inclination to reverse this trend. Crypto trading is already mostly controlled by the establishment, lumping it with other regulated commodities as an inflation/wealth hedge. The best we can hope for is that the crypto-bubble pop has shaken much of the dead-weight speculative asset trading. Maybe Monero will have a trickling uptake in utilitarian usage, which was necessarily delayed by the 2015-2022 crypto status quo.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once again you didn't extrapolate; "you skipped over it" meant you participated in said thread, but with multiple participants you decided to force hostile arguments.

by folx
smokeypanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

Instead of flying cars, we have imitation/noise snark on a half-rate successor to the fingerd protocol.

OG Xbox was much cooler too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7C5umFXHfY

by folx
smokeypanda 4 points ago +4 / -0

As Sony and CDPR (specifically GoG) have proven, we can't rely on the outside world to be immune to Western cultural freeloaders.

smokeypanda 5 points ago +5 / -0

History is cyclical with personal autonomy and individualism, instead of a linear progression; in tune with the weak/stronk men -> hard/good times meme. The rape of Lucretia shows us that sub-saharan levels of gendered oppression wasn't a universal norm.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

On a second listening, what Scott said has a very different context when quote-mined down to "get the hell away from black people". The full clip is Sowell type 1B discrimination while the legacy media headlines look like the racist racist uncle spouting type 2 discrimination. If I listened to The Lotus Eaters correctly, Scott was saying get the hell away from black people because affirmative action gives PoC an unfair advantage in the workplace, not to have a clinical phobia of them.

Looking past normies; leftists and other aggressively conventional-minded types do not care for statements-of-fact or even how statements will be interpreted, but how statements should be interpreted. The literal minded, outside that detestable quadrant, lap up their bullshit and society conflates their naivety with innocence. Hence the 'sarcasm', which is Scott twisting establishment rhetoric against itself, isn't having the corrective effect on society it should.

smokeypanda 8 points ago +8 / -0

Scott has a knack for deadpan delivery, but unfortunately literal-minded normies and autists are reinforced when they take effective sarcasm at face value. The world would be a much better place if karma was persistent.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

In another comment thread, I already addressed your last paragraph, but you skipped over it since some of the responses were a better fit for your vitriolic habits. I'm still waiting to see if you're capable of extrapolating the 2 side-arguments I left 10 days ago, which were in response to 2 ridiculous points you made.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's the thing. The "C. Social Media Management: ..." section is vague, and without an active license to practice law and track record, you are not qualified to just assert what it means without extensive explanation or sources. I made that distinction towards myself in my first comment responding to you, but you were too interested in ramrodding hostile argumentation to have caught that; or even come across that shorthand before.

The vagueness in that term (and probably elsewhere in the full contract) is what's predatory to up-and-coming talent in creative industries. Boreing's preferred business M.O. is appropriate to catch unsavvy, dysfunctional corporations and govt. bureaucracies and net yourself a hefty profit

I'm done until you extrapolate either of the two side arguments I didn't spell out for you.

smokeypanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

Monster is one of the best I found when I looked for stuff made before the last decade.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the email-list you turd. Go one section down, where it says "additionally, [blank] will have perpetual and exclusive rights...". You're so willfully illiterate that you've apparently never came across the 'IANAL' acronym, instead clinging to a factionalist train-of-thought. And, the fucking irony of using a leftist (or tradcuck boomer) social construct in the same sentence of accusing of others of being commies.

Go find an aspie to detail how Crowder's situation isn't comparable to Kapernick's.

smokeypanda 22 points ago +22 / -0

HR exists first because dipshit voters and politicians think you can legislate equity into the workplace.

smokeypanda 4 points ago +4 / -0

If someone didn't like Oz, there's the option of leaving a section blank or voting third-party. That doesn't happen because unqualified democracy is about conforming rather than having a desired impact.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

Additionally.... That's perpetual rights to Louder With Crowder, but IANAL. Elsewhere in the thread, you're regurgitating superficial fanboy arguments like 'hur-dur, Kapernick' so do the needful and expunge 'parroting' from your vocabulary.

