shut the fuck up, foreigner.
bring back tarring and feathering of uppity prosecutors.
opposing hostile foreign occupants is not extremism.
door to door, until it is done.
any of this would require an amendment, and good luck getting that to pass.
their reply should have been "Good."
make a time machine with some rope and a chair.
door to door, until it is done.
execute and charge the country of origin
drag them off to the side and break one of their legs. leave them there to cry.
marxism must be eradicated
"break glass in case of emergency"
0%, because it's a deviant sexual fetish
fuck off you dysgenic creature
no, there is no defense of rules like reddit's.
you know, that place we came here to be free of?
ohhhh noooo not muh illegal sweepstakes
entirely fake scandal. nobody cares about muh emisshuns, but they do care about their expensive computer cooking itself to death.
door to door until they're all going home.
imp i'm glad you're back
0% american
i am a monument to all your sins
he needs to go.
there's no such thing as "transphobia"
zero votes harris
zero percent american