Accurate except for all the sleeping bags out in an atmosphereless planetoid and civilization (hangars, mines, factories) pretty much everywhere. The sad thing is starfield had a better radiant quest system than fallout 4 does (the bounty board is just so much better). Shame they ruined that by making NG+ destroy all your work and dungeons being repetitive.
It's Canada though. Their idea of falsehood or wrong is blatantly out of touch. If I wrote that "vaseline is good for burns and other injuries provided you've received approval from your physician" that's a good chance that would violate the bill.
Absolutely, but the exact question I'm replying to said "a male pretending to be a woman". Drag was considered funny (and it still is funny). The people of the 1950s would tolerate a man dressing as a woman but they would very bluntly callout someone for actually believing they are the gender they are disguising themselves as.
Then the girl was told to stop being ignorant. Wolves eyes do not glow in the dark. That was clearly a Bracken. She was then charged 60% of her current existing bank balance because she didnt recover the corpses of her 3 male coworkers.
Okay knock it off with the hostility. It's obviously not helping you. If you hate WC3 for long times to kill then you hate lot of RTS games then. Case and point going berserk for just mentioning Tiberian dawn. Pro-tip: PUT "I'm comparing it to RED ALERT 2" in your OP then. It's not my job to mind read or put up with your aggressive stupidity. 300 hp. 55 damage still 3 seconds to fire. 16 seconds for a grizzly to kill another grizzly.
So basically half the time to kill for regular units but an archmage can still kill 6 dudes of much higher health in 10 seconds or less. Let's not even talk about Blade master who can kill everything in 7 seconds or less with his lvl 6 skill.
And this isn't getting into the fact that if you are at this point you're basically just saying you don't like WC3 because its not RA2 or starcraft. I hate blizzard RTS games for damaging the genre but I don't hate games for shallow reasons. If you don't actually appreciate RTS and demand the ADHD experience then your post is kinda pointless.
You literally posted zero data on how long it takes units to kill each other.
A medium tank in tib dawn has 400 hp and does 30 damage and it takes 50 in-game frames to reload its shot (i.e at the slowest speed setting). This would be one attack every 3 seconds at the average speed setting so 10 dmg per second. You can see it takes 3 seconds for the medium tank fire and it takes an advanced unit like the mammoth tank 20 seconds to kill a tank (unless you play at super speed which most people don't)
This means it would take 2/3 of a minute for 2 tanks to kill each other assuming perfect accuracy (which is rarely the case if the tanks are moving). The lowly footman in WC3 has 420 blaze it hp. Does 12.5 dmg every 1.35 seconds. And has two armor which grants 10% damage reduction. Meaning he does 11.25 dmg (this is most likely wrong because I haven't factored damage vs armor multipliers). This means two footman would take 36.5 seconds to kill each other in a duel. Which is faster! than C&C.
This isn't even getting to the fact you're supposed to interrupt fights with heroes some of which like Archmage can cast AOE spells that do 50 dmg per second and last for 10 seconds (500 dmg) which is enough to instantly melt 6 footmen per cast every 10 seconds.
The matches end at the exact same time frames because the time to kill is roughly the same. The only one trolling here is you lol.
Starcraft, red alert 2 and warcraft 3 all have the same average match length of around 15 minutes. It's not slower than the other games especially when level 6 abilities level entire armies and bases in one cast.
Calling other people trolls when you write a bait post that reads like you don't even want to play the game isn't exactly going to make you look good. It's a hero centric game, I try to point that out but you'd rather pretend you know the game when your complains like having trouble with night elves or possession suggests you didn't try to use heroes all that much.
I have to agree with the first option you suggested in your post. You probably don't like this style of RTS and you really ought not to play games that rely on hero units with armies almost exclusively being buffers for the hero units. If you hate that, and given that about 5 out of your 6 complaints involve the army vs hero dynamic you really do, its better to just avoid these style of games entirely.
Warcraft 3s campaign is very very easy. Based upon what you wrote it seems like you didn't bother to learn the mechanics and probably don't know the interactions between armors types and damage types.
Units die very fast if you know what you are doing. Many hero abilities hit for nearly 300 dmg right from the start. It takes many regular auto attack hits to kill units so you have time cast your spells and use your unit abilities.
The ai cheats but not in production their units have a built in speed multiplier that humans do not get (and this should be skirmish only). They also have map hack vision but thats to be expected.
Hey they accomplished a lot. Those neighbourhoods didn't burn themselves and those graveyards would be way more empty. Not to mention the economy would be trending up and government social welfare waste would be trending down.
Edit: obviously being sarcastic and talking from a statistical standpoint. Just because the overview is bad doesn't mean the individual is bad.
Considering azur lane is one of the best gacha games since you can get every single character (who isn't a crossover event character that won't be rerun) for free without worrying about running out if the freemium currency; the game is so well managed that even if she was a figurehead she is doing a good job.