jrbelmont 1 point ago +2 / -1

Bullshit. A normal gaming monitor around 2005 would run 1600x1200 at 85hz, that's 200 more lines of vertical resolution than 1080p. A high end gaming monitor like a 24" widescreen trinitron would do 1920x1200 at well over 100hz or 2048x1536 at 85hz, higher than "2k" is today.

And that was for monitors built in 2004.

LCDs are such an unbelievably shitty technology that's taken twenty years for them to just barely start catching up to CRTs in terms of resolution. Response time and image quality are still down the toilet.

It's just pathetic that you have to lie this badly.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no clue what you're talking about. Bog standard prebuilt retail monitors did 1024x768 at 85hz. A standard gaming monitor would run 1600x1200 at 85hz, and high end gaming screens would do 2048x1536 at 85-100hz.

That's higher than "2k".

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately that's increasingly common with steam workshop cutting off external downloads, and GOG/Steam version differences. The GOG version of Skyrim SE for example isn't compatible with mods for basically no reason.

jrbelmont 0 points ago +1 / -1

Comment was actually reported for not being antisemitic enough. It's funny how you all acted like jannies for so long and kept banning imp but suddenly found a laissez fair attitude when the sub turned into stormfront.

jrbelmont -17 points ago +3 / -20

Everyone's been killing everyone for that land for a few millenia now. Jews were living there before Arabs killed them for it in 1947, now Jews are taking it back.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone else have trouble with links to catbox.moe? They're always dead for me with a "site can't be reached" error.

jrbelmont 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eternal feels like someone somehow made an entire gameplay loop out of just the shitty parts of games. It's all artificial ammo starvation, leveling, and loot hunting strung together by quick time events with ridiculous forced camera shake. It feels less like I'm playing a game and more like I'm playing a bunch of bad cut scenes and annoying side quests.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

America doesn't give Israel anything, Israel is equired to spend all the "aid" with Raytheon and their buddies. It's just embezzlement with "look, jooz!" as a distraction in the middle.

It's all the Arab countries that get cold hard cash with no strings attached. Probably because if they don't get what they want they have their people in western countries start cutting off heads.

jrbelmont 7 points ago +13 / -6

I mean the pictures are there, you can see them for yourself. What actually happened is a bunch of normal people saw a pile of mutilated babies and thought they'd been beheaded. What actually happened was the bodies were in such bad shape they can't even tell what happened to the head in a lot of cases.

jrbelmont 5 points ago +5 / -0

Best part is there was a post shortly after this where the entire sub absolutely shit on the mods.

jrbelmont 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mullvad is better as a VPN, and for torrenting you're best off either getting a realdebrid account or seedbox. You can integrate either into a full setup with sonarr, radarr, and the rest.

jrbelmont 9 points ago +10 / -1

That's already happened. The only people who hate Jews more than "Jewish" leftists are Muslims.

You just don't hear about the Jewish cold civil war because the media doesn't want you to. It's no different than any other false narrative they push.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's less jews in the whole world than there are people in most major cities. I'm not surprised you don't see a lot of internal politics.

jrbelmont 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the real underlying problem. Even without the brain virus modern feed-based social media would still be a profoundly destructive force.

The fact is our brains just aren't equipped to handle being exposed to this much information from all over the world all the time. Even if we consciously understand what we're consuming on subconscious level our brain still thinks it's being given genuine information about the real state of our immediate surroundings.

The original symptom of this disease was people thinking kidnappings and violent crime were skyrocketing when in reality they were just fed 24/7 repeats of the same handful of incidents from across the entire nation.

jrbelmont 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thirding Noita. To say there's more to the game is an understatement. If you go through the main dungeons and boss like you're led to believe you're "supposed" to you'll see something like 10% of the content. It's a gotcha on part with the first castlevania game to pull the upside-down castle trick.

There's also some pretty awesome content mods. Nothing on the level of terraria but still very meaty.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wanted to like deep rock galactic but it's yet another game with screwed up FOV and camera shake. At least I got to find out the options to disable that shit don't actually work during a free weekend.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +2 / -1

Keep in mind the media and people telling you that are also the same media and people lying to you about everything else. Most Jews at this point think of the leftists the same way they do nazi collaborators from the second world war, you just don't hear about it.

jrbelmont 1 point ago +1 / -0

A better example is the welding mask Steve Mann came up with that let welders see the arc and surroundings at normal brightness as well as giving a real time readout of arc length.

The future of AR isn't an overglorified clipboard, it's adding meaningful information to our vision in real time. Motion enhancement to spot loose parts, variable polarization to see stresses in materials, precise measurements without needing to stop and get equipment, clear vision despite lighting conditions, and even translating parts of the spectrum to visible.

jrbelmont 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which to be honest matters more anyway. The slightly higher starting capacity of lipo gets quickly eaten up but their severe capacity loss within the first year of use. Id rather have 800mah for five solid years of daily recharging than 1000 at day one, 700 after a year, and 650 after two.

jrbelmont 11 points ago +11 / -0

Gamergate collapsed due to the number of people who refused to accept that the source of the issue was deliberate malice from the feminist movement writ large, what we now call wokeness.

jrbelmont 3 points ago +3 / -0

What I mean is will you get myocarditis right away or not at all, or are us lab rats at risk of developing it later at some point.

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