coke501 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, if it gets big enough it'll be subverted and unusable for sane people. It's a lose-lose either way.

coke501 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hope this gets more visibility and userbase

So, you want it to bekome like NexusMods?

coke501 2 points ago +2 / -0

reasonable request (no Ai)

How is the request reasonable? If you can't distinguish between the things they produce and the things an AI produces there's no reason to pay them.

Also: Looking at what western media shat out in the last few years, you actually can distinguish between AI and actual "human" beings. Sadly, AI seems to produce better things.

coke501 3 points ago +3 / -0

Florence Pudge ain't that good looking naked

I had to search for it, because I didn't see Oppenheimer but: Yes, she doesn't

coke501 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm torn. I like a lot about the game, especially how it lets you really fuck up. I'm a filthy save-scummer so I don't get the full brunt of that feature ...

Sadly I happen to just dislike DnD -.-

Like in: I don't like the RNG, i don't like the mechanics around spells (having to rest all the time), I don't like that healing is rather useless until later levels, I don't like how a lot of things (spells, weapons, armor) are only viably under certain conditions, half of which I don't even really understand how to create.I don't like when they show you failed (or succesfull) rolls, and I have no idea what the fuck they were for.

What I'm trying to say: I like the game but the mechanics make it so I can only play in rather short bursts.

coke501 30 points ago +30 / -0

The sad thing is: The people that initiated this thought this was the right thing to do. They thought they would do this and the parents would welcome the idea (tragically some would).

Imagine the bubble you have to be in to think this is the right thing to do and there won't be noticeable pushback.

As an aside: The people that initiated this lost their job and are barred from being within 150kms of anyone under the age of 18, right? ... Right, guys? Please??

coke501 10 points ago +10 / -0

100% - whatever percent of transed kids were groomed by someone else.

That'd be the lower limit.

Because even within mothers that didn't ruin the child themselves there's a sizeable chunk that still bath in the glory of their virtue signaling

coke501 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yah, I always thought it somewhat funny when they made their case

This state makes laws that make it so [xyz] can't do [some degenerate shit]. I'm leaving

I mean, sure honey, you do you. It's still a net-positive because there's less [degenerate shit] after you're gone.

And then they stay anyway because they don't want to move to a place were the only thing that is higher then the rent is the crime rate. smh.

coke501 33 points ago +34 / -1

experts say their fears are bullshit

meh, experts say a lot of things. most of these things are, indeed, bullshit.



stay classy, Rolling Stone

coke501 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, I remember to have read somewhere that it was somewhat costly to be in a government-position back then (probably somewhat offset by whatever money you racked in through corruption)

coke501 3 points ago +3 / -0

If opposition was actually a real thing you could make it so that the opposition is in charge of the randomization. That could mitigate some 'coincidences'

[EDIT]At least for the Q&A-Session. If the lottery-government was real there wouldn't be a way to define an opposition anyway[/EDIT]

coke501 13 points ago +13 / -0

Funnily a friend of mine (fellow eurofag) visited SF 3 weeks ago and her car was broken in and all of her belongings were gone ... in the secured parking area for the Alcatraz-Tour

coke501 12 points ago +12 / -0

How much more money than normal people has poor ol Dwight made in his life so far?

Is he not on the street right now crying that having made so much more than any normal person ever will just is not enought?

coke501 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminds me of the stupid callers on some podcast with Norm MacDonald one time where he had to explain proportionality

We have some of these fuckers here

coke501 6 points ago +6 / -0

using the Wikimedia Foundation's credit card to pay his bill at a Russian "massage parlor"

Maybe the owner was thai? It doesn't get more 'adressing racial inequalities' than supporting a thai entrepreneur in russia

coke501 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also: Most of them wouldn't need any outing hadn't they been groomed into the delusion that they live in the wrong body.

coke501 5 points ago +5 / -0

Chief Diversity Officer

I hate living in the timeline where this is a thing.

The only thing that I hate more is that there are executives that actually believe this thing is a boon.

coke501 5 points ago +5 / -0

But since race and queer sex were the whole point of the series

I ... uhm .. Well .. It's....

Damn, I have lost my ability to can ... again.

Have you considered a career in porn?

[EDIT]a word[/EDIT]

coke501 33 points ago +33 / -0

“Social justice warrior,” for example, didn’t start off as an insult.

Well, it was at least 'cringe' from the get go.

Critical race theory was once an obscure academic discipline that insisted that racism is more than individual prejudice

Yeah, that's not what CRT is. Anyway, nobody used jiu-jitsu of any kind to turn the term against liberals. The only thing people did was talking about what CRT really is about. Funny how that is enough to turn the term agains yourself. Time for some introspection, no?

Mention almost any touchstone phrase adopted by the left in recent years — “critical race theory,” “diversity,” “global warming,” even the word “liberal” itself — and it has been redefined or tarnished by conservatives.

No, dipshit. Your constant redefinition of everything to use it as a crudge to beat your opponents over the head with has devalued these words to the point that nobody remotely sane could use them without bursting into hysteric laughter, at least internally.

You stripped these words of any meaning that they might once have had to use them as a weapon, now you cry foul when the same weapon is used against you. Get fucked.

If this sounds abstract, consider the evolution of “ woke.”

I'd rather not. It's up there in the cringe-department, right alongside SJW

The word is defined as being “actively aware of social injustice.”

I'm rather sure the word was used before in very different contexts and then it was coopted and redefined to mean what you wrote up there (and then ot got redefined a few million times more to mean absolutely anything and it's opposite at the same time but I repeat myself)

When the term was turned by conservatives and internet culture into something else: a “whiny,” self-righteous progressive who can’t take a joke

Well, show me someone that uses the word unironically and I show you a “whiny,” self-righteous progressive who can’t take a joke. If the shoe fits.

coke501 11 points ago +11 / -0

It works if you just exclude everyone that has a different thought. Just ask Biden what he thinks of black people that didn't vote for him.

And why would black rappers align with the right? Well, the rappers they talk about are filthy rich and like most rich people they're not very happy when the state takes their money and gives it to absolute bottom of the barrel-people. People that then get to vote for the state taking even more money to give to them.

coke501 8 points ago +10 / -2

This is not the feel-good response you were expecting

I'm sure he was expecting it, considering what the userbase is. He was just hoping people could hold back their urge to make anything about what they want to see for a minute. Yah, I know, he should have known better.

but too bad. Life is not fair

Funny how you felt the need to make it so. You could have written your little rant in almost every other thread (while being completely on topic) but you couldn't have let OP and others have this one, no?

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