ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

If only there was a history of famous Austrians doing crazy authoritarian things....

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

Short version (I think accurate):

Australia said everyone coming in for the Australian Open get the shot first.

Djokovic said "Can I get a medical exemption?" (I think because he had already had covid)

Australia said OK.

When Djokovic got to Australia, they said "lol, NOPE, quarantine facilities for you, you dirty unvaxxed!"

A court initially said "Sorry, crazy border people, he has his papers, you have to let him in"

Australia's Immigration Minister then unilaterally revoked Djokovic's visa on the grounds that his presence might foster anti-vaccine sentiments.

A second court affirmed that the minister was within his rights to do so.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

Kitchen, who was out of town that night and didn’t reach the house until the next morning, sometimes imagines that her father “scared the hell” out of White, perhaps leaving him no choice but to fire in self-defense.

Yes, the homeowner scared the hell out of the innocent jogger who just happened to be jugging through someone else's garage.

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

This man speaks the truth.

ailurus 18 points ago +18 / -0

Screw all of you. If you're so concerned about fixing "income inequality", if you're so eager to give your money away, just do it. Charities. Paying extra governments. Start up more companies to hire more people. Increase wages at companies you already have. Heck, just get a bunch of bills, charter a helicopter or something, fly over slum areas of cities and make it rain money.

The fact that you don't do that yourself but insist on governments tax you more just says you know you are confident you can find the loopholes while you make everyone else suffer.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think if he fights it he'll win, but it's not about that; it's about buying time. For what, I couldn't say.

I'd say it's about intimidation. Big name guy gets slapped with this, regardless of the results of any subsequent legal actions it makes a lot of much smaller people think "I should just keep my head down and shut up, can't be caught in the same thing"

ailurus 37 points ago +38 / -1

On the one hand, seeing ActiBlizz bought out is just funny.

On the other hand, M$ is getting WAY too big for comfort. Especially with all the DRM-In-Hardware stuff that they've been pushing.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

An excellent idea. After all, Sir Bearington worked out and he was likely just there for the salmon as well, so no reason you couldn't be Dr. Bearington.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

The former is far more likely because most stormcucks are just shills on the NOW payroll.

Plus, the odds of a Stormcuck demanding the release of an Al-Qaeda associated guy are pretty much nil.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

What I predict will happen from this is that parts of the medical care industry will start to divest itself from dealing with Medicare and Medicaid patients, and won't take that money.

It's already happened, on a smaller scale. There's a reason that a bunch of doctors don't take medicare/medicade, because the reimbursement rates are too low to actually cover procedures and the paperwork is too much. I do hope this just accelerates the move in that direction.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair enough. I last used it around 2007 or so I think, so improvements over the past decade+ are probably likely.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is your caravan going to move at the slowest possible speed, or at the speed a normal person would walk at?

Additionally, if I tell you that you're about to try to go through the middle of a CHAZ camp, are you going to listen to me and go around or just continue going straight into the middle of danger?

ailurus 16 points ago +16 / -0

I was going to say the $150-160 pricetag seemed excessive, but upon researching belt buckle pricing it seems relatively reasonable (not that I'd pay it, but there's plenty of buckles for similar or higher prices out there).

That said, I am highly disappointed that the buckle does not have dimensions listed. If I'm going to buy a Giga Texas belt buckle, I want it to be enormous! Both because it has Giga in the name, and everything's supposed to be bigger in Texas. Make it like a Warhammer Ogre's gut-plate or I'm not buying it!

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sorry, but no. No one should use LaTeX unless he hates himself. I'll take quills and parchment (or maybe even stone tablets) over LaTeX.

All kidding aside, though, LaTeX has its uses, but it's a lot faster for me these days to just use a drawing tablet and copy the results from that into a general word processor as an image rather than fighting LaTeX to get what I want.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

For now, you are correct. But, I'll be stunned if it stays that way. Once they find a crack they can push on to escalate it, they'll do so in a heartbeat

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

virtually all news organizations are full with propaganda. Of course they will all say that they are independent and unbiased, but we all know its full of crap

Fixed that for you.

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

95%+ chance. To quote the Rebel News video in the link

It's a group of larpers lead by a guy in Russia who used to work for the FBI and the Pentagon

If that's accurate, that's a glow that's keeping people up at night.

