trump, cruz, castro, and ron paul are all particularly hilarious
It's just so fucking bad my god
Ah yes, those evil 13 year old girls going trans to abuse men.
FtM tranny comes in two flavors
- Teenage girl traumatized by porn and/or groomed by peer group or online community (99%)
- Super butch lesbian (1%)
The first category isn't going trans to become male, they are going trans to either avoid being female or to fit in their 'special' peer group or online community.
Only the second category might, sort of, act kind of male.'s not beyond parody, it clearly IS parody
Probably not as long as the internet has existed, but they've definitely had access to chatgpt-like AI for a little while. So has google of course. The problem with these learning models isn't the model itself, it's creating the sanitized, politically correct, idiots-can-use it version for the public. Private versions undoubtedly have been in use for a while.
I'm unsure how much this has been used as propaganda. It might have been harder than you think to properly train a model to generate propaganda, as you can see with the jailbreaks of chatgp3
The best interpretation here is that Syndey hired a lawyer to come up with the best case against the Blaze and she's just rolling with what the lawyer came up with, but this is still bad because she's still throwing Shaffer under the bus.
The worst interpretation is that Sydney is your run of the mill SJW feminist, with all the same lack of accountability, using 'waah i'm a delicate woman' as her excuse to demonize a man and make $. Pathetic. Shaffer is obviously not filtered, does talk about sex, does have spicy guests on, etc. But the idea that you could possibly SUE over such things is purely retarded SJW feminist bullshit.
I actually kind of liked her before. Sometimes I think TheImp is right about women.
He 100% says two dozen here
It seems that the progressive neo-marxist establishment hadn't really taken control of everything back in 2000. The populist left's own messaging was still capable of attacking powerful structures and people within the system at that point. It isn't anymore - everything is friend v. enemy distinction politics now for almost everyone.
I was watching an Auron McIntyre podcast where one of the guests points out that The Boys made sense from a left-wing perspective around 9/11: anti-political elites, anti-War, anti-big business. The left could -plausibly- hold those positions back then (even if they were blind to what was really going on). However, those same themes all endeared the show to the right wing when it came out today, not the left. The left has abandoned such themes now that they have a) risen to basically total power and b) have manipulated the minds of the masses in a insidious but extreme manner. This is why the show writers had to add all sorts of ridiculous vapid shit in later seasons, to basically say OH WAIT PLZ REALLY WE ARE LEFT WING LOOK NAZIS BAD.
Eliza Bleu triggered every bullshitter response I have from the first time I saw her. Doesn't mean I'm right, but not surprised.
What subbookkeeper said, and I think james lindsay might be right that they are trying to get drag floyd
As far as the contract in general - I'm not a fan of the specific penalties based on demonetization/ad loss on specific big tech platforms - but fees are ALWAYS linked to the amount of $ you bring in (or potentially bring in). Should Daily Wire just be a charity for conservative content? If you are a youtuber and your means of making $ is youtube, yes, you're going to get paid less if you lose all youtube revenue, this isn't rocket science. Does the contract make sense for Crowder? Obviously not.
Does anyone actually have numbers for what Crowder makes off mug club now that he lost his prior subscriber list? This basically determines whether the DW deal was reasonable or not.
While of course DW comes off bad here, I'm not sure I believe Crowder's principled conservative angle - I think he may just be pissed off that DW didn't up their offer.
The vaccines did save many elderly lives but unfortunately came at the cost of severe side effects to the young with no benefit. Too bad it wasn't marketed only towards the elderly like it should have been. Trump is complicit in this and should be held accountable, instead he acts like a delusional loser.
All teaching of young people is grooming. The only question is whether you are grooming them into a traditional culture that has survived generations and has wisdom passed down from your ancestors or a sick parasitic destructive suicidal freakshow
This data shows the vax was highly effective for the elderly, but questionable for the 40-49 pop and totally unjustified 18-39 group (who given low risk of covid should absolutely not be getting vaxxed). Excess deaths in general still being high however is likely a result of carryover effects from the catastrophic lockdowns, not the vaccines.
