ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

They were selling mediocre backpack for $250 without a warranty and instead basically told people 'trust me bro, we'll take care of it' for if it had problems

What is it with groups having such crazy problems with bags? I'm reminded of the Fallout 76 canvas bag fiasco now.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

Well, locking everything down worked for them a few years ago, why wouldn't it work now?

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nah, there's an easy work around.

"Well, we asked you if you wanted thousands of 3rd-world immigrants. The results say no. Therefore, we will abide by the result. Instead of thousands of them, you get millions of them"

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

So, how many years until UK goes the same as Canada? Did you consent to being born? If not, how about this government approved suicide pill?

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sad thing is, Diablo Immoral (not a typo) is still making Blizz an absolute mountain of money. As of November of last year it had already broken $300 million in microtransaction sales. Whales gonna whale, and until they stop doing so things won't change.

ailurus 20 points ago +20 / -0

Spy agencies are the major new threat (ok, a 70 year old threat but they've been a lot more blatant about it the last 5-10 years). Change my mind.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

That no man do sell or give any Indians any piece, shot, or powder, or any other arms offensive or defensive, upon pain of being held a traitor to the colony and of being hanged as soon as the fact is proved, without all redemption.

That just means gun control is the result of White Supremacy and should be abolished

ailurus 28 points ago +28 / -0

Why did things change over the last couple years from STDs to STIs? Is "disease" less politically correct than "infection" for some reason?

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll be shocked if Hollywood doesn't debut an entirely AI built series in the next couple months. Consider:

*Multiple big projects over the last couple years have clearly shown that a lot of what the writers are churning out is not meshing with what people actually want

*The strike is now over 100 days, and shows no signs of stopping. The execs don't care, and the writers and actors are doubling down even though they're admitting that financial pain has begun

*Streaming services were already looking for other sources of content before the strike even began

If even one studio exec has a pair of brain cells to rub together then that studio has started work on one or more AI built series and they'll drop it shortly to both keep the money flowing for them and to utterly break the strike

ailurus 32 points ago +33 / -1

The guy has multiple private jets, and property around the world. Of course he's a flight risk.

Well, expect for the fact that anyone with a brain knew that trumped-up charges were coming (and have been coming) for the last 7 years, and the fact that he's going around holding rallies instead of flying out of the country in early 2021.

ailurus 16 points ago +16 / -0

Yeah, I'd say Christo Redemptor is probably more iconic, but the statues are similar.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hell, I'm trying to look into other things, Gilad Pellaeon (Thrawn's top man other than his Noghri bodyguard) no longer exists either, does he.

Disney forgetting about him would be a good thing IMO. Pellaeon is legitimately one of my favorite EU characters. Just an experienced, competent guy who carries on doing his job as best he can while he's surrounded by space wizards, scenery-chewing supervillains, crazy alien species and more. And he usually does his job pretty darn well.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm also going to lose 2% of my final grade for a subject...and now the lecturer refuses to fix it/even answer questions about it (which is more petty and frustrating than anything else)...

If there's documentation on the syllabus or something that you would be allowed multiple attempts,, that should be grounds for a formal academic complaint. I'd recommend checking what you're school's grievance policy is (assuming you think the 2% is worth the effort).

Do you use Canvas, where you're at?

We've been switching LMS systems every 3 years or so, so it is perpetually a mess regardless of what system it is. By the time the college gets it working properly and people figure out how to use it we're transitioning to the new one.

Although the problems I am seeing are suggestive that there are fundamental problems with this institution (where I am at), beyond just the teaching...

Oh, absolutely. The entire higher ed system is fouled up beyond belief on many levels. And I'm skeptical it can be fixed at this point, short of gutting the whole thing.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

It has been happening for years, especially in humanities/social science type classes. And while some of it may be DIE stuff, in my experience it is overwhelmingly faculty laziness with the DIE label now slapped on it for cover. Seriously, probably 2/3 (if not more) of the faculty at the school I teach at are the laziest people you've ever met.

So many faculty at the school I teach at just skipped finals to check out of the semester a week early (realistically, 2 weeks early because you don't have to grade final exams/projects if you don't assign them) that the administration now needs to send out reminders every semester: In order to maintain accreditation, you need to meet or exceed a certain length of classroom time (based on the number of credits), and skipping the final exam time means you don't meet that.

And it's more than just final exams. A lot of the faculty will complain loudly if their schedule requires them to be on campus more than 3 days a week. There was a huge fight during our last contract renegotiation because a lot of faculty wanted to be able to hold their office hours from home via Zoom rather than do them on campus. In Spring 22 I saw multiple e-mails from people saying that committee meetings should be moved online due to the Russian attack on Ukraine making gas prices prohibitively expensive. There are still some faculty who cite the WuFlu as a reason why their classes need to be online.

TL;DR - many professors are the laziest people you'll ever meet and they're just using the DIE stuff as cover to get out of having to do anything beyond the absolute bare minimum to keep their job.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

EDIT: They lost to Sweden in PKs. Rapinoe missed the decider.

Couldn't happen to a nuttier activist.

ailurus 7 points ago +9 / -2

Remember you aren’t worth of your gods love no matter what you do!

Assuming you meant "worthy" instead of "worth", you are correct. Doesn't stop God from loving us anyway though.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Joan Rivers said something to the effect of "of course Michelle Obama is actually a dude, it's obvious" on camera. A short time later, she died due to complications during a minor surgery. To quote Wikipedia on it:

After nearly two months of investigations, federal officials said on November 10 that the clinic made a number of mistakes both before and during the procedure. Among those were the clinic's failure to respond to Rivers' deteriorating vital signs, including a severe drop in her blood pressure, possibly administering an incorrect anesthetic dosage, performing a surgical procedure without her consent, and other medical-clinic irregularities.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm kinda looking for a cat simulator...that's what drew me into this, the idea of playing an adorable cat on an adventure

Well, they're not necessarily house cats, but if that's the idea of what you're looking for I'd recommend checking out

Shelter - you play as a badger trying to protect her cubs on a journey


Shelter 2 - as above, but with a Lynx this time.

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didn't care at all about the World Cup last year, so why would I care about the World Cup this year?

ailurus 21 points ago +21 / -0

Dats why we kangz be makin da WHEEL.

Except that would be an upgrade over historical performance

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

I knew it existed, but thought it came out a couple years ago. Guess that was just the early access, but a 3 year early access timeframe is concerning.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, at least we have an appropriate response to this, thanks to the inestimable Captain Zapp Brannigan.

There it is, Miss Universe. There it is, looking weird

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

In addition to the mentioned ones, I would throw Divinity: Original Sin (definitely 1, and if the laptop supports it 2) onto the list.

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yep, this. Civil Rights Act said screw your freedom of association, you need to treat everyone the same. Until that goes in the bin, which I don't see happening anytime soon.

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