and access to their games
That seems like a class action lawsuit waiting to happen if they're not refunding in full when they pull this nonsense.
So we have a character where they punitively reduce her breast size because [current sensibilities] being voiced by an "actress" that paid a plastic surgeon to stick inflated bags in her (?) chest.
Clown world, indeed.
Well now I'm tempted to buy a couple of their games. They're platform games, right? How well do they run on Steam Decks?
- It's not happening and if you keep saying it is we're going to arrest you for "misinformation" and hate crimes. <- we're here
- OK, it's happening but it's not as bad as you're portraying it. <- soon to be here
- It's happening and here's why it's a good thing. And if you disagree we're going to arrest you for "misinformation" and hate crimes. <- This is where will be in a few weeks if Trump loses.
At this point I'm treating the word "racist" as a set of nonsense syllables and judging anyone that utters it mentally unstable.
Same with any other word that ends in 'ist, 'phobe or the label antisemitic. They've been overused and misused to the point of lunacy.
Dude turned into an elderly lesbian. I'm guessing zhe needs to cut back on the estrogen injections or just go ahead and transition already.
I feel like fast zombies would burn themselves out quicker. My zombie apocalypse plan starts with stealing a plush sailboat and riding out the initial die off in the middle of the bay.
If it's supernatural or spore related like "The Last of Us" I'm going the sea nomad/polite pirate route.
Someone needs to start suing Youtube, TikTok, Kick and all the other companies that are dumping money on all these socially maladjusted miscreants.
They'll stop and have to get real jobs when they stop getting paid. Or starve. That would be OK too.
I was really hoping the Yakuza would take him for a long car ride when he was molesting people in Japan.
You're up, Korea. My expectations are low but I'm ready to be surprised.
No it isn't. It's either wanting to pee on it or pull it down. Or both. "Journalist" Claire Thornton needs to get a grip and go back to tending her many cats.
It's Amazon. They're going to ghey up and heap depravity on his character and he's going to be forced to walk away again.
It's like a macabre humiliation ritual at this point.
That's right! They also only allow e-boys on the platform because they get sexual favors from them.
I wonder what kind of creative veto JKR has. How funny would it be if they spend 100 million diversify and trans it up just as a "fuck you" to her and she shit-cans the whole project at the last minute?
Watership Down moves the out of the ordinary needle up a bit too.
It was considered a bit too violent back in the day but by [Current Year] standards it's pretty tame.
You have to remember he hired a World Economic Forum minion as Twatter's CEO. Just like Trump he's the King of bad hiring decisions.
I'm guessing he's on welfare and "disability".
We need to reform things so that at the very least this blob is out on his mobility scooter picking up trash 40 hours a week or he goes hungry.
It's going to be a smash hit! Literally dozens of people will flock to this!
Dozens, I say!! Marvel is saved!
Didn't Milo recently come out with a flex that he banged Nick's trans fuck buddy?
Not sure I'm going to take voting instructions from this loon.
It's weird that all the monsters are crawling out of their crypts lately. Anita "Married Herself" Sarkeesian has been seen lurching around the graveyard gates recently as well.
You'd figure at least one of these fancy ribbons would be for using sonar.
Joke's on them. I haven't seen either and have no plans to.
I've never wished "ill-fate" on any person or company because I don't like a game. I just say I don't like it. Why I don't like it. And I don't buy it.
Capitalism, bitch.
I can't say the same for the wokies that have infiltrated, subverted and are destroying game companies, though. They're being straight up racist, sexist and unpleasant.
He's going to run into someone that follows the three S's.
- Shoot
- Shovel
- Shut up
At this point I'm a kind of amazed he hasn't already.
It's well known that Trump fucked up horribly by listening to the wrong people (Mostly Jared Kushner) when hiring these uniparty quislings. Since he's still surround by these same swamp creatures I really don't have much hope his second term will be much better.
Still a better choice than VP Kackles.
[Sensible Chuckle]