For the past few years, western game industry as a whole was in decline, everything around the game industry was slowly losing profit margin including the game journalism but for me the real satisfaction comes from seeing Ubisoft in final death knell. Without gamergate 2 happening last year I'm not sure the ruination of triple A game industry would have come quicker like it had.
What helped the ruin come quicker was also the arrogance of western game developers. Even after seeing Nu-Saints Row, Starfield and Redfall fail very badly, most of them didn't still get the message. They still chose to release Suicide squad meets justice capeshit game, Concord, Dustborn, Star Wars girlboss game, Silent Hill 2 remake etc because they thought they were too big to fail or something. They probably didn't anticipate so much negative feedback from gamers as a whole.
Whether these western game devs deny or not, I do think some of them lurk KotakuinAction Reddit board to gauge what the public opinions are, what they think is acceptable. The reason they don't go to big Gaming sub-reddit is they probably already are aware it is far-left echo chamber, thus I think just peeking Kotakuinaction sub-reddit is informative to measure the opinion of average gamers. Because a year ago, some of them didn't seem to mind pronouns or body type option and mods dismissing consultancy group existing in game industry as bullshit story). I think this is why western game devs as a whole were so complacent and even confident they were infallible.
This is why I give huge credit to Kabrutus for creating the steam curator whether it has Sweet baby inc attached to the games. That curator got the ball rolling with Sweetbaby staff chimping about it and game journos reeing about it. It happened in a very convenient timing when Twitter was no longer heavily censoring any dissenting voices against the far-left and there were more normies using it and finally noticing the DEI. Without that steam curator I'm not sure if it would have snowballed to avalanche as quick as it did.
I don't think Ubisoft counted on gamers suddenly realising that modern games are crap because of DEI that's why Ubisoft was completely banking on Star wars game and we was samurai game without any quality control. Western game devs were pretty complacent and quite shameless even that their games are deserving of high price tag because they believed (and to a lesser extent I also believed) western gamers in general were like this. They were absolutely taken aback the gamers would reject their games with absolute disregard. Because I know even Kiwifarm had trouble accepting modern games are crap because of DEI. And once again give thanks to Kabrutus for creating that Steam Curator. Without his action I'm not sure if things would have gone the way it is now.
I'd say gamergate helped to enlighten gamers to the REASON their games were becoming shit, that it was more ideological, less 'normies fault' with them appealing to a 'general audience'.
That allowed pattern recognition to kick in and for pre orders to finally be cut off.
All they had to do was synchronize with the gaming community but I guess even they got sick of climbing those towers
DEI consultants : ''We did this!''
Gamers : ''Sweet Baby Inc and other woke consultant firms worked on this game.''
DEI consultants : ''Pointing out we did this is litterally nazi harassment. Ban our critics.''
Where have I seen this behavior before... something like ''it's not happening / and it's a good thing that it's happening!''
To me all these tactics from dismissing the obvious elephant in the room to calling noticers bunch of buzzwords, anglo-western cutlure as a whole I find were way too influenced by jewish dialectics and their way of handling their opponents. We couldn't point out obvious wokeness, deliberately ugly character design and general downplaying from grifter youtubers and journos alike that will blame anything but not the DEI by being long-winded motherfuckers. It made me just stay away from western side of youtube for a while. When things got finally better, I could notice some changes then I could finally tolerate the western side of youtube, and even that fagman started backpedaling that DEI is bad after all that downplaying. These issues I think made me hate jews more than jews not coming clean that they played huge role with communism, transgender fad and cultural marxism.
And quick note about pronouns or body type option I remembered just a few minutes ago. At that time, we couldn't even make any post about offending troons, thus even complaining about pronouns were hugely frowned upon by the mods in Kotakuinaction and I don't think was popular thing to say even a year ago (I think offfending troons is still bannable offense even now). That was the reason why majority of people seemed to just tolerate that then game dev thought it was totally acceptable the most people wouldn't mind the pronouns and body types in the games.
Now you see how bad things were a year ago. This is why I'm not that fond of western forums. You get so much backlash if you spout unpopular opinions. They don't even address the arguments, most of the time they rely on buzzwords and attacking the person. That was the status quo in the west for 10 or 20 years. Now the pendulum is swinging back, it's suddenly popular to say what was deemed taboo back then. All these characteristics made me actually hate the west in general. They are far too slow to notice the most obvious things or even if they notice it, most of them are afraid to attack the elephant in the room, they go for low hanging fruit. When they have no choice, they finally attack the elephant they should have attacked back then. I mean I understand the fear but is it frustrating sometimes.
I've noticed that criticising troons or tumblr gender nonsense in general seems to be far more aggravating to the left that speaking out about crappy women protagonists or shoehorned black characters. It seems to be the most sacred of their cows.
Yes, I can understand the growing fear that KIA had about getting banned for wrongthink - especially with R/thedonald getting killed in 2020 after years of being worn down, along with several other subs getting purged. I remember r/KIA2 had, after it went public again, a post about a long list of things that one user discovered you were not allowed to speak about or you would get banned off 90% of the whole site (The election, ivermectin being banned, the word Groomer, ETC). I don't know if the streisand effect would have helped them out if they got banned or quarantined, though it does seem like the reddit site is starting to become more lax with that.
In Québec there is absolutely no pushback whatsoever in any mainstream media against trooning kids.
