dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

MRAs resorted to inverted feminist talking points too often to ever be effective. However much truth there was to some of their arguments, and there was, too much of it ultimately came across as whining.

dagthegnome 0 points ago +5 / -5

It stands for Men's Rights Activist or Men's Rights Advocate. No one really uses that label anymore. It was as cringe as it sounds.

by folx
dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are still physicians all over the West who will refuse to give a man a vasectomy unless his wife consents to it. I don't see the issue here.

dagthegnome 20 points ago +20 / -0

Same thing that happened to a lot of the earlier online "dissident communities." Trump.

When 2016 happened, a lot of the more realistic elements of the Manosphere got absorbed into the broader space that was the dissident right. As soon as someone who was (nominally at least) openly opposed to the prevailing leftist narrative paradigm actually gained political power, it became very difficult to be a part of any anti-left space without becoming fully absorbed into the political and societal narratives of the larger dissident space. Niche markets like the "Manosphere" couldn't just stay in their one narrow lane because so many people involved in it had broader political interests.

A significant portion of the group calling themselves MRAs were always leftists, who genuinely thought it would be possible to change the way society looks at men without abandoning their progressive politics or their simping. Most of them are just plain leftists now: women's approval was just too important for them to continue participating in a space that garnered so much societal disapproval. When Trump happened, a lot of them just couldn't deal with it for the same reason a lot of women, even nominally right wing women, couldn't deal with it: because the language Trump used was too mean.

Other groups always had limited growth potential. MGTOW was never going to be very big, because there's only a small proportion of men who are ever going to be psychologically able or willing to leave the reservation and just choose to live without women. Having a family is just too important to most men, and that's probably a good thing.

TRP and PUA types were always very juvenile, comprised of a few older grifters like Roosh and others who were just in it for the money, and a large number of very young men and teenagers who worshiped the ground they walked on. That was never going to last longer than it took for those guys to just grow up a bit.

As far as specific creators: HBR is still producing content that only a few hundred people watch. Some MGTOW YouTubers are still producing content, guys like Sandman (cringe), Independent Man and Thinking Ape (less cringe), but really interesting guys like Colttaine appear to have mostly disappeared. The MGTOW win still has links to some blogs.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +4 / -3

You should definitely go there and not come back.

dagthegnome 4 points ago +4 / -0

They have to amend their constitution in order to increase defense spending, which is what they are now doing.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

I'm glad he managed to finish that sentence. Now maybe if he could take that principle and extrapolate a little, he wouldn't be having this problem.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +4 / -1

How's life in your mommy's basement treating you? Did you get held back another year?

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

Unsanitary conditions? You mean Russian prisons are actually prisons and not luxury hotels?

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

It wouldn't need to be an actual range. If a gang actually made its enforcers spend some time down by the creek with some bottles and cans, they'd probably do better than this.

dagthegnome 21 points ago +21 / -0

I've seen Trump recently relying more and more on typical Conservative Inc. talking points, so when he comes out with something like this it gives me hope.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

For working class people, the purpose of a dowry was to make sure the new husband had the resources to take care of the daughter so they didn't starve. It was literally, "here's a couple of goats to get you through the winter. After that you're on your own."

For wealthier people, a dowry was effectively paying the husband for access to his position in society. In both cases, it was about making sure the woman would be able to live in the style she was accustomed to.

dagthegnome 23 points ago +23 / -0

If I was married to her I'd be an alcoholic too.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

The easiest way to measure the longevity of any cultural franchise is its relevance to kids and teenagers. Star Wars inspired the imaginations of two whole generations of young people, and Lucas made literal billions off of the merchandising of action figures, models, books, comics, video games and pretty much anything else.

Now, Star Wars merchandise doesn't move. Collectors don't want it. Kids don't want it. They don't care, and the only people who even bother with the franchise are adults, either old fans who are still clinging on for some reason, or the woke leftists who only care about it for the platform it provides them.

All cultural artefacts with this kind of reach and influence inevitably die a slow death. The children who grew up loving them grow into adult consumers with disposable incomes to spend on their hobbies. But when their kids, who don't give a shit about it, eventually grow up into consumers, they won't spend their money on Star Wars. That will be its final death.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +16 / -0

If he feels that strongly, he could always just go there and sit down. Probably have the same effect.

dagthegnome 33 points ago +33 / -0

What's truly disheartening about McConnell is not that he looks like a tortoise, but that he appears to be capable of living as long as one.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's the prevailing theory in the chanosphere, but I was really just asking the question.

Nihilist is right: he could have paid for the guns and scopes himself using credit, and he could have stolen the truck.

dagthegnome 8 points ago +8 / -0

Most of Eric's videos are clips from his podcast. I'm not sure if he's deliberately going on these tangents where he just repeats himself for ten minutes so that he can clip them and make them into stand-alone YouTube videos, but that would certainly involve a great deal of self-discipline and forethought.

I really think this is just how he talks, and unfortunately, some people are just better at stream-of-consciousness than others. It's too bad, because he's definitely got a lot of knowledge and insight about comics, and from what I've seen of his Twitter, he's an absolute savage on there.

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