jrbelmont 4 points ago +5 / -1

So if we got forced or tricked into the clot shot is that it, we're dead men walking basically forever? Or is there a danger period after the shot and if you get through that you're fine?

jrbelmont 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is a good example of how wokeness works by taking something normal or good and turning it into something evil.

We're biologically programmed to think people we love smell good because our bodies physically respond to having them around, especially kids. "New baby smell" is a real chemical. Put babies around teens and they instinctively get gentle and protective. Put kids in a nursing home and the residents stay healthier, longer, and take less medications like opiates.

Families and communities are a fundamental part of our life down to our biology itself, which is why the Marxists want to destroy it and why they themselves turn it into a perversion.

jrbelmont 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is why they've been trying so hard to completely control everyone's ability to communicate and the flow of information. They know that their power is dependent on keeping dissenters convinced they're alone, and preventing the spread of any news of dissent.

jrbelmont 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep in mind that B5 was originally pitched to Paramount and they turned it down, only to hold on to all the pitch materials and plagiarize them to make DS9.

The first two seasons are pretty rough by today's standards but the acting isn't any less hammy than TNG of the same era. Season 3 is where it really gets into the swing of things and 4 is amazing, not least because getting told the show had been canceled led to them pulling out all the stops to wrap up every major plot in one season.

Ironically actually speeding things up like that led to such a ratings comeback the show got surprise renewed at the last minute, which is why season 5 is noticeably much poorer than the rest. The one exception being the series finale itself.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you're admitting that 85% of jews aren't the subversive leftists you hate so much and want to claim are all an evil jewish plot?

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "benefit" of buying a bunch of missiles to shoot down the same missiles that the US is also paying other countries to fire into Israel in the first place. The whole thing is a dog and pony show. You give Israel $3bn in store credit, the surrounding 30 countries $2bn each in no strings cash, then sit back and profit of it all.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well for the former it's probably a xerox/bandaid thing. For the latter I'd say follow the money. For-profit medicine doesn't want insurance to pay for people to get better, they want you to stay just sick enough to work but always be hooked on something. Hence denigrating a lot of preventative or curative procedures that you can technically live without as "elective".

jrbelmont 4 points ago +5 / -1

Why do we give the jews $3 billion in free US military gear every year if they won't use it to blow up the people rocketing them?

Because you don't. You give government contractors $3 billion in free US money every single year and use Israel as a scapegoat for the embezzlement, while giving about 1.5-2 billion each in actual no-strings cash to all of the islamofascist terror states in the middle east.

jrbelmont 4 points ago +4 / -0

"AI" is amazing... At the one extremely limited and specific thing the model is trained for, and as long as the thing it's trained for has any kind of order and consistency to it.

If you need to separate unlabelled data into groups or extrapolate future data points it's incredible. Anything else it's useless.

jrbelmont 5 points ago +10 / -5

Self hating Jews who want to see the Jews exterminated as badly as any nazi. Honestly you can have them.

jrbelmont 14 points ago +14 / -0

Plastic surgery is done in basically every single major procedure. Jokes aside the "plastic" refers to plastic deformation. If someone gets jaw surgery and they need to move the gum tissue that's plastic surgery, if you've got to repair mangled muscle or skin after an accident that is too.

It's just we don't call that "plastic surgery" casually.

jrbelmont 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Islam is right about women"

jrbelmont -2 points ago +1 / -3

There's nothing to refute, it's a truism not an argument. Resources ARE finite, and so we CHOOSE to use them to do everything we can to promote secure and stable family units because that is the fundamental building block of every society.

jrbelmont 3 points ago +3 / -0

In any country with remotely decent internet infrastructure that's maybe a 40 minute download.

by folx
jrbelmont 2 points ago +2 / -0

Faust's run had tons of intentional adult references, at one point they even cracked a joke about "spiking the punch" at a party.

It makes sense when you consider that she was deliberately trying to make the show tolerable or even amusing for parents so they'd spend time with the kids while watching it instead of wanting to shoot themselves whenever it was on. It's the same thing classic cartoons like Looney Tunes used to do. Sure the kids love the slapstick and that's about all they see, but those cartoons are packed full of adult humor.

jrbelmont 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think that's a pretty degrading and inappropriate thing to say honestly, it's probably taking it too far. Cockroaches fulfill a pretty important role in the decomposition cycle in nature and we'd be up shit creek without them, even though invasive species are a problem in more urbanised areas. They really don't deserve to be insulted by getting compared to leftists like that.

jrbelmont 3 points ago +3 / -0

Someone that plays Magic the Gathering

Shit we're off to a bad start

has anime waifu pillows in his 30s


while also sporting a beard

Fuck I thought I was in the clear

And loves Marvel.

What if it's just when I've had a beer and want to watch a CGI spectacle? I mean is this some kind of gradient, or is it a point system, 2 out of 3 and you're fucked, how are we grading this? Can I offset points for regular exercise and actually doing genuinely productive shit?

jrbelmont 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's not about keeping things the same, it's about providing an endless supply of do-nothing busywork jobs for well connected people with woke beliefs.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +2 / -1

They have. But leftists control the media and make sure only what they want people to see gets broadcast. Why do you think Haaretz is constantly broadcast worldwide but Arutz Sheva never is?

jrbelmont -1 points ago +4 / -5

It's also very curious how people can "notice" this but somehow remain completely oblivious to the fact the left absolutely hates Jews more than any other group out there, even whites, and the jews held up as tokens are all shills for that.

It's like trying to claim that the left wing intelligentsia isn't anti-white because it's also dominated by white people.

jrbelmont 18 points ago +18 / -0

The enemy of my enemy can still be my enemy. The Taliban and ISIS want to kill each other, that doesn't mean one of them is magically my friend. They're both still my enemy.

jrbelmont 8 points ago +8 / -0

They did expect them, and most of the reactors were built with an extreme margin of safety just in case. The one that got fucked up was basically cheaped out on.

by folx
jrbelmont 0 points ago +1 / -1

They only reported on that because the one thing they hate more than western civilization are jews.

by folx
jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're experiencing gell-mann amnesia. These are the same people that lie constantly about everything they can. Ancient humans didn't have as many sugar-driven cavities as we do today but they did have severe issues like their teeth literally being ground down or shattered from lower quality food.

And remember, we don't have the skull of everyone everywhere to have ever lived. There's a huge selection bias here.

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