Crowder also brought it up in the phone call, regarding up-and-coming talent; Boreing's hesitant, standoffish response was telling.

smokeypanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Act Man made a better documentary 2 years ago. Some of his points and entertainment editorializing (presenting legalese at face value and acting shocked) I disagree with, but he's not shoving some DEI grift that a sane world would unperson you for falling for.

Also an exposition on flat hierarchies that doesn't mention Valve or the regurgitate takes on The Tyranny of Structurelessness essay.

smokeypanda 2 points ago +2 / -0

As soon as he had to secure financing to purchase the inflated stock, any reform ambitions were knee-capped. Whether Musk a fraud or not, his judgement is unavoidably clouded by external market factors at odds with the product.

smokeypanda 3 points ago +3 / -0

shitty anime subscriptions, and drugs…

hate various portions of humanity that aren’t like them…

Ah, the affable non-conformist.

I, for one, want 'the poors' to grok the magnitude of how little they make. There's a slightly greater chance they'd learn to individually and collectively negotiate, not vote for pro-dependency politicians, denationalize currency, and halt non-vetted immigration. The traditional taboo against talking salary was manufactured far beyond not being a blowhard or ruining parties. Conversely, not sharing specifics about earnings makes sense when volunteering such information can be used against you, as many lottery winners have found out.

smokeypanda 16 points ago +16 / -0

Climate change is a cesspit of halfwits and perverse incentives. In grade school, we're taught the simplified model that plants photosynthesize, consuming CO2 and producing oxygen; while animals respire, consuming oxygen and producing CO2. Since the real world is governed by the Pareto Principle, meaning exponential complexity as you go deeper and edge-cases become significant, plants also undergo respiration and give off CO2. The high upper-bound of environmental science complexity is a perfect match for Dunning-Kruger. I was at least admit that I didn't have the competence to come to a conclusion on climate-change in high-school, and still can only come to conclusions on the socio-political factors surrounding such.

Laymen and non-market profiteers (govt. and legacy media backed climate research tied to approaching a predetermined conclusion) wind up in a negative feedback loop because of the combined general dearth of civic virtue, inadvertent indoctrination, and perverse incentive. Wanting to reduce pollution and have a healthy environment is a good thing, but the cognitive dissonance in disregarding trade-offs and real consequences is staggering. That it's socially favorable to not earnestly challenge folk on their shallow beliefs depresses me.

smokeypanda 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't trust any stranger that hasn't gotten out of the coastal metropolises.

smokeypanda 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm not against one of the richest men in the world sharing anime memes and skirting the woke faction of the rich, but he's had so many explicit lapses in judgement.

Back in ye olde days, he wanted to replace Unix servers because M$ marketed towards non-technical managers, and had nicer GUIs for their dev and admin tools. Back in Y2k, Win OS/IIS web server was notoriously shittier than Unix/Apache, and Unix in general has always better than Windows NT for stability guarantees. Caveat; today MS is acceptable for for high-traffic websites and conventional enterprises that have an internal IT department, but still a terrible choice for mission-critical and embedded stuff.

Tesla supposedly has a spotty software engineering record(take the source with a grain of salt), but I'd wager that's somewhat consistent with Tesla/SpaceX culture of company kool-aid over employee individuality, and their dumb console having a touch screen instead of physical knobs. Less biased source

His marriage record is simply remarkable, plus he dated Turd. My sympathy for legit aspies.

How the fuck did a top-10 wealthiest tech executive not account for big software companies being overvalued? I'd expect a contrarian to understand the quality of the products he uses, and have a cursory overview of revenue model. Should have listened to Michael Burry before buying out Twitter. Eliza should be a consultant, not in charge of anything trust & safety. He's made other bone-headed business decisions too, like taking away remote work.

At least he was cool enough to post about Virtua Fighter on usenet.

smokeypanda 7 points ago +7 / -0

The industry, from hospitals, insurance, and pharma is dysfunctional since Americans decided to listen to proggies and cronies instead of libertarians. Any public mandates should be rejected for pragmatic reasons, not just ideological sentiment. It's valid for schools to require vaccination, but not while compulsory schooling and public-schools w/o vouchers are a thing.

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