Only ''news'' about things like a family and their ''daughter's'' ''much needed lifesaving'' chemical castration ( they use the lie ''puberty blockers'' ), mandatory enabling by everyone under threat of prosecution and loss of employement, loss of costudy, and pro mutilation surgeries.
Exactly 0 arguing there could be such a thing as ''too young to troon'', that some parents and teachers push this onto their child by brainwashing and attention rewards, so of course no discussion that this is something that should never be done on minors.
My people is almost as non-confrontational as the Japanese, and this is abused to Hell and back by nefarious people.
Much like the natives, it was disappointing how little resistance the Quebecois put up against COVID and the alphabet mafia, the worst of the Anglosphere globohomo influences.
For being such insular and distinct cultures, they both swallowed the Western gay race communism Kool-aid more wholesale than even a lot of the usual English-speaking communities.
Extremely distressing. Our government hired the same consulting firm almost the whole world did : McKinsey. Why are they hiring a consulting firm? The used hundreds of millions of taxpayers money, done by government employee supposed top experts, over the decades, to set-up emergency plans, and they had a pandemic plan ( which they ignored ). Were they sitting on their ass the whole time? ( They weren't. The orders to hire McKinsey came from pressure from above ).
Told the same lies, said they wouldn't implement a vaccine passport but two weeks later said they would ( clearly the orders from the WEF came in ).
McKinsey consulting firm had the same society-destroying, pseudo-scientific guidelines for the whole planet : lockdowns, bans on visits to natural helpers in care facilities, masks, forced vaccination through vaccine passports and threats of layoffs.
ALL our major political parties were on-board with this. Only the Conservative Party of Québec, a marginal 4th party which has very little to do with the Conservative Party of Canada, opposed lockdowns to make a name for itself.
I have no doubt had they been in power, they would have hired the same consulting firm and done the same lockdowns.
(CPQ is basically a semi-libertarian, pro-immigration party )
Federal conservatives would have done the same too.
There was nowhere to GTFO to in Canada to escape the insanity. At least in the USA you had South Dakota early on, then several large states like Florida.
French speakers who don't want to lose their culture have even fewer options.
Ubisoft going broke isnt all good news. Ubisoft has been getting money from investors connected to china for years to go woke. Now that they are going belly up, china can buy it out at a fraction of the price and start using the company's IPs to push china friendly propaganda.
At this point, I accepted China has huge market in gaming nowadays whether they get the ubislop company or not, as much as I despise the idea. This is why I hate even acknowledging gamergate won or something. We won in second round due to series of lucky timing and many events being played out. I still really cannot accept most gamers are going to pretend China and Korea replacing Japanese games are pretty good. That alone makes me bitter that woke fad stayed far too long.
Indeed. 2024 was a great year in many respects for me and others, and Sweet Baby inc being uncovered caused a lot of shit that made some of the most high-profile flops in the gaming industry happen and gain attention for failing. I can understand that several of these games may have turned out the same even if Sweet Baby Inc tried to play it's critics off more gracefully or never existed, but that's conjecture at this point - They've become a symbol of many problems the gaming industry has.
Hell, I think that if Assassin's Creed Shadows is Ubisoft's last game, they might struggle to seperate Yasuke (and all the shit they messed up in that game) from the death of the company.
I appreciate that the big removal from KIA1 was just because the title was "editorialized." Which it was, and I hate clickbait titles like that plenty, but removing a huge conversation topic like that over some pesky lawyery nonsense is peak KIA1.
Rules come before everything else to those faggots.
Also, while I appreciate the role Kabrutus had in getting this entire ball rolling, he himself has shown to be a complete grifter whose entire page is now mostly just clickbait and low effort idiocy. It basically tells you nothing other than "someone paid me to look at this and said its Woke." Which is ironically the same grift SBI runs on companies but in reverse.
Hell, I can overlook that he's grifter because I still largely credit him that normie gamers finally saw what made those games bad. I don't think he frankly has entertaining personality nor even real autistic interest to focus on certain games to make any career out of this. He got real lucky. He's taking full advantage of his 15 minutes of fame, I don't even blame the guy. Frankly, you don't even need Kabrutus's steam curator or website to guess which game is woke anyway. You can kind of tell by character design or rumours alone but normie gamers generally ignored the obvious warning signs and kept giving money to those devs until Kabrutus came to the scene and made that detector. So I'm like fuck it, who cares if he's grifting when every fucking western game youtubers are kinda the same yet they don't pretend to be. Synthetic Man was the only guy who called a horse a horse, yet back then he was the controversial figure where normie gamer once again just attacked the guy with buzzwords.
I don't disagree, but he is a very good example of why early GG pushed real hard to have "no leaders."
Because figureheads have faults and most of them are only in it for the grift, which makes them both exploitative to a huge extent (by now a huge chunk of games he calls woke are arguably or minor instead of obvious like he started) and manipulative (the aforementioned "pay me to call the game woke" he runs).
Which becomes an issue because a lot of people on our side treat his opinion as weighted instead of their own, because they need an edaddy, and simply follow what he says instead of using it as information, and it also makes normies tune it back out because the scam is obvious, devaluing calling something SBI/DEI/Woke could do.
So the very thing you credit him for doing, he is currently undoing by trying to milk his 15 minutes (I don't blame him, but its bad for the overall).
Nah, its the shrink in the industry that came after the lockdowns were over