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shut up, Fauci. Yeah, no one should be getting death threats but, you do know that Rand:

  1. (like he says in the video) was there when Bernie Supporter James Hodgkinson tried to commit a mass assassination of sitting Republican representatives in 2017, right?

  2. had 5 broken ribs when his neighbor randomly attacked him while he was mowing his lawn, right?

  3. was attacked (along with his wife) by a mob of Antifa brownshirts as he was leaving the RNC, who kept shouting about justice for Breonna Taylor even though Paul had authored a bill to ban no-knock raids, right?

He knows more about political violence (I'm sorry, CNN, "mostly peaceful activism") from your side than you ever will. Yes, your side Mr "Please tell Killary that her speech moved me to tears and I love her more than ever!" Fauci.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've used trackballs some, have an older logitech thumb-ball one ( this one ). It works well enough, though I don't use it too often. Don't have experience to recommend or not recommend other brands though.

The one thing I will say - if you do get a trackball mouse, ease yourself into it SLOWLY. The first time I used that one, my thumb and wrist were fouled up for a bit, just because my body was not at all used to the new motions. No permanent damage or anything (got better after a couple days and over time usage produced less and less pain), but don't get it and just immediately jump into a multi-hour gaming session without expecting issues.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

or a fully vaccinated servant of the Vulcan High Command who believes that “science is logical.”

But buying said pin is illogical. Because it will only be accurate for a couple months, at which point The Science(TM) will change again and you'll need yet another booster to be fully vaccinated. But don't take my word for it, Pfizer's CEO says as much.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Easy. She went to Florida (for some crazy made-up reason like to try to help the poor people DeSantis is murdering in the streets with his policies) and caught it due to the mass spread down there.

ailurus 26 points ago +26 / -0

That the slightest affront to their existence is the same as the death of thousands, the pain of millions.

Make that death of hundreds and pain of hundreds of thousands if not millions and the same thing stacks up with the George Floyd Riots. In fact, most of the people complaining the loudest about Jan 6 were openly supporting violence in the streets and property destruction just a couple weeks (if not couple days or hours) before.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Matto reportedly made about $1,270 a jar,

Why? Why would you pay $1.27 for a fart jar, much less $1270?

She has since launched her fart jar NFTs


ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh, shut up Amazon. Even ignoring your blatant, entirely unnecessary addition of a sister (if you need to shoehorn in a diversity character, why not just make her his wife, who is mentioned but not named in the books?), just read the bloody source material instead of making up contradictory stuff on your own!

It's technically possible that Isildur was part of Ar-Pharazôn's invasion of Mordor (though no details are ever given of that event), but he would have been the Numenorean equivalent of an early teenager then. And you can't even get battle scenes out of that invasion, because Sauron realized trickery was better than military might in that case and just surrendered right away! The only big army deployment when he was an adult was when Ar-Pharazôn decided to raise an army to invade heaven, which Elendil's family ran away from because they knew it meant disaster. So the entire scene described is just your own fabrication!

And it's not like Isildur doesn't do stuff you could put in the film! I can give you half a season of material that comes (mostly straight) out of the Akallabêth that would work for a TV show before Elindel's family leave Numenor.

First episode, Isildur is introduced as heir-apparent of Andúnië, and is used to show the growing conflict between Ar-Pharazôn (and Sauron) and the Faithful. Second episode, Isildur uncovers Sauron's plan to destroy Nimloth (heck, if you want more girl-power bring in Míriel here as a potential source of the info, as she was likely not on good terms with her 'husband'). Third episode, discussing the situation with his family and heist planning (and here you could have his wife trying to encourage him not to go on a suicide mission, as his "sister" is apparently doing in your made-up timeline). Fourth episode (and maybe a fifth, depending on how crazy you want to make it), the heist itself and Isildur's near-death. Fifth episode, everyone's worried about Isildur (plus maybe angry guards looking for him and his family needs to hide him) but he recovers, and that episode ends with the announcement that Ar-Pharazôn is assembling the invasion force for Valinor.

There you go, half a season of Isildur-focused stuff that actually matches the given material, and then you can do a second half of the season on Isildur and his family preparing to leave. Why do you people need to keep making **** up when you have good source material to begin with?

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