YouAreAPirate 43 points ago +43 / -0

Partially rhetorical, but isn't this what mainstream thought thinks cults do? Cut a recruit off from family, leaving them wholly dependent upon the cult's support and social systems?

Once again, iron law of woke projection.

YouAreAPirate 5 points ago +5 / -0

They'll double, if not triple-down. From the smattering of leftist crash outs I'm seeing, the mask hasn't slipped out of shock like 2016. They've ripped the mask off and thrown it to the ground and are now rocketing fully into their passive-aggrssive, holier-than-thou elitist peronalities. Keep finding ways to undermine leftist power, no matter how small in scope or scale.

YouAreAPirate 19 points ago +19 / -0

"Our enemy is so principled he put his constituents over his own family" isn't the own the left thinks it is.

YouAreAPirate 13 points ago +13 / -0

Wow, imagine doing something so egregious a black American leftist woman thinks you've gone too far. Regardless, it's a relief there's some minor moments of sanity within the left.

YouAreAPirate 12 points ago +12 / -0

A world where American blacks aren't told no.

YouAreAPirate 3 points ago +3 / -0

A minor amount of stretching and leftism covers every part of that list.

YouAreAPirate 45 points ago +47 / -2

People have always advocated for censorship. Always have and always will. The major thing now, is the censorious cretins aren't the Evangelical Right, an old, out-of-touch boomer movement completely external to the affected industry. Now they're the puritan left, a movement of young and old leftists coming from both in and outside the industry to consolidate and expand leftist power.

They never hated censorship due to some moral framework, they hated it because they weren't benefitting.

YouAreAPirate 13 points ago +13 / -0

"We'll stop the abuse and treat you like human beings again if you vote this way, promise" fingers firmly crossed behind back

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

This leftist is going through that ever so brief time back in late 2016 where liberals had a moment of clarity and introspection about where they went wrong and what they could do to try and reach the voting blocs they lost. The harpies are the slavemasters immediately hitting them with the "it was Russia" whip to stop the deradicalization.

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is kamala really polling that badly democrats are making campaign promises for black people? Aren't there like multiple things going their way that they never have to worry about it?

YouAreAPirate 6 points ago +6 / -0

The part where islam is less a religion and more a political ideology of conquest, mainly. If muslims kept to themselves in the middle east, I couldn't give a damn what they do to themselves or israel, shame you come to our countries and bring your baggage with you.

YouAreAPirate 7 points ago +13 / -6

And because Right wingers wouldn't stop talking about it, leftists now have a new target they're turning their baleful eye towards.

YouAreAPirate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cultural appropriation only applies to White people. Non-whites can do whatever the fuck they want with whatever cultures they want.

YouAreAPirate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Japanese, much like many east Asian populaces, favour social cohesion, so will apologize to maintain that. Westerners apologize to alleviate some of the inevitable social pressure that comes as a reaction to being branded racist.

YouAreAPirate 35 points ago +35 / -0

It's spite, like dating a black guy to make your "racist" Dad mad. They've identified, correctly or no, Right-wingers like women with feminine features. So now they're minimizing, if not eliminating femininity, hoping it upsets Right-wingers.

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

I note that "Don't vote for the party the media decided represents your beliefs" seems to be a line only used by the Right. You'd think it'd be more prevalent, much less exist in any capacity in leftist circles, but alas. One has to wonder what would happen to the leftist influencer that says "don't vote Kamala".

YouAreAPirate 7 points ago +8 / -1

American imperialism is so fucking sinister. They've managed to socialize colonialism to every part of their society, from the smallest individual to the largest institution.

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