bangbangshootshoot 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is how they do it, slow leak, soon it'll be creeping into the mainstream, no one will do anything about it as it gradually becomes clear what happened.

bangbangshootshoot 14 points ago +14 / -0

I thought something was off about him back when he had a couple of the independent journalists who filmed the Rittenhouse situation on his show, in particular when he led Richie McGinniss into framing his going to Kenosha a certain way so as to make it sound like he was out there wanting to see violence in order just to be able to film it.

McGinniss agreed with it in the sense of like, "well yeah, if you drive all that way to get footage and something happens, then it vindicates your sense to go film there", but Murphy set it up in a way where it was like you actually need to see violence or it's a waste of time.

Okay, kind of stupid to bring that up, but not that bad, but the weird thing was that the screen was split so you could see smaller thumbnails of all three people, but right as he was leading McGinniss to say that he cut to full screen of McGinniss, with his name underneath, and then he says this kind of incriminating thing about his motives for being there to film, then instead of staying on full screen he goes right back to split screen and he can see this shit eating grin on Murphy's face, like "I got him".

I remember thinking, why did you do that? That's a perfectly clipable piece to use out of context for the Left to use, and why are you looking like you just got away with something? I began to distrust him at that moment.

bangbangshootshoot 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's no incentive that would get me to take it. I will die before I take it. I will kill anyone who tries to make me take it.

bangbangshootshoot 7 points ago +7 / -0

I never understand TV people; why do they watch it?

I suppose they were raised with it on and it feels wrong to them to not have it playing. I wonder if some people even have association between the TV not being on and bad things happening, like serious talk or other family problems, so they need the TV on in order to assure them everything is okay in the house.

bangbangshootshoot 3 points ago +4 / -1

You can't reason with them. I once posted a stating, very politely, that if they are against work then they are against bitcoin due to the fact that its value is derived from proof-of-work, i.e. the difficulty of finding a hash and the computational work needed to expend to find one is what gives it value. The post was removed and I was permanently banned.

bangbangshootshoot 4 points ago +4 / -0

He thinks the sub is a threat to corporations? He thinks they want to take the sub down? What an idiot, they love the antiwork philosophy, lazy, stupid people who hold sloth as a virtue are exactly want they want. The glow rods are posting to insert general fear about the scary right wingers just as matter of course.

bangbangshootshoot 6 points ago +6 / -0

We should live in totally separate worlds, so I believe women should be free to work if they want, but they should be in their own place of work.

bangbangshootshoot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I try to buy from companies who are on the political right. This means that sometimes I will fail to do enough research, or they simply don't out themselves as grifters right away, and I will give money to a company only pretending to be on the right. Sometimes, hopefully, the money does actually go to a company who is on the right. This is, in my view, still better than only doing business with communist companies. But it yes, at the end of the day we are all just consuming, my goals are foremost to be my own producer, I'm saving now to be able to invest in some infrastructure, but until then I will be a buyer.

bangbangshootshoot 9 points ago +10 / -1

I gave them money, once, until I knew better. I don't know about you but I don't do hours of research on every company I buy products from. I don't think that makes me a stupid person or a mindless dolt.

bangbangshootshoot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I guess the real question is does he really support BLM, or is that just sloppy shorthand for saying he agrees that there have been some instances of unjustified violence on the part of the police toward blacks?

bangbangshootshoot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Rittenhouse is German for house or family by or on the marsh or water, Kyle is Gaelic for narrow or straight and refers to a channel of water, Kenosha is from an Injun word meaning pike, a type of fish; the water man speared three evil fish.

bangbangshootshoot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Write the program to train the kill bots to exterminate such worms.

bangbangshootshoot 4 points ago +5 / -1

The relationship between CO2 emissions and temperature increase is logarithmic, which means that you need to continually double CO2 emissions to see a linear increase in temperature.

When atmospheric CO2 concentration was low it didn't take much to double it and so you could readily affect increases in temperature, but the more CO2 producing capacity we add the harder it gets to double, and we are already at the point where doubling output is no longer feasible, in fact it would require such a huge GDP growth to get another doubling that temps are pretty much guaranteed to plateau where they are.

Put another way, when you have a dollar it's easy to double it to get two, when you have ten thousand dollars it's not so easy to double it to get twenty thousand dollars.

bangbangshootshoot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your mommy government will fall and the men will take over again. Now is the time to get ready for that, to build infrastructure, learn and master skills, build networks, stockpile resources, build weapon precursors.