ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

If there was any justice, that impeachment petition would be passed immediately. After all, Trump got impeached for maybe thinking about withholding foreign aid to Ukraine unless they did a particular investigation, and Biden has bragged about actually doing it.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

So, not even 2 full months and we're well and truly fucked by Creepy Old Uncle Joe.

China's throwing the BLM bullshit back in Biden's face, while they're doing much worse and he either can't (because he's too senile) or won't (because his handlers would explode) do anything about it.

And Putin's become fully aware of the blood in the water, and taunts Biden about it. While Biden is having our military stand down so they can be lectured about how white men = bad and they need to spread the alphabet soup credo to the world.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

The canon explanation is that being brought through the Zero Point affects the character's memory, therefore Batman forgets he can't use guns.




There's just no words. You win, Epic, my mind is officially gone.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gha! Why would you post that? More, why would someone play that? I lasted about 20 seconds before my brain forced me to run away.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd buy the guy who ran that mock awards show a trophy, but I doubt he'd have any place to store it because it probably takes half his house just to shelter his massive, titanium balls.

ailurus 36 points ago +36 / -0

Shaw said that “It makes me feel like we’re expendable to the police, like we’re nothing, like it’s like modern-day slavery,” she said. “Instead of hanging us, they’re shooting us. So we just need some type of closure because we can’t allow this to keep happening, especially in our communities.”

Fact: cops called to a pharmacy, after someone was shot there

Fact: cops pursued a suspect

Fact: cops encountered Benjamin Tyson, and tell him to put his hands up.

Fact: Tyson draws a gun on the cops, at which point cops fire.

we can’t allow this to keep happening, especially in our communities

OK, agree. But they did nothing wrong in this case. Yeah, there's plenty of things about the modern police system I want to see reformed/changed. But your brother was running around a 9:30 at night in February near the scene of a shooting, and he then pulls a gun on the cops when they confront him. What did he think was going to happen? What do you think the cops should have done? Because there's no other options, unless you're an amoral sociopath.

Option 1: Just don't go after the shooter at all? OK, at this point you're telling the guy bleeding out in the middle of the street, and everyone in that community, that their lives are with squat because people (including, potentially, your brother) can just come along and shoot them dead with no repercussions.

Option 2: The cops just let your brother gun them down? Now its the people trying to keep everyone safe who should be murdered with impunity. And once the cops are all dead/scared off, we're back at option 1.

Or maybe you and your brother should have watched the Chris Rock video from a decade or more ago.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Silly WuFlu. Don't you know exposure to excessive quantities of Guinness kills most organisms, including many viruses?

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

say the line about investigating the reasons why there are racial demographic differences.

What's there to investigate? Most of the investigation has been done. Take, for example, the virus. In the US, does it "disproportionately" impact blacks? Yes. Why? Well, they tend to live in more densely populated areas, making the spread easier. They are more likely to be overweight, leading to a higher chance of a more serious illness. Darker skin = less vitamin D production, and decreased vitamin D production is correlated with worse outcomes.

To date, neither Katz or Livingston have apologized for being racist, despite the threats from the mob.

Well, that's one good thing. Never apologize to the mob.

ailurus 19 points ago +19 / -0

Regardless of how you feel at the vaccines, it's sad that a Mexican actor and comedian is the one who actually asks Fauci some real questions, when the media which is supposed to actually ask all these questions has been silent for months.

And Fauci clearly wasn't expecting any pushback here.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Instead of hanging from a bar and tucking legs to their chest, soldiers will instead be given the option of doing a two-minute plank exercise.

Ummm, I'm an out of shape fat-ass, and I can do a 2-minute plank with virtually no issue. How is that at all relevant to a military fitness test?

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

What clip was this? Where Tucker said that putting money into pilot suits designed for pregnant women was almost certainly a waste and we should aim to have the most effective people in the military?

If that leads you to sobbing on the bathroom floor, you have serious mental issues.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

Liberia says hello. After all, it's been over 15 years since their last civil war, and almost 20% of the population is above the poverty line now. America and send more new people in again, no problem.

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

'Students were then asked to "undo and unlearn" their "beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that stem from oppression,"' the statement says.

If only they did that, then the whole CRT nonsense would die overnight, since it is entirely based on "oppression".

oppressed people internalize the ideology of inferiority. They see it reflected in the institutions. They experience disrespect inter-personally from members of the dominant group. And they eventually come to internalize the negative messages about themselves.

Then stop telling them 24/7 that they're no good, they need special help to get into schools, they need hiring quotas to be able to get jobs, they need special handouts and reparations from the government, and so on and so on. You're the ones feeding them the negative messages. And all CRT does is perpetuate that. "See, Jamal, all these white people are admitting they're oppressing you. See how miserable your life is?"


The suit says that the Clarks are seeking 'monetary damages, including compensatory and punitive damages, for the damage done to William Clark’s future academic and professional prospects, and for the Defendants' deliberate and protracted harassment, emotional abuse, and violation of Plaintiffs' Constitutional Rights'. They also want the court to prevent the school from denying William a high school diploma and accommodate him with 'an alternative non-discriminatory, non-confessional class'.

Wish they changed that so the lawsuit also demanded the removal of the teacher of that class and whichever officials put this course in the curriculum.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can I go to portions of Western countries? If so, California-New York

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Cuomo's MeToo should be forgotten, as it is just a distraction. May be legitimate, but trumped up/rolled out now to cover up for his murder, corruption and violation of constitutional rights.

And even then, it's still more important than the ridiculous drama of that attention-whore.

ailurus 36 points ago +36 / -0

Knew this was coming, just didn't know when. And probably 80% of college faculty will cheer over this. Even though:

  1. It hurts students, by making them much more vulnerable to getting in trouble. (it especially hurts under-represented students since males - especially minority males - are vastly under-enrolled in college by % of population, and it is mostly males accused under this).

  2. It hurts the college, but exposing them to more lawsuits (as the linked article points out)

  3. It hurts whoever is footing the bill (whether students, parents, taxpayers, etc.) as more administrative bloat = higher tuition

  4. It hurts society, by making more and more people just check out and say "screw the system, what has it ever done for me"

But, sure, make everyone's life worse so you can get your virtue signal points.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

even though they're just prostitutes reading out lines that someone else wrote.

At this point, disagree. They're several rungs below prostitutes IMO. Because most prostitutes are honest about what they do. Hollywood types do essentially (and often literally - see the ridiculous number of Hollywood MeToo claims) the same thing, but think it makes them superior to the masses.

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

So, yeah. That left image? That is not a dog that is happy. That is a dog that looks like he's about to get smacked. No wonder they acted up.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Gha, what is that thing? That is not an Asian-style dragon at all. It's a unicorn that's been on a severe diet for a few years, got stretched out some and grew a beard.

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