YouAreAPirate 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's some bipartisan unity I can get behind! He's got my vo- oh...

YouAreAPirate 19 points ago +19 / -0

I'd prefer my child not die at all tbh you freaks. And besides, I'll make you a deal, Republicans stop politicizing deaths caused by migrants when gun-grabbers stop politicizing deaths caused by guns.

YouAreAPirate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Voiced one of the greatest heroes in fiction and voiced the greatest villain too, RIP to a voice acting legend.

YouAreAPirate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seeing what past, present and future servicemen say on social media with their full name and rank on display should give that away easy enough. I have little doubt if given the order to fire on their own citizens, they'll ask "who did they vote for?", with "why?" coming a moderate 2nd, if any questions are asked in the first place.

YouAreAPirate 12 points ago +12 / -0

Male feminism was, is and always will be camouflage for rapists to get easy marks. Man-haters (feminists) could squash them and end it overnight, but that would mean admitting the "enemy" was correct, so they'll take the hits and grin and bear it.

YouAreAPirate 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wonder how long it'll be until Penn walks back his video on the 2A, unless he's already done it.

YouAreAPirate 26 points ago +26 / -0

Even the characters can't stand the game, look at that face.

YouAreAPirate 6 points ago +6 / -0

You aren't alone. The overemphasis on graphics and story is part of the overarching attempt to perfect a specific game development formula.

I've hypothesised that the desire for "moar grafikz!1!" came from Crysis. Everything since has been greater budgets for diminishing returns. Plus pure graphical fidelity is easy to market to people.

"Story" is a bit more complex. It's not that gameplay is being sacrificed for story, it's that gameplay is being sacrificed for one particular type of storytelling. This is due to the greater mainstream acceptance of games. Because of this, failed TV and movie writers see gaming as an easy mark and can be paid large sums of cash to write C- or D-level scripts. The other side of this coin is many in the gaming sphere don't like that TVs and movies still treat them with disdain. In response, they try and make a TV show/ movie in a game so they'll pretty please be allowed at the adult's table.

YouAreAPirate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do Spaniards think the Reconquista was just the Spanish flipping a switch one day and going full pelt colonialism?

YouAreAPirate 21 points ago +21 / -0

And this is why controlling education is so important. Yeah your people might not be smart enough to go out and do these things, but it's moot if the people that are, can be forced to subject themselves to your ideology.

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, if that card game taught me anything, "It's Valve!" does not mean instant smash-hit and isn't a selling point anymore. Everything I've heard is that it's "good", but no-one has been blown away by it as yet.

YouAreAPirate 4 points ago +4 / -0

You could hate journalists like Am hated humans, it wouldn't be even a fraction of the hate they deserve.

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ya know, for how much "wasn't real Communism" the left likes using about the USSR, they seem awfully mad Japan surrendered to America and not the Soviets.

YouAreAPirate 9 points ago +9 / -0

Everything is political (until it's not). I'd say force these savages to reconcile their conflicting beliefs, but they'd word game their way out of it like the slimy freaks they are.

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is one of the core reasons the left trounces the Right in the culture. When the Right encounters a medium it dislikes, it says "stop making this". When the left encounters a medium it dislikes, it says "make this our way".

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you very much for that. I'll have to check them out, especially Nihonkoku Shoukan as I was a big fan of the general concept of GATE. As cool as it was seeing a modern army lay waste to a stereotypical fantasy world, I was a tad disappointed that the Magic vs Technology conflict wasn't closer. Furthermore, the lack of exploration of the interregional politics between Japan, The Special Region and Earth I felt didn't detract from the story, but it was good story left on the table.

YouAreAPirate 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd like to take you up on that. I'm terrible at picking up Manhwa as all the ones I try are reincarnation power fantasies. You wouldn't happen to know any focused around urban fantasy or military where the main character isn't some OP badass who comes back from the dead?

YouAreAPirate 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sickening how quickly leftists will oscillate between "fiction has no influence on the real world" when they need to reduce enemy cultural power and "fiction has influence on the real world" when they need to increase friendly cultural power and they can just word game their way out of anyone calling them to account.

YouAreAPirate 30 points ago +30 / -0

The most bitter pill for anti-theists of any stripe to swallow is you can't remove the religious foundation of a country without another religion taking its place. In the west, Christianity has been removed and leftism has taken its place as the new religion.

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