Honestly.. its too late. Short of all out war with great atrocities perpetrated by both sides.
Is it me or its accelerating even more so? So many things are tainted.
Democrats seems to be +95% united in their votes.. while republicans are every which way.
Its like that clive olsen, movie children of men.
Apparently lots of normies.. fo4 all time high was 400k players on steam when released. For the last year there was about 8k players at any given time. After the show came out, there was 100k players. Some site said there was a 7500% percent copies sold aftwr show came out.
Its gonna be bad news overall. First... theres gonna be more live actions being made. Second.. all these new normies gonna influence and fuck up future fallout stuff more than it already is fucked up.
Oh. Ive seen this one. A pregnant black woman will be carrying a baby that is immune. The hope for peoplekind. and peepo gotta escort her. Probably some evil predominantly white christian cult tries to eliminate her.
these community managers are out of control.. and i have a feeling aside from consultant companies, game devs probably get info from community managers thinking they are the link between them and the fans. the community managers will ban all the dissenting voices, and hten when game devs ask community managers what people want.. they will say they want more gay shit or ugly shit.
Pedo will be normalized before this decade is over. By 2030. It will happen relatively fast, just like all the tranny stuff and 360 genders.
Apparently.. pokemon go's community manager is a pudgy ftm tranny. Its always the community managers.
Good.. to be honest. Accelerate.
Lawl.. rude ass people dont care about signs.
Wouldnt be so bad if they had a faction of bikini wearing women.
Like charlie theronz adopting 2 black boys and coincidentally both are some kinda lgbt. One is a tranny.
Pretty sure she sexually abuses them at this point..
At least he didnt just suicided himself. He took them out too.
a lot are probably bullshit social-science papers.
Time to be a youtuber then! My 127 sub channel should get as much money as a 1.2 million sub channel because of muh hard work and "i deserve it". Lol.
Yeah. Canada is full of chinese and indians now.
Seems my estimate of 5 years behind the usa is wrong. Updating it to 3 years.
Whats that company that did that hyena game that was canceled last minute by SEGA? Cost like 100million and was in the works for half a decade. The company laid off like 80% of its staff after it got canceled. It also did some warhammer staff.
Women and their sympathy and empathy is what got us into this mess.
Wheres the mobile suits with boobas?
Its why in movies there is the crazy religious white lady that gets people killed heheh.
Girls in liberal shitholes put on more makeup than girls in conservative places.
Anime figurines surprisingly is highly resistent to woke.
They claim its because they dont have the right to reuse those posters. Even if thats the case, it would literally take 15 minutes to pose and render a new poster.