This data shows the vax was highly effective for the elderly, but questionable for the 40-49 pop and totally unjustified 18-39 group (who given low risk of covid should absolutely not be getting vaxxed). Excess deaths in general still being high however is likely a result of carryover effects from the catastrophic lockdowns, not the vaccines.
Some charts I made using the data cited above comparing vaxxed to unvaxxed all cause mortality in England.
(note, they do this terrible thing in this data where they use '<3' if there are 1 or two deaths for a category, which is awful. I replaced <3 with 1.5 which is the best I can do in order to make these graphs, even though in reality the 1.5 should be a 1 or 2).
This data shows the vax was highly effective for the elderly, but questionable for the 40-49 pop and totally unjustified 18-39 group (who given low risk of covid should absolutely not be getting vaxxed). Excess deaths in general still being high however is likely a result of carryover effects from the catastrophic lockdowns, not the vaccines.
Some charts I made using the data cited above comparing vaxxed to unvaxxed all cause mortality in England.
90+ (90+ = unvaccinated, 90+v = vaccinated) 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 18-39
My excel file if you want to check my work (with working sheet, pivot table)
(note, they do this terrible thing in this data where they use '<3' if there are 1 or two deaths for a category, which is awful. I replaced <3 with 1.5 which is the best I can do in order to make these graphs, even though in reality the 1.5 should be a 1 or 2).