free-will-of-choice -6 points ago +2 / -8

game devs

  • Development = Casino
  • Distribution = Croupier
  • Gaming = Gambling
free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +4 / -2

paid promotion for Underdog Fantasy gambling (available in 33 states)

In this case "the house always wins" refers to a masonic lodge...

white vs black

Masonic checkerboard

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

free will of thought

Before one can think...one uses choice. To think implies ones response to input, and responding implies by choice.

posting the definitions

Definite implies "affixed"...a contradiction of ones "free" will of choice.

free-will-of-choice -4 points ago +2 / -6

what is a father?

Father/pəter - "path" + mother/mater - "matter" aka path (inception towards death) of matter (life).

"Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven" ~Matthew 23:9

who knows?

To know implies ones perception of all perceivable as formed matter within a flowing path...not the suggested label "father" by another.


Aka dai (divider) mon (provider) aka dividing path (inception towards death) providing matter (life).


Cold flow dividing (inception towards death), while providing hot form (life) aka frieren (dying) defeating the dai-mon king (living).

葬送のフリーレン Sōsō no Furīre Funeral (furnace; fire; hot) Frieren (freeze; cold) aka from cold (dying flow) to hot (living form) aka a burned offering aka a holocaust.

Eisen; Heiter; Himmel

Aka natural L(and) (Air) W(ater) aka Eisen of earth (land); spirit of Heiterkeit (air), and Himmel above as hell below (water).

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) A the-ist implies ones consent to a suggested the-ism...that's the foundation of religion/religio - "to bind anew".

b) Gnostic/gnōstos/gno - "to know" implies ones perception...not the suggestions of others.

c) Not believing implies ones consent to suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing), which makes one a nihil-ist.

d) The foundation of "nothing" is jewish aka creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing)... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatio_ex_nihilo

"The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in Hebrew, is a mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism to describe the path to HaShem and the manner in which he created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing)."

free-will-of-choice 15 points ago +16 / -1

why not foster a child of your own race


Which was part of...


Aka tikkun olam aka repairing the world aka healing the world by bringing together aka equalizing differences aka e pluribus unum (out of many; one) etc.

In short... jew

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

mass effect

Cause generates effects by setting each apart from one another. Few affect many by tempting together aka by amassing, which diminishes effects.

For example...few writers affect a mass of players into ignoring reality for fiction, which diminishes effects within reality.

world of warcraft

Crafting war within the world implies utilizing suggestion to tempt logic/reason aka circular logic within self and conflicts of reason against others.

Wars are established by choosing a side...designer shape fictitious wars to tempt ones real choice to continuously choose to fight for a side. No matter which side one chooses...the conflict against the opposite side continues.

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +3 / -2

a problem with consulting in general

Its modern sense of "agent appointed by a sovereign state to reside in a foreign place to protect the interests of its citizens and commerce there" began with use of the word as appellation of a representative chosen by a community of MERCHANTS living in a foreign country... https://www.etymonline.com/word/consul

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +1 / -0

a) Many are obsessed with the nominal. What's perceivable doesn't matter, only what few suggest is real.

b) Suggested words tempt one to ignore perceivable sound...this is called spell-craft and few managed to trick many to view reality through a lens of nominal fiction.

free-will-of-choice 2 points ago +2 / -0

festival of diversity

a) Equal outrage over one guys diverse behavior...

b) Equality has to be cut apart to establish diversity...

free-will-of-choice -2 points ago +1 / -3

If one ignores free will of choice, then one selects another to make choices for one.

free-will-of-choice -5 points ago +1 / -6

What's it like to be

Being implies different from one another...few suggest likeness to distract many from discerning that.


Smart/smarta/schmerz/mer - "pain, harm"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/smart#etymonline_v_23723

People value intelligence

a) Intelligence/intelligo - "to understand" implies ones consent "standing under" the suggestion of another, hence submission of self.

b) Being implies evaluation (perception) within value (perceivable)...others suggest values to tempt ones evaluation to devalue itself.

c) People implies an aggregation of person aka many submitting to suggested collectivism by few.

Nature doesn't generate people (plural) but person (singular) by setting each one apart from one another....few tempt many together to equalize differences, which makes it easier for few to remain apart from many.


Nature sets each one within free (will of choice)...few suggest measure/mete - "mark; limit; boundary" to tempt many (plural) to ignore one (singular), hence limiting oneself into bondage with others.

Nature doesn't need to be measured...it allows self discernment for each partial (one) within whole (oneness). Few suggest counting to tempt consenting many to become accountable, hence in need of an accountant.

free-will-of-choice 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gastarbeiter Schichtwechsel (change of shift among guest workers). Why so radical? Because those "guests" don't seem to leave otherwise...

free-will-of-choice 1 point ago +8 / -7
  • Yandex founder... (((Arkady Yuryevich Volozh))) + (((Ilya Segalovich)))
  • Google founder... (((Lawrence Edward Page))) + (((Sergey Mikhailovich Brin)))
free-will-of-choice -7 points ago +1 / -8

To demand implies asking by authority of others, hence authorizing others to command law and justice...a bitch move, that gets one bitch-slapped.

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