Some charts I made using the data cited above comparing vaxxed to unvaxxed all cause mortality in England.
90+ (90+ = unvaccinated, 90+v = vaccinated) 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 18-39
My excel file if you want to check my work (with working sheet, pivot table)
(note, they do this terrible thing in this data where they use '<3' if there are 1 or two deaths for a category, which is awful. I replaced <3 with 1.5 which is the best I can do in order to make these graphs, even though in reality the 1.5 should be a 1 or 2).
No need to force age verification - Just create statutes allowing parents to sue porn sites for delivering porn to their children. The porn sites will figure out age verification on their own real quick.
My friend just dealt with this over the last few days (from Canada). He couldn't enter through land because of a Biden EO. He could enter through air because that EO doesn't apply to air travel. As far as airline checks, it might depend on the airline and whether they have restrictions, I think he used air canada. But I don't think there's any EO or law as of now that requires airlines to check vax status (as far as I know).
Purebloods can fly in as far as I know. Can't drive across for whatever silly reason.
people keep posting ridiculous twitter trolls here as if they were real. I am debating whether I find this one funny or not.
Feminism is one branch of wokism, which is modern hitlerism. The feminists replace jewishness with masculinity as the root of evil. Under a hitlerist regime, the only way one could say jews are facing problems would be if other jews caused them, that is, if -jewishness- caused it. Therefore, as you see here, under feminism, the only way one can say men are facing problems is if other men caused it - that is, if masculinity caused it (sometimes called the 'patriarchy'...but why would the patriarchy be bad unless men and masculinity are bad?). This masculinity must be the root of all evil for feminists, so when faced with undeniable male suffering, the feminists must say always that it was caused by men, masculinity and the patriarchy, no matter what, and regardless of any evidence.
Wokism as a whole just adds race and sexuality to the picture (feminism is just wokism working at 1/3 power).
I was literally taught about cultural marxism, and with the use of those words specifically, in university (I had an english minor of all things that required us to learn about it). It was a phrase used regularly by the frankfurt school, and by those who taught the frankfurt school thinkers. It refers to their marxist ideas and how they had to adapt in the west over time. Since marx's ideas of class warfare never occurred in the west, this was blamed on cultural hegemony stopping class consciousness. Cultural marxists thus focused on this cultural hegemony, since destroying it would be necessary for marxism to emerge. Why I was learning about this in the early 2000s as a 20 year-old in English class at a state school is a very interesting question in and of itself (I did not consider it at the time).
These days however, a NEW form of neo-marxist has emerged. These are the woke who have replaced class warfare politcs with identity warfare politics. Some people like Jordan Peterson have called these new folks cultural marxists, but I think that's probably a mistake, as the term was used prior to describe the frankfurt school. They should be called neo-marxists because they operate under the same black and white, oppressor and oppressed paradigm, and similarly think there must be a revolution to take control from the oppressor class. However, the woke operate much more similar to Hitlerism in that they essentialize race and focus on one identity as the root of all evil (white men as opposed to jews) - they are not an economic movement whatsoever anymore however, unlike the frankfurt school which mostly held onto its marxist roots.
The lack of an economic aspect to wokism is likely because it has become the dominant religion of the global rich (unfortunately).
Interesting, my reaction when I first saw libs of tiktok was - wow, she's pretty.
A pretty pathetic attempt at gaslighting going on here.
at this point you can get a degree with an iq of 90, so I think it's more testing your ability to go through something pointless for 4 years for a credential
Crazy shit that really demonstrates how our culture has trained women to not take any accountability for their behavior as long as they can come up with some hamster-wheel excuse for it.
What blows my mind is that -men- even skew towards more leniency for women. Pathetic.
Sample size might not be great, but these are the kind of numbers that mean this is a winning issue for the right. (trans children is another winning issue for the right). Only reason for a R to not against CRT/trans kids is if they're cryptowoke/slave to